THP Book Introduction

 By Dennis Lantz

I had a dream, a few years back, when my physical health was in sudden decline, that I was standing in a long line of people waiting to see a healer. A stone castle stood in the distance, maybe two hundred yards away. Hundreds, maybe thousands of other people were ahead of me. All sought healing. Slowly, the mass of people disappeared inside the castle walls, mere specks from my perspective. I expected a long wait. The only person I recognized was my sister. We had made the journey together. She was the believer. I was more skeptical. All around us, fellow seekers discussed the healer. She was amazing, according to their pronouncements. She was real. She could cure all types of problems. I did not voice my skepticism out loud because it was not my place to discourage anyone from seeking health. But doubt lingered. Their faith, and even some of their stated beliefs seemed strange or even misguided. However, none struck me as potentially harmful. So, I remained silent.

 As is often the case in dreams, time leaped forward. Suddenly my sister and I were inside the castle, crowded with others on winding stairs of a cool, gray tower. People mingled on wide landings and in multiple side rooms. We waited. The crowd thinned and an unknown woman approached my sister and me. She spoke to me. She asked how I was doing. I knew immediately, without any explanation from others, that she was the healer. Her physical appearance was unremarkable. Her voice was soft, but not unusual. Before I could answer, she touched my arm… and a bolt of energy surged through my shoulder and along my spine. My entire body shuddered. The sudden shock was so intense that I immediately woke from the dream.

 My first thought, as I lay there wide-eyed, was that the interaction had been real. A spiritual encounter. A vision. A miracle. I was healed. My arms still tingled from her touch. I was numb all over. I desperately wanted to believe. Much later, I fell back asleep.

 Not long after I climbed out of bed, some of the more noticeable symptoms of my ill health returned. My faith in the dream wavered. Doubt is a compounding force. Did my doubt cause the illness to return? Was my faith too weak? Was this the sole lesson I was to learn from my dream? That belief is paramount to healing? That doubt unravels the healing process? Or was it that dreams are not real? None of those considerations seemed right to me. While belief can play an important role in healing, it isn’t the only factor. Surely, doubt can be healthy if it makes us reconsider our situation. And dreams, while not “real,” can teach us valuable lessons and give insight to reality.

 After much pondering, this dream made me realize that, as much as it would make life easier, no one is likely to touch me on the arm or head and cause me to suddenly be healed. I’m not saying that it won’t happen. I’m definitely not saying that it can’t happen. Such healing is a tenet of the most widespread religion in history. If you experience such a healing, you are blessed.

 The dream made me realize that we must seek out healing and health because it is continually changing. We may heal, physically, psychologically, emotionally, or even spiritually… but it’s the way of the universe that we will falter again and again. Our bodies aren’t going to live forever, even if our soul is eternal. 

 Later, I found a deeper understanding from the dream. People are willing to travel to a place of healing. Not necessarily to see a healer… but to obtain healing. A vision has developed in my mind, my purpose has clarified, of a health center with gardens and classes to strengthen personal connections and create joy and happiness. I call this vision The Healing Project. In this book, I will share the features and foundations of this endeavor and we will explore the many aspects of healing. 

 Healing is a process more often than it is an immediate change. It is possible to fight against the power of fear, stress, and disease. We are on this journey together and it is imperative that we share our learned skills and knowledge so that others can deal with, even overcome, similar problems.

 This is not a book about how to attract abundance or wealth. But I hope it shows you that thriving is possible. Improvement, comfort, satisfaction, and peace are achievable.  Accepting and overcoming skepticism, fear, and self-doubt are worthy goals… and optimism and hope are essential to a happy life.

 We each have our own path to follow when it comes to healing. If others can help you, allow them to do so. If you can assist them, both will be blessed.

 Many people view themselves as broken. I disagree. Sometimes the damage we endure is extensive, but, as the old adage goes, you cannot build a mosaic without broken pieces. We are being shaped. The trials of life wear away the parts that we do not need. Much like a sculptor removes the stone that is not part of the finished piece, so too are we being whittled down to our beautiful essence. Too often, we think that our positive traits and tendencies are also being eliminated. This is not so. Our virtues may get covered with a build-up of life’s debris or blocked by self-imposed walls of fear and pain residue, but they remain. Healing is not only the sculptor’s chisel… it is also the clean-up brush. Whether you believe the artist is God, a collection of souls or the inner workings of your own mind, healing is the essence of life. Healing is love. You are worthy of healing. You are loved.

 While it is easy to think of ourselves as damaged, it is harder, but more important, to believe we are worthy of healing. We experience much pain and suffering. We have harm done to us… and sometimes we pass that maltreatment to others. But we don’t have to. We can choose to pass on healing instead of misery. We can share love, kindness and all the wonderful things of life just as easily as we have experienced the dark.

 In my dream there were many sick and injured people. They did not have the same problems I had… but all sought healing. And that is the fundamental reality of human existence. Everyone needs to heal from something. Past traumas, injuries, loss of faith, the wear and tear of everyday life. That is why I encourage you to participate in, and support, The Healing Project.

 You will discover many descriptions of The Healing Project in this book. For now, imagine it to be a guide for your personal transformation. A nudge to facilitate your own healing, and a plea to help others on their journey. The Healing Project is the foundation for a life of fulfillment, as well as a method to strengthen connections with our families, friends, neighbors, communities, and fellow human travelers. It is a concept to improve lives, a soul-cleansing journey to get from whatever state of discontent, uneasiness, or less-than-adequate health to a better place. Everyone is invited. It can be as private or public as you wish. 

 Together we can discover ideas that will transform our lives. We already have everything we need to take the next step on this journey.

 I do not consider myself a healer. How can someone with so many physical disabilities and psychological insecurities be called a healer? I mean, obviously, I haven’t been good at healing myself. Why would anyone listen to me for advice? I would describe myself more as a teacher and as such, I would like to share lessons that I have obtained. From tasks tried or untried. Sometimes I fail. But I don’t let that define me. I try to learn from these moments. And occasionally, I succeed. I don’t let that define me either. But I celebrate it.

 So, I will freely admit that I am not an expert on healing or health, and I understand if you think that this disqualifies me from writing a book on the subject. But I have lived over a half century, much of that in fear, discontent, pain, or frustration, and such experience entitles me to share my ruminations. Only you can decide whether or not the contents are worthy of your time. I want them to be, and short of a promise, I believe they will be. The Healing Project is a worthy subject despite the failings of the author.

 This book is not an autobiography, but parts of it will read that way. Many times, my conclusions come from personal experiences, and I will share those stories. I am not a psychologist or therapist, so cannot present case studies of those I have treated. Such people don’t exist, although I hope I have helped a few people in my many years. Instead, I will present my personal projects, share thoughts and ideas for healing troubled souls, propose ways for you to enrich your own life and, just as importantly, bring blessings to others you encounter. Physical ailments will be discussed, but this isn’t a medical book. Spiritual needs will be reviewed, but this isn’t a religious tome. It’s just a book of goodness. There will be stories and observations. Perhaps some inspiration. Take from it as much as you can. As much as you wish.

 Before we can fully utilize The Healing Project as a growing community resource, we must take the time to get to know each other better.

 Welcome to The Healing Project. I hope you enjoy! 


To receive chapters from The Healing Project book before they are posted on My Handprint blog, or to get notices about my other writing projects, go to my website and sign up for my newsletter.

Dennis Lantz is the author of Zander’s Tale. The Spiders of Eden, and the Pine Street Trilogy (Pine Street and the Mighty Mutation Circus, Pine Street and the Dino-Beast Clones, and Pine Street and the Mirrors of Freedom.) His nonfiction Summer in Gentlewoods uses journal entries to tell the real-life adventure of living in a primitive shelter in the woods of his family farm.

 Dennis and his wife, Christy, live in Warren Center, Pennsylvania. They share their home with Austin, a Texas rescue who is a cross between a Jack Russell and an angel.

 For more information visit or follow Dennis Lantz Books on Facebook.


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