Vivian Mae Humphrey West

By Dennis Lantz

Two years ago, while cleaning out the attic of the house I grew up in (on Ghent Hill, Sheshequin Township), I came across an old, cloth-bound, day journal that belonged to my grandmother… Vivian Mae Humphrey West.

I did not know much about her life. She died quite young, only 24 years old, in 1941, almost twenty-nine years before I was born. I did not know this journal existed. My mother, Marlene Joanne West Lantz was only nineteen months old when her mother died. She never told me that she had the diary.  

The brown and tan cover is stained, the ribbony latch is broken. When you open it, you see discordant writing on aged paper. Some ink, and some faded pencil. It is a five-year daily diary where the author is given just a few short lines for each day… and when they get to the end (December 31st) they then go back to the beginning to start the next year. Entries are, by necessity, brief. My grandmother wrote in cursive, but her handwriting was neat enough to read. The difficulty came with her choice of writing implement. The pen ink is mostly legible, but the light pencil made the reading more difficult.

It was impossible to just type the contents of the journal straight onto my laptop. At first, Matt and Janel Howe helped me. Janel and I read the entries and Matt typed. But this was a long process, and we weren’t able to get more than a quarter of it finished, I found it was possible to do the task alone if I did it in two steps. I held a magnifying glass in one hand, and a pen in the other. I wrote what I read, so that later I could type it without returning to the original. However, many times, I had to do that anyway. My own handwriting is much less legible than my grandmother’s penmanship was.

I quickly learned that good lighting was necessary. Often, the words could only be discerned if the page was held just right in the light. There were a few entries written in such light script that I didn’t even know they existed until I found the right lighting.

When I found the diary, I excitedly mentioned it to various family members. I posted it on Facebook and even wrote a blog about it. More than one relative cautioned me to use restraint when sharing this information. Diaries, they said, are personal and can contain intimate and emotional details that are best left unrevealed. While I understand the concern, even if I disagree with the premise, I can assure you that no scandalous, slanderous, or even personally disturbing information is included in the diary of Vivian Mae Humphrey West.

Old journals fascinate me. There is magic at play when someone tells the stories of their life years after they have left the mortal world. In my mind, my grandmother’s diary is like a screenplay that tells the tale of the last four-and-a-half years of her life. A sickly and tragic tale, to be sure, yet also mundane and indicative of a well-grounded reality. 

Most interesting, to me, is that she would write about something tragic or shocking in one sentence... and then follow it with a detail of her day that was only mildly interesting.  

I knew some of the characters in their later years. Others, like my grandfathers, were gone before I was born.

Every story has incidental characters. We meet them every day. The neighbor who waves from a passing car, the husband of a co-worker, the high school classmate you haven’t seen in twenty years. It’s wrong to say they are non-essential. They play their role. They fill out the tale. In journals such as my grandmother’s, there are many named people who are met in passing. Because some of these characters were not contemporaneous to me, I may have spelled their names incorrectly. The diary was not always easy to decipher.

Another thing about journals is that they are generally unedited. Sometimes words or even phrases are scribbled out, not because they are salacious, but because they were written in the wrong place or an event that was expected didn’t happen.

Spelling choices are more interesting to me. Vivian had a tendency to spell night, tonight or midnight… as nite, tonite, and midnite. Oddly, for the first couple years of the journal, she spelled them properly. Then her spelling changed. She consistently ‘moped’ instead of ‘mopped’. And to save space she often used contractions… bro’t (brought) and s’pose (suppose)… or abbreviations. On Sundays, S.S. means Sunday School, while on other days of the week it might mean Standing Stone (where her in-laws lived.)

Often, names have different spellings. Woodie and Woody. Elwin and Elwyn. There are at multiple Marjories. One is Marj while the other is Marg or Marge. Usually, but not always. Marj, is her sister-in-law, Marjorie West (except for the first year, she was Marge). After that, Marg or Marge became a friend with a husband, Edgar and son, Edgar Jr. (Osbourne, I believe.)

She used a few words that I had never heard before. ‘Forenoon’ is my favorite.

So, if you read the diary like a ‘screenplay,’ I will start you off with an abbreviated list of the major characters. Vivian West did not name all of them in her diary.


Vivian Mae Humphrey West: my grandmother. The writer of the journal. She was the oldest child of Avery Lee Humphrey and Ruth B. Sackett Humphrey. They are simply called Dad and Ma (or Mama) in her story.

Dad (Avery H.) – In August 1939, he became Rev. Avery Humphrey. June 15, 1891 – October 29, 1966. Jack of all trades, farmer, seasonal worker, preacher.

Ma (Ruth) – A hardworking woman born and raised in a house less than a mile (as a bird flies) from where I was born and raised. The old Sackett house, once abandoned, was converted into a chicken house by my grandfather (on my father’s side, Ellsworth Lantz, Sr). I knew great-grandma Ruth in her later years. She had a little ankle-biting dog. She lived into her 90s. August 9, 1893 – January 10, 1986  

Reva – Vivian’s sister. Reva June Humphrey Estes. Very close to my mother, whom she helped raise. Played a huge role in Vivian’s story. She was a teenager in the story but worked hard to care for her sister, nephew, niece, and family. May 27, 1923 – October 24, 2012

Norrine – Vivian’s youngest sister. Norrine Humphrey Pipher Long. December 14, 1929 – August 10, 2000

Carl – Vivian’s brother. Carl Avery Humphrey. October 10, 1919 – October 4, 2003

Elvin – Vivian’s husband. My grandfather. Rev. Elvin D. West June 4, 1916 – July 7, 1967. He became a full-time preacher/evangelist after this story was written. After Vivian passed, Elvin married Edna May Billings in March 1942. Edna was Vivian’s cousin and is mentioned a few times in the diary. In addition to raising Kenneth Eugene and Marlene Joanne, Elvin & Edna had children, David, and Carol Sue.

Kenny (Ken) – firstborn child of Elvin and Vivian. Spent a lot of his early years with his grandparents. Kenneth Eugene March 13, 1937 – June 9, 2017

Marlene (Marly Jo) – second child of Elvin and Vivian. My mother. November 5, 1939 – September 19, 2015

There are other major characters in the story of Vivian H. West. Maybe someday I will investigate and write about them all. Elvin’s parents (Benjamin Oscar and Vonethia Diehl West), his brothers & sister (Don, Elwood, Ralph and Marjorie), her aunts Vira & Mae. Her Uncle Will (whose house I grew up in.) I do not know the Chaffees, or Lydia, Ellie, Regina Sabitis, the Bennetts… or many other people who surrounded her. In this screenplay, they do not all have starring roles… but they did in the lives of their families and friends.        

Vivian West is buried in the North Ghent Cemetery.

I wish I had had a chance to talk to my mother about the diary. Or anyone who knew my grandmother. Now they are all gone. All that remains are these journal entries and a few pictures.

-Dennis Lantz, 2024

Here is the entirety of her journal. There is information that is personal to her and her immediate family. But they are all gone, and I don't think she would mind others reading the entire story. 

I also think of this journal as a snapshot into life during this time period. The country was coming out of the Great Depression and entering the second World War. References to the war and to bigger events are like nuggets to be plucked from the gravel.

Occasional spelling errors may be mine. A few undecipherable entries remain.


Vivian Mae Humphrey West

(March 19, 1917 – July 12, 1941) 

Journal from 1937- 1941: 


January 5th, Tues.

Elvin and Floyd sawed wood. We bought a bushel of apples. Don is working at Mike's. Elwood is still here.

January 6th, Wed.

Nice day, chilly out. We haven't washed yet this week and I don't think we will today. I do my washing with Edna R.

January 20th, Wed.

We have had warm weather for the last two wks, but it has turned cold today. Snowed all day and is blowing hard tonight. I like my new glasses. I have been sewing lately.

February 5th

Joe Cole's baby born today, named Rosemary

March 1st, Mon.

About 4 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun's shining, we went over home last night. The folks are about all sick with the grippe.

March 3rd, Wed.

Nice day. Spring in the air today. Haven't done much of anything. Joe and Carolyn are married.

March 4th, Thurs.

Nice day. Snow's melting. Don't feel too good. I must have caught cold. Rain towards night. Our chickens are laying pretty good now.

March 5th, Fri.

Cloudy but warm. Snowed a little. Made bread.

March 13th

Kenneth Eugene West was born this morning at 5 o’clock. [Notice in paper: Mr. and Mrs. Elvin D West of Ulster, PA are the proud parents of a seven-pound boy. Born at the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, PA. March 13th. Mr. West is a graduate of Sunbury High School in the class of 1935 and has a lot of friends in Sunbury and vicinity. The new arrival has been Christened Kenneth Eugene West. Both Mother and child are doing nicely. And a host of friends in the vicinity gave best wishes.]

March 19th

My Birthday, 20 today. Feeling rather old. This is my sixth day in the hospital. Kenny is one week old tomorrow. Don and Elvin were here.

March 20th

Feeling fine today. Kenny weighs 7 pounds 2 ounces. Elvin and Marg and Marg and Marie and Carl came up at night.

March 21st, Sun

Cloudy. Cecils and Wests came up at 2. No visiting hours at night, and it will be a long evening.

March 22nd, Mon

Beautiful sunshiny day. I've been up most all forenoon. I'm awfully weak. Elvin, Flossie, Margery, and Carl came up.

March 24th, Wed.

Cloudy. Feeling rather tired. Baby slept most all day. Elvin and Woody walked over tonight.

March 27th, Sat.

Cold. Dad went to town with Uncle Leon. Bro and sister Bennett were up yesterday for dinner. Baby is two weeks.

March 28th, Sun.

Easter. Cold. Feeling better today. Had fish for dinner. Don and Marge H came up in the afternoon. Tired out tonight.

March 29th. Mon

Warmer today. The baby sleeps about all day long and is very good. Dad has an awful cold.

March 30th, Tues.

Washed some. Cold out. Baby growing fine.

March 31st, Wed.

Nice day. Snowed. Baby had indigestion and cried most all day.

April 1st, Thurs.

Warm sunshiny day. Snow's about all gone. Baby feels better.

April 2nd, Fri.

Mama and Dad went uptown and Ma got her eyes fitted. Uncle Wayne died this morning. Quite warm today.

April 3rd, Sat.

Cloudy today. I have a hard cold in my head. Baby is 3 weeks old and is feeling fine. Dad is fixing the sink.

April 4th, Sun.

Quite warm today. I have a hard cold in my head and throat. The baby has a hard cold. Carl is down at Athens, Marge stayed up.

April 5th, Mon.

Sick with a cold. Mama, Dad, and Elvin went to Uncle Wayne's funeral. There was quite a crowd.

April 6th, Tuesday

Sick abed with a cold.

April 7th, Wed.

Nice day. My cold is a little better. Elvin has quit at Floyd's. Mama and Dad went to Edith Arnold’s Funeral.

April 8th, Thurs.

Cloudy and warm out. Dad went to Wysox. Elvin and Carl are drawing posts with horses. I got up today and don't feel too bad.

April 9th, Fri.

Hard snow storm, but some melted. Cold tonight. Ma's been boiling all day. I feel quite light headed.

April 10th, Sat.

Snowed. Elvin and Uncle Leon went to Athens and Sayre. Elwood and Don came up at night, Elwood stayed up. I still had a hard cold. Baby's 4 wks old.

April 11th, Sun.

Snowed some of the time. Wests came up in the afternoon. Mama and Dad went to Myersburg to church.

April 12th, Mon.

Nice day. Elvin and Woody packed our things today. Edna and Aunt Vira and kids came up. My cold's a little better. The baby is well.

April 13th, Tues.

Nice day. Leon is moving our goods from Floyd's. The baby is 1 month old today.

April 14th, Wed.

Warm day. Thundershowers in afternoon. Elvin went up to Cecils and it seems lonesome when he is away only a few hours. Baby is quite good. My cold is better.

April 15th, Thurs.

Nice day. Thundershowers in afternoon. Dad and Reva took Elvin up to Cecils to work. It'll be lonesome without him for a couple of days. Baby weighs 9 1/2 lbs.

April 16th, Fri.

Colder out. Mama and Dad went down to Bennetts. Baby's quite cross. My cold is a little better. It seems kind of dull without my "dear husbie"

April 17th, Sat.

Nice day. Mama washed. Baby was quite cross today. I guess my husbie isn't going to get home unless he comes with the Rays (?)

April 18th, Sun.

Nice day. Rained all afternoon. Elvin came home last night and went back tonight. I dreaded to have him go back. It seems so lonesome I hate having him up at Cecils.

April 19th, Mon.

Nice warm day. Aunt Libby and Aunt Lucy stopped and saw the baby. He's growing fine. The Men were surveying for the electric line past here today.

April 20th, Tues.

Nice day. Baby was cross all day. Went outdoors and walked around and that’s about all I did. LaVern was over in the afternoon. Carl plowed all forenoon.

April 21st, Wed.

Cold and rainy. Baby cried most all day. The chimney burned out and almost set the house on fire. My husbie must have changed his mind about coming home.

April 22nd, Thurs.

Stopped raining but still cloudy. Dad went down to Farrell's and helped do chores. Baby feels better today. I expect Elvin will be home tonight. I hope so.

April 23rd, Fri.

Cleared off today and warmer. Mama and Dad took Elvin up to Cecil's this morning. Aunt Flossie is having operations on her head and is quite bad. Baby was good today.

April 24th, Sat.

Nice day. Baby was quite well today and is 6 wks old. Cecils came up and brought Elvin. Elvin and Carl and me went to town at night.

April 25th, Sun.

Went to Church to Bumpville and my dear husbie and me sang a song to a meager audience. Brother and Sister Bennet were here. Don and Woodie stopped at night and supp'd.

April 26th, Mon.

Cold and windy. Elvin went down to Guy's and worked today. Mama and I washed out a few clothes. Baby is getting real cute. Dad bought himself a new suit.

April 27th, Tues,

Windy and quite chilly. Dad is fixing his car. Elvin went down to Guy's to work about noon. The baby is good. Reva and Norrine had the afternoon off from school.

April 28th, Wed.

Showers. Mama and I washed all day. Elvin is working at Guy's. Baby was 11 lbs. He gained a pound last week. Dad is painting the dodge.

April 29th, Thurs.

Nice sunshiny day. Mama and I and Babe went down to Aunt Vira's. We walked down and most of the way back. Baby was very good.

April 30th, Fri.

Nice Sunshiny day. Mama and I and Babe went off to Aunt Libbie's. Mama, Norrine, Dad and Reva went down to Bennett's for meeting at night.

May 1st, Sat.

Ironed and washed a little. My heart played in the afternoon and I went to the doctor's at night. We have a new preacher Bro Thomas. I got a new pair of shoes.

May 2nd, Sun.

Very warm today. I feel a little better. We all went up to here to church, then up to Milltown in the afternoon and heard the Dubendorfs play. Mama, Dad, and kids went to Hornbrook.

May 3rd, Mon.

Warm day, rested all day. Elvin, babe, and I went down to Wests today. Dad went to super. meeting and to Towanda all day.

May 4th, Tues.

Warm today. Haven't done anything but wash my head and sit around. I'm feeling some better today. Carl and LaVerne went fishing.

May 5th, Wed.

Nice day. Mama worked all day, the preacher and his wife and little boy were here for supper. We all went to prayer meeting.

May 6th, Thurs.

Nice day. Didn't do much. Kenny weighs 11 1/2 lbs.

May 7th, Fri.

Very warm. We went up town and visited all our relations. The folks all went to Myersburg but Elvin and I.

May 8th, Sat.

Cooler and cloudy. Mama washed, I can't do any work. I guess I'll never get recruited. Cecils came down fishing.

May 9th, Sun.

Rained all afternoon. We went to Sunday School in Myersburg in the afternoon and night to hear the Billy Sunday club. We ate supper at West's.

May 10th, Mon.

Cold. Slept most all day. The baby is growing fine.

May 11th, Tues.

Warmer. I went to Ulster with Dad in the afternoon. Mama and Reva are cleaning house.

May 12th, Wed.

Nice day. Washed and ironed some. Dad is working on the road. May, Ervin, and kids came down a few minutes at night. Mama and dad went to Black.

May 13th, Thurs.

Rainy and cloudy. Dorothy B came up in the afternoon. Baby is two months and weighs 11 1/2 lbs.

May 14th, Fri.

Rained all day. The roads are terrible. We went up to the hospital and to May's for dinner. Dad worked to Guy's in Elvin's place.

May 15th, Sat.

Colder. Baby has a cold in his throat. Reva has a hard cold. We're all dumped up, to tell the truth about it. Mama and Dad went to Waverly.

May 16th, Sun.

Warmer, nice day. The folks went to church but I have a cold and couldn't go. Don and Elwood came up this afternoon. Ma and Dad went up to Hornbrook at night.

May 17th, Mon,

Showers. I have a hard cold in my head and throat.

May 18th, Tues.

The preacher and his wife called in the afternoon. Meetings started at Myersburg the Kutch sisters are there. Ma, Dad and Kids went.

May 21st, Fri

Nice sunshiny day. Kenny 12 lbs. Reva is washing. I feel pretty well this morning. Elvin, Carl, Reva, and Norrine went to Myersburg.

May 22nd, Sat.

Hot today. Kutch sisters and brothers and sister Bennett were up this afternoon. Thundershowers.

May 23rd, Sun.

Warm today. Grandma and Virgil came down for dinner and stayed all afternoon. Showers most all day. Ma and Elvin and Kids went to Myersburg at night.

May 24th, Mon.

Nice day. Dad worked on the roads and Carl planted corn for Job in the afternoon. Feeling a little better today.

May 25th, Tues.

May 26th, Wed.

Preacher and his wife were here in the afternoon. Elvin and Carl went to Athens at night. I feel better today.

May 27th, Thurs.

Warm, showers in the afternoon. I've been up about all day. Kenny weighs 12 3/4 lbs now. Dad's been working on the road.

May 30th, Sun.

Decoration, nice day. We went to church this morning, sister Dyer preached and the Kutch sisters sang. Kenny and I went over to Aunt Libbie's

May 31st, Mon.

We went to Myersburg in the afternoon and heard the Kutch sisters. Terribly hot today. Elvin has gotten him another Pontiac.

June 2nd

Hot out doors. We went up to Cecils and Athens today. I don't feel as strong yet. Baby is fat as a pig.

June 3rd, Thurs,

Hard showers in the morning, Kenny weighs 13 lbs. Mama and Reva are washing some.

June 4th, Fri.

Worse today. Edna came up tonight. A missionary talked up at the church.

June 5th, Sat.

Warm today. Margery and Marie came down. Elvin went up after his car at night and took them back.

June 6th, Sun.

The Lord touched me last night and I feel better this morning. Gladys and Barnie came over in the afternoon. We went to Myersburg.

June 7th, Mon.

Feeling good.

June 11th, Fri.

Warm. Brother and sister Zook from Taber. also Mrs. Smith came for dinner. They're planning on staying in Sayre about a month.

June 12th, Sat.

We went to Towanda at night. Awfully warm.

June 13th, Sun.

Warm. We all went to church in the morning and Elvin and I and the kids all went to young people’s meeting at Myersburg.

June 14th, Mon.

Hard showers last night and most all day.

June 15th, Tues.

Nice day. Mama and Dad went to Athens. Dad's birthday. We went to Mary Farrell's birthday party at night. Marge stayed up.

June 16th, Wed.

Sunshiny day.

June 20th, Sun.

Warm. Elvin and I and Babe went down Wests for dinner. And went to the tabernacle in the afternoon and Ghent at night.

June 22nd, Tues.

Cool today. Ma and Dad went to Towanda and Athens and stayed up to meeting. We went over to Floyd's at night.

June 23rd, Wed.

Warmer. Kenny Weigh 15 lbs. The kids are practicing for children's day.

June 30th, Wed.

We went to Crawley's picnic at Enjoie park in Endicott. Got home about 9. About 6 thousand people were present.

July 2nd, Fri.

Cool today. Went up to Goodells Tabernacle at night to hear the missionaries from Kentucky.

July 3rd, Sat.

Cloudy. Dad went to Towanda with Charlie Cole this morning. Young people’s meeting at Myersburg tonight.

July 4th, Sun.

Went to Myserburg in the afternoon to young people’s meeting.

July 7th, Wed.

Gilbert Smith and his wife have a 8 lb girl. June Annett born July 4th

July 8th, Thurs.

July 9th, Fri.

The Sunday School had a picnic supper at the hall. It is Gladys Colegrove's Birthday.

July 10th, Sat.

Mama and Dad went to Camp meeting with Brother and Sister Thomas. We went to class party at the hall at night. Mary came up with her folks.

July 11th, Sun.

We went to church and Sunday school and up to Milltown in afternoon and night. We went to May's for supper.

July 12th, Mon.

Don has gone back to Mike's. Woodie came over at night. Dad and Ralph came up after Marge.

July 13th, Tues.

Hot. We went to Goodell's Tabernacle at night and saw missionary pictures. Kenny is 4 months today.

July 14th, Wed.

Rainy. Sterling and his wife have an 8 1/2 lb girl. We all went to prayer meeting at night.

July 15th, Thurs.

Rainy and cloudy. Kenny has 2 teeth, weighs 16 lbs, and is 4 months old. Daisy and Mary Lou came up after turnip plants.

July 20th, Tues.

Woody's birthday.

July 28th, Wed.

Cecil's came down for a few minutes. He is on his vacation.

July 29th, Thurs.

Cecil's came down for dinner and Uncle Cecil helped Dad shingle the barn. Carl fell through Guy's scaffold and hurt him.

July 30th, Fri

Elvin has pink eye. Uncle Cecil came down and helped dad shingle the barn. Hard shower in the afternoon.

July 31st, Sat

Dad took his Dodge to Waverly and traded it in for a Willys sedan. We went to Towanda at night.

August 1st, Sun

Elvin and kids went to Sunday School. We all went to Myersburg to young people’s meeting. Glenda Wolfe gave a talk.

August 2nd, Mon

Reva and Mama went Blackberrying. Going to be quite a few berries.

August 3rd, Tues.

Quite warm. Carl has starting Haying. Mama and Norrine went Berrying. Kenny Weighs 16 lbs and has 2 teeth.

August 9th, Mon.

Mama's birthday.

August 22nd, Sun.

I stayed home all day. Kenny was sick all day, he has a hard cold. Ma and Dad went to Free Methodist church all day.

August 23rd, Mon

We all went up to the Meth church in Sayre to hear Patini, a converted Italian and his 4 darky singers.

August 24th, Tues.

We went to hear Patini tonight. Dad stayed with Kenny. He is very good. Awful crowd last night.

August 25th, Wed.

I'm having trouble with my kidneys and bladder. Mama and Dad went to prayer meeting.

August 26th, Thurs.

Elvin and I and the kids went to hear Patini. I went up and saw Doc Carpenter and he says I have a goiter.

August 27th, Fri.

Hard showers this morning. The sun came out in the afternoon. Kenny has 4 teeth and weighs 17 lbs.

August 28th, Sat.

Don and Woodie left the country about a week ago. Carl passed his test Thurs.

September 18th, Sat.

My dad and Norrine went to town. Kenny has a poisoning of some kind. Carl went to see Marie at night.

September 19th, Sun.

Cold and windy. We went to church and Sunday School. Ma and Dad went to Hornbrook at night and the kids went to league. Kenny has 6 teeth and weighs 16 lbs.

October 10th

Carl's birthday

November 14th, Sun.

Elvin, Kenny, and I went to Myersburg.

November 19th, Fri.

Dad and I went to Sayre and bought us four new dresses, 2 for me and 2 for Reva, we also bought 4 caps and some other stuff.

November 20th, Sat

Snowed. Carl and Reva went up after Marie and they went to (Albert?) B's birthday party. Marie stayed up.

November 21st, Sun.

Cold and Windy. We went to Sunday School. Marie came down and went home at night. Ma and Dad went to church at Waverly.

November 22nd, Mon.

Awful cold today. Kenny stands up by things alone. He weighs 20 lbs.

November 23rd, Tues.

Cold, about 22 degrees F. Husbie is working at Floyd's for the winter. Dad has the house all wired. Kenny is 8 mo and has 8 teeth.

November 25th, Thurs.


December 5th, Sun.

Raining and snowy. We went to Myersburg and heard the Endicott gospel team. Elvin went to Goodell's Taber. with Floyd and didn't get to Myersburg.

December 6th, Mon.

Snowed. Prayer meeting night at Aunt Libbie's. We didn't go though. Carl went deer hunting. I had a sick headache all night.

December 7th, Tues.

Cold and snowing and blowing. Elvin stayed over at Floyd's last night and the way it looks, he'll stay longer. Kenny is well and fat as a pig.

December 14th

Norrine’s birthday, is 8 today

December 15th

Carl and I went to town up to Aunt Vira's. I went down to Charlotte Billing's birthday supper. Elvin came up and we came home on ice.

December 16th, Thurs.

December 17th, Fri.

December 18th, Sat.

Uncle Irvin has a different car. Elvin didn't work today. We went to Waverly at night and took Carl to see Marie.

December 19th, Sun

Not very cold today. Elvin, Kenny, and I went to Myersburg. Don, Woodie, and Grandpa Diehl were there at West's. Ma and Dad went to Waverly.

December 20th, Mon.

December 23rd

Marie Hartford and Bob Young are married

December 25th

Carl went up after Marie last night. We ate dinner at home, then went to Myersburg for supper. Carl and Marie went to class party.

December 26th, Sun.

Went down to Wests. The Boys and Diehl's were there yesterday and today. We made Ice cream dinner.

December 31st, Fri.

Rained and froze on. I've just got over a hard cold. Dad has a hard cold. Kenny is learning to walk. He weighs about 24 lbs now.


January 1st

Happy New Year. We stayed home all day. The ground is covered with ice. Kenny is a big fat boy. We’ve all had head colds.

January 2nd, Sun.

It snowed hard this morning, but sun came out late. We, Elvin and I, went to M Chandler’s for dinner and Carl & Norrine went to Mae’s. We stayed to Aunt Vira’s for supper.

January 3rd, Mon.

Cold out and still quite icy. Kenny is cross today. The girls went back to school. Elvin is still at Floyd’s. Dad went to work on the road. They have finished the ‘King’ Road.’

January 4th, Tues.

Quite cold out. Icy yet. Dad went to telephone meeting at Smith Varies (???). Electric lights on all the time now. Kenny is catching cold. Husbie got a new (thin) sweater (Sat). & I received a letter Fern Miller S. Bok. (?)

January 5th, Wed.

Warmer out. Dad wet to Towanda. Mama and I washed. Elvin didn’t come home tonight. Must have run out of gas or something. He can’t telephone as (Eiklor’s) have moved to N.Y. State.

January 6th, Thurs.

Quite warm out. (Ma & Dad went down to Brother Bennett’s & butcher and stayed down for prayer meeting. Lightly crossed off… written the next day) Elvin came home. I broke my glasses so I ‘s’pose’ I’ll have to buy some.

January 7th, Fri.

Dad & Ma went down to Br. Bennett’s & butchered and stayed down for meeting.

January 8th, Sat.

Dad & Ma tired out this morn. Reva smashed my glasses all to pieces. Carl went to Waverly to a birthday party. Ervin was down.

January 9th, Sun.

Cold out. We went to church and Sunday School. Dad & I sang a song. Dad and Ma went to Waverly. Dad had to stay to Carl’s and go to Endicott in morn.

January 10th, Mon.

Meetings start at Myersburg. Bro. Parker is the evangelist.

January 11th, Tues.

Quite cold out. Don &Woodie & Ralph came up at night & Elvin started his car and we went to Myersburg. Elvin & I sang. Bro. Parker is a powerful (spreaker.)

January 12th, Wed.

Cloudy. Aunt Lucy came over yesterday. Elvin, Ma, Aunt Lucy & I went to Myersburg. Snowy & sleeting tonight.

January 13th, Thurs.

Snow & blowing. Don & Woodie were here a few minutes in the morning. Kenny is 10 months old today. Ma & dad went to town to get Reva a coat. We (???) to church. (?expect to go to church?)

January 14th, Fri.

Dad & Uncle Leon & Carl sawed wood over in the woods. We stayed home tonight. Elvin’s car is on the “blink” again.

January 15th, Sat.


January 16th, Sun.

January 17th, Mon.

Raymond & Eva Billings have a baby girl named Yvonne Kay. It was born the first of the month, sometime, I guess.

January 28th, Fri.

Cold. Doc Coughlin came up and says Kenny has bronchial pneumonia. Elvin didn’t work today. I have sore throat. Bennetts came up at night.

January 29th, Sat.

Still cold out. Kenny is not much better. He won’t eat today. Marge Hartford has a shower tonight. Carl & Reva are going.

February 6th,

Kenny is better but is quite thin and weak. Woodie came up after us and we went down home for dinner. It’s raining hard tonight.

February 12th, Sat.

Ma & Dad took Norrine to the doc’s in the P.M.

February 13th, Sun.

Rainy & muddy. Dad, Reva & (Pete) went to S.S. Kenny is 11 mos. Today and has about 10 teeth and walks really good. Woodie is here. Elvin still at Floyd’s working.

February 27th, Sat.

Reva & I stayed home & did the wash while Ma, Dad & Norrine went to town. They brought Aunt Vira home with them. Kenny walks all the time.

February 28th, Sun.

Snow flurries. Aunt Vira went home tonight. Spencer came after her. It’s drifting fast. We went to Myersburg in afternoon. Had a wonderful service.

March 1st, Tues.

Nice day. We “Kids” went to Towanda & the Salv. Army to hear (Payea) He’s a very good singer & preacher. We had quite a time up the dug road on the ice.

March 2nd, Wed.

Nice warm day. Mama washed. Kenny’s cold is better. He tries to say little words like dog, doll & bah bah. He has twelve teeth. Elvin went back to work this morning.

March 7th, Mon.

Ma, Dad and Aunt Libbie went over to Voughts. They had an all day fasting & prayer service.

March 8th, Tues.

We went to hear Rev. French from China at night. He’s a spirit filled man.

March 9th, Wed.

Ma & I both have had colds. Woodie came up about noon. Kenny has 12 teeth.

March 10th. Thurs.

Quite cold. It is Don West’s birthday (20). Kenny is a big boy almost a year old and he snoops in everything.

March 11th, Fri.

Kenny & I went with Dad up to Grandma’s. They have 4 little Angora kittens. They promised me a yellow one. Marie came home with Carl at night.

March 12th, Sat.

A beautiful spring day. Wests came up for dinner. Marie came home with Carl last night. Kenny got two suits and a rabbit for his birthday.

March 13th, Sun.

We went to S.S. and took Kenny. Don & Woodie were here a few minutes in P.M. Elvin, Ken & I went over to Aunt Libbie’s at night.

March 14th, Mon.

I have an awful cold and cough. Dad is still (forman) in (P.U.A.) Could come after potatoes. Nick S. came over after some turnips.

March 15th, Tues.

March 16th, Wed.

Rained all day. Dad didn’t work. Kenny weighs 25 lbs. and has 14 teeth.

March 17th, Thurs.

Cloudy. Gladys Emily’s birthday. Reva & Norrine went to her party they had at school. We intend to go to Nichols to hear H. Arthur tonight. (didn’t go is written twice… by party & by Nichols)

March 19th, Sat.

Kenny, Elvin & I went to Towanda and had our picture taken. Dad gave me a dollar & I bought me a dress for my birthday. Elvin gave me a pretty table lamp. Awfully warm.

March 20th, Sun.

Nice day. Elvin, Ken, Reva & I went with Ma & Dad to the P.H. Church in E. Athens. We heard Rev. (Flaxon) preach. We went to Mae’s for dinner. Roads are terribly muddy.

March 21st,

Elvin got stuck in the ruts this morning and Dad had to draw him home with the team. Carl worked for Jos. B. today. Elvin walked home.

March 22nd, Tues.

Thermometer was 70 (degrees) today and it certainly seemed good. We washed today. Kenny weighs 25 lbs. and has 15 teeth and says “tick tock” & “doll” & “no.”

March 23rd, Wed.

March 25th, Fri. 

Dad & Ma went to (Dell) Zeller’s funeral and stayed up to church at the Calvary Baptist.

March 26th, Sat.

Reva & Norrine went over to Richards’ this afternoon. I got my shoes from Spiegel. Carl went to Waverly at night.

March 27th, Sun.

Cold & snow flurries in afternoon. Dad & Ma went to Ithaca to see Bro. Hermletter. We “kids” went to Sunday School.

March 28th, Mon.

Sunny out, but cold. Dad is working on wood. Bro. & sister Bennett came up at night.

March 29th, Tues.

Hymn sing at Tabernacle at Athens tonight. We went up with Carl and we sang at the Tab.

March 31st, Thurs.

April 1st, Fri.

Nice day. Kenny & I went to Towanda after dynamite with Dad. We ate dinner at Rev. Thomas. Aunt Libbie & Uncle Leon had teeth pulled. Wests came up tonight.

April 2nd, Sat.

Snowing and raining. Ma, Dad & Norrine went up town & took potatoes. Young people’s meeting at Bennett’s tonight. We have 4 baby kitties & the yellow one from grandma’s.

April 3rd, Sun.

Windy & cold. We went to church and S.S. and to Myersburg in the afternoon. Elvin had to give a talk. We went over to Floyd’s at night. Ma & Dad took Kenny over to Aunt Libbie’s in afternoon.

April 4th,

Cold & snow flurries. Mama washed. Reva stayed home with the headache. We went down to Standing Stone to West’s at night. They have a nice place now. Woodie has gone to Mike Young’s to work.

April 5th, Tues.

Cold. Sheriff’s sale at Earl Eiklor’s this p.m. Elvin bought the lumber wagon for dad. Dorothy Bennett came up on the bus and stayed all night. Dad & ma & kids went to church at Church of God.

April 6th, Wed.

Snowed all day. Kenny is well. He says “duck duck” & “dog” and tries to say about everything else. Prayer meeting at Aunt Libbie’s tonight but no one went. At least we didn’t.

April 7th, Thurs.

It snowed about 6 inches last night. Quite cold today. Kenny is getting “sassy.” Hits my book when I’m trying to write.

April 8th, Fri.

Rained and froze on. Elvin stayed home today with sore throat.

April 9th, Sat.

Ma & Dad went to Athens and could hardly get back through the blizzard. The roads are drifting full. (Lavenelle) came over this afternoon.

April 10th, Sun.

Roads are drifted full. A plane crashed over at Larcom’s last night about 2:00. The pilot was torn about in pieces. Uncle Leon came over and made ice cream & Elvin made a pig of himself.

April 11th,

Warming up today. Dad walked to work. Elvin is sick on his ice cream. Carl went to Waverly at night. Pratt Chaffee called Elvin up on the telephone.

April 12th, Tues.

Warmer. Elvin went to work. Kenny says “bat.” Elvin walked home.

April 13th, Thurs.

A man from Tunkhannock wants Elvin to work for him but he won’t go because I couldn’t do the washing.

April 14th, Thurs.

Pratt Chaffee wants to hire Elvin.

April 15th, Fri.

Ma & Dad went to Athens & Nichols in afternoon after seed. Dad got 22 ducks yesterday. Dad, Carl & I went to Sayre. I got my tooth pulled.

April 16th, Sat.

Cloudy, but warm. Carl went to Waverly at night. Elvin’s folks came down at night. Carl & Reva went to Waverly.

April 17th, Sun.

We went to Waverly to (Heps ibah) in afternoon. Dad preached. We went to church in N. G. in morning. We stayed up at night to Waverly. Bro. Bennett preached.

April 18th, Mon.

We “kids” went up to Athens at night and Carl went to the doctor’s. He has a “rash” on him. Marjorie & Edgar were married Mar. 15.

April 19th, Tues.

Nice day. I ironed. Reva took Kenny to school from noon ‘til recess. He cried to go outdoors all the time. Ma, dad, Reva, Elvin & Norrine went to Black tonight.

April 20th, Wed.

We did a big washing, Lovely day. We went to Black. Dad preached. Nor, Reva & I sang a trio & Elvin & I a duet.

April 21st, Fri.

Rained at night. I have an awful cold in my head. All my teeth in my head ache. Lydia got the paper for the front room. Kenny played outdoors.

April 22nd, Fri.

We all went to Black, but Elvin. We took Kenny & he was good. This is the last night of meetings. Bro. Thomas preached.

April 23rd, Sat.

We “kids” went to Athens and took Kenny. Dad & Ma papered the dining room. Dad, Kenny & I went to Rome in afternoon. Bro. & Sister Bennett were up for supper.

April 24th, Sun.

Woodie came up after us. Marge stayed up with Reva. Dad brought me home after church to Myersburg. Don is at CCC camp. Woodie is at Mike’s.

April 25th, Mon.

Nice day. Mama washed. Dad is working but doesn’t expect much more work. I guess Elvin will stay to Floyd this summer. We went to Black & heard H. C. Reese.

April 26th, Tues.

Nice day. Mama is cleaning woodwork. Elvin, Kenny & I went with Floyd & Edna to the hymn sing at Athens Tab. Dad & Ma went to Church of Christ.

April 27th, Wed.

May & Ervin came down in the afternoon. Quite warm today. Dad, Ma, Elvin & I went to Church of Christ. Harrison is a very good preacher.

April 28th, Thurs.

Hot. Last day of school. Kenny & I went up for dinner. The Richards girls came down with Reva and stayed until 4. Norrine went fishing.

April 29th, Fri.

Cooler. Ma & Dad are cutting posts. Elvin went to the doc last night. His cold has settled along his spine. Cleaned the bedroom windows & woodwork.

April 30th, Sat.

Quite cool. Dad & Ma went to town this forenoon. Cleaned the front rooms. We went to Marjorie’s shower at night. Grandma & Virgil were down home.

May 1st, Sun.

We went to church at North Ghent, Bump & Myersburg. Marie Wilber came home with us Sat. night. Dad & ma & kids went to Waverly to Hep. at night.

May 2nd, Mon.

Nice day, but windy. Ma did a big washing & ironed.

May 3rd, Tues.

Cleaning house. Rained most all day.

May 4th, Wed.

Papered the kitchen yesterday. I cleaned my clothes closet. Ma & Reva & I papered the ceiling in bedroom.

May 5th, Thurs.

Nice day. Kenny must weigh 27 lbs. by now. He wants to be out doors all the time. He says “dout-daw” for out doors.

May 6th, Fri.

Windy & cooler. Alice Beaumont Gray has a daughter born May 4. Kenny & I & dad went to Lee’s after oats and stopped and saw Daisy Keir’s boy Howard Blair.

May 7th, Sat.

Marjorie came up in afternoon and we all went to the class party at George Keir’s. Had a good time. Alice named her baby Adelinda Mary.

May 8th, Sun.

Rained this morning. Went to Bumpville & heard Heim Sisters. I like them very much. We went to Myersburg and West’s for supper. (Land??) & Docame and had a flat tire.

May 9th, Mon.

Rained hard all forenoon. Marj stayed up. Dad is ‘gluing’ Carl’s room. (Maurice) Wilbur’s birthday. Carl went up.

May 10th, Tues.

Rainy. Dad & ma papered Reva’s room.

May 11th, Wed.

Cool out. We went to Myersburg to hear Heim Sisters & (Hersherd) preach. Dad finished Carl’s room. We straightened up the room across the hall from Reva’s.

May 12th, Thurs.

Cold. About enough to snow. I painted my bed upstairs. Ma washed & they went to (Zack’s) meetings in afternoon and night.

May 13th, Fri.

May 14th, Sat.

Carl took Ma & Dad to Milltown in afternoon and went up after them at night.

May 15th, Sun.

We went up N. Ghent to hear Zack in afternoon and Bumpville to hear Ruth Heim. Elvin & I stayed home in afternoon.

May 16th, Mon. We went to Myersburg at night. There were about seven at the altar.

May 17th, Tues. Nice day. Bennetts & (Haches) and Heim Sisters came up for dinner. Mama had grippe. Walter Keir came over and went to Myersburg with kids.

May 18th, Wed.

Cool. Mama has grippe. Dad, Elvin & I went to Athens Tabernacle. Al (Payea) is holding revival.

May 19th, Thurs.

We went to Athens Tab at night.

May 20th, Fri.

Cool out. We went to Athens Tab at night. Elvin has his license but the radiator had a terrible time boiling.

May 21st, Sat.

Cool. Dad & Carl are planting corn. Dad & Ma went to Waverly to church with Carl.

May 22nd, Sun.

Nice day. We went to West’s for dinner. Pappy Diehl was there. Revival closed at Myersburg. We went to Athens Tab at night with Woodie.

May 23rd, Mon.

Rainy. Kenny has tonsilitis and (cancored) sore throat & a bad fever. Ma & Dad went to doc in P.M. for medicine for him.

May 24th, Tues.

Kenny is awfully cross.

May 25th, Wed.

Dad bought a radio.

May 27th, Fri.

We went to Athens Tab to hear (Payea). We gave (Len Nights in a Barroom).???

May 28th, Sat.

Nice day. Kenny is feeling good again. Uncle Leon & girls came over in afternoon. Dad & Ma went to Rome & stayed to Bennett’s for dinner.

May 29th, Sun.

We went to church at N. G. and to Myersburg in afternoon and Athens Tab at night.

May 30th, Mon.

May 31st, Tues.

Washed and ironed and cleaned up. We went to Tab with Floyd.

June 1st, Wed.

Nice day. Bro. (Payea) came down for dinner and supper. We went to Tab at night.

June 2nd, Thurs.

Nice day

June 3rd, Fri.

Uncle Leon came over to hear the radio this A.M. Dad & Ma & Aunt Libbie went to Ghent to fasting & prayer service. They went to Tab with Br. Bennett.

June 4th, Sat.

Nice day. Elvin’s birthday. He’s 22. I received my white shoes from Spiegel. They fit perfectly. Ma, Carl, Reva & Norrine went to prayer meeting at Bumpville.

June 5th, Sun.

Elvin & I went to Bumpville. We went to Free Meth at Sayre in P.M. and to Athens Tab at night. Meetings close at both places.

June 6th, Mon. Nice day. We washed and I ironed.

June 7th, Tues.

Warm. Shower in P.M. Dad & Ma went to Nichols this P.M. and stayed to tent meeting. Bro. (Zook) holding it or preaching rather.

June 8th, Wed.

Lee Smith’s came over in evening. Fannie, the horse, choaked on some oats and had to have the veterinary.

June 9th, Thurs.

Dad & Mom are getting their bedroom ready to paper.

June 10th, Fri.

Papered their room upstairs.

June 11th, Sat.

Warm. Bro. & Sister Zook & Hellen Hubbard came down for dinner and supper. We had the young people’s class party. 23 present.

June 12th, Sun.

Warm. Ma, Dad, Carl & Norrine went to Waverly. We stayed home all day. We intend to go up to Hep at night.

June 13th, Mon.

Kenny is 15 months today and has 16 teeth. He says, “all gone”, “What’s that,”, “pot pot,” “I see,” “bob-um” for bobby pin.

June 14th, Tues.

Dad, Kenny & I & Reva went up after the little ducks. 16 hatched out of 20. Warm today.

June 15th, Wed.

June 16th, Thurs.

June 17th, Fri.

Carl went up after Marie and we went to Bessie Ward’s for a surprise party. Carl fainted during the party. We went with Woodie.

June 18th, Sat.

Marie & Carl & Kenny went to town & took Capwell. Marie & Carl & Kenny & Ma went to church and took Marie home. Elvin took his car to Ulster.

June 19th, Sun.

Cloudy part of day. Children’s Day at N. Ghent in afternoon. Quite a crowd. We intend to go to Ghent to Children’s Day tonight.

June 20th, Mon.

Nice day. We went to Ulster to hear Harmon at night and the Cleveland Quartet. Elvin took his car to the garage but the carburetor can’t be fixed.

June 21st, Tues.

We washed. Mama canned strawberries. She has canned about 30 qts. Kenny is bothering me. Awfully warm.

June 22nd, Wed.

Mama picked berries. Dad & kids planted potatoes.

June 23rd, Thurs.

June 24th, Fri.

Zooks were here for dinner. We went to Ulster to hear Hames. Carl kept the baby.

June 25th, Sat.

We went up to Athens and Elvin traded cars again. He’s got a Chevrolet now. “I hope it runs.” We went to reunion at Uncle Will’s.

June 26th, Sun.

We went to Standing Stone and Salvation Army at Sayre at night. It’s been raining hard all night & day.

June 27th, Mon.

Still raining. Bro. & Sister Bennett came up for supper or rather after we were through. Carl went to Waverly.

June 28th, Tues.

June 29th, Wed.

Reva’s wave set came today. The waves stay in quite good.

June 30th, Thurs.

We went to Crawley’s picnic. Carl got “pulled” by (cop). Cost him $5.00. Nice day.

July 3rd, Sun.

We went to West’s for dinner and Myersburg in afternoon and Ulster at night. Quite chilly.

July 4th, Mon.

Ma, Dad, Reva, Norrine & I went to Ulster to church in afternoon. Elvin, Kenny, Reva, Woodie, Norrine & I went to Cecil’s at night and shot fireworks.

July 5th, Tues.

Warmer. I’m trying to help Reva study for her 40 hours so she can take the exams, but she’s thick-headed or something.

July 6th, Wed.

Dad & Ma went to prayer meeting at Uncle Leon’s. The preacher and his wife and mother-in-law were here minutes after.

July 7th, Thurs.

July 8th, Fri.

Hot. Therm. Almost 90 (degrees) We all went swimming in the lake at night. Kenny says “door” “box”

July 9th, Sat.

Warm. Rained some. Grandma, Virgil, Pansey were down for dinner. Dad is drawing hay from beyond Tomson’s.

July 10th, Sun.

Awfully hot. We went up here at N. G. to church & then to West’s for dinner. We went to Bumpville at night.

July 11th, Mon.

Warm. Rained some. Mama washed & I ironed.

July 12th, Tues.

Cooler. I ironed & helped Reva study for her exams. We went to the Lake swimming at night with Woodie.

July 13th, Wed.

Kenny is 16 months old and weighs 28 lbs.

July 14th, Thurs.

July 15th, Fri.

Kenny sings “Alle lulla” and “Jedus” meaning Jesus loves me.

July 16th, Sat.

Dad, Ken & Norrine went to Ulster this A.M. Dad, Ken & Norrine went to Athens to Mr. Payne’s funeral. Mae & Ervin were here. We went to Towanda at night.

July 17th, Sun. We went down to West’s for dinner and to P. P. Bliss Anniversary in afternoon. Elvin, Kenny & I went to LaBarre’s at night. Ma, dad went to Waverly.

July 18th, Mon.

Rained all day. Bro. & Sister Bennett came up for dinner. Blanche stayed up for a couple of days. We are going up and hear (Slacks) tonight.

July 19th, Tues.

July 20th, Wed.

Junior Bennett got hit by a car while riding a bicycle and it crushed his skull. We sang at Ghent tonight. Brother Arthur is here.

July 21st, Thurs.

Junior died today. Bro. & Sister Bennett stopped. We went fishing. I caught seven altogether. Dad went to Ghent.

July 22nd, Fri.

I ironed most all day. Ma & Dad & Norrine went down to Bennett’s in afternoon. It keeps Mama busy picking berries.

July 23rd, Sat.

Cooler & cloudy. Dad & Ma & Reva went to town. They took 20 qts. of red & purple berries to sell.

July 24th, Sun.

We went to church & S. S. and to Junior’s funeral in P.M. We had to sing 2 songs. The church was crowded full. Bro. Wilson preached.

July 25th, Mon.

Dad is mowing hay down. We are planning on going with the S.S. class on a picnic tomorrow. Carl brought Marie down yesterday to stay.

July 26th, Tues.

Very warm. Our S.S. class went to Enfield Glen on a picnic. It’s a lovely place. We followed a Indian trail over the mountain. Marie (U.) went home.

July 27th, Wed.

Warm. The picnic made me sick. I didn’t get up until noon. Made me a print dress in P.M. Elvin fell on the wire fence and cut his arm.

July 28th, Thurs.

Very warm. Finished my dress and started a yellow one. Dad & Carl are haying. Dad went to get his car inspected this P.M.

July 29th, Fri.

We went to Ghent at night to hear Bro. Arthur.

July 30th, Sat.

Did the work. The barn door fell on Dad & cut his head quite bad. We went to the doc and had it bandaged.

July 31st, Sun.

We went to Elkland Camp meeting and stayed all day. It rained most all afternoon. Carl & Reva stayed home and did chores.

August 1st, Mon.

Hard thunderstorms in P.M. Ma, Dad, & kids picked 30 qts of blackberries and Dad took them to town.

Aug. 2nd, Tues.

Aug. 3rd, Wed.

Aug. 4th, Fri.

Hot. Kenny & I went to town with Dad to take berries. I made Kenny a swim suit. We went to the creek at night with Woodie.

Aug. 5th, Fri.

Hot. Dad is “haying.” Ma picked berries. We got a new catalog. Reva & Marie Wilbur went to Lily Lake Camp yesterday. We went swimming.

Aug. 6th, Sat.

Old Homes Day. Not such a large crowd. Elvin helped sell ice cream. We took the “stuff” back that was left at night.

Aug. 7th, Sun.

We went down to West’s. Elvin left his car for his father to tear apart. Marjorie is working. We went to the (Hepsibah) at night and sang.

Aug. 8th, Mon.

Busy picking berries. Dad & Ma went to town with berries. (Daisy) came here with Norrine.

Aug. 9th, Tues.

Mama’s birthday. May, Ervin & Lyle came down and picked berries all day. They got over a bushel. We took Kenny to doc’s for hives.

Aug. 10th, Wed.

Kenny & I went with dad to sell berries. It rained this afternoon and rained hard all night. Elvin has a bad cold.

Aug. 11th, Thurs.

Quite windy. Dad’s going to take berries again today. Ma washed in P.M. Erma Johnson & Marion Barnes are married Sat.

Aug. 12th, Fri.


Aug. 13th, Sat.

We went to grandma’s for the reunion. There were 2 tables full of people. Kenny is 17 months. We went to the “weenie” roast at the hall.

Aug. 14th, Sun.

Awfully warm. We went to S.S. Ma, Dad & Norrine went to Lily Lake after Reva. We went down to Farrell’s a while in P.M. Dad had a service at Hepsibah.

Aug. 15th, Mon.

Awfully warm. Dad & Ma went to Chester Colegrove’s funeral. Kenny says “Elwood”: and tries to say everything else.

Aug. 16th, Tues.

Aug. 17th, Wed.

Aug. 18th, Thurs.

Elvin & I & the kids went up town. Elvin had to get him some shoes. I bought a pair that were on sale.

Aug. 19th, Fri.

Charlotte came up. Kenny & I went down to Alice’s with her. We got some apples.

Aug. 20th, Sat.

Aug. 21st, Sun.

We went to church at N.G. and down to West’s for dinner and to the Hepsibah at night. Meetings have started at the chapel.

Aug. 22nd, Mon.

Reva is making bread & butter pickles. We went to the chapel at night. We three girls sang and Elvin & I. (Haneaus) is the evangelist.

Aug. 23rd, Tues.

Aug. 24th, Wed.

Getting ready to go to Sunbury. We went to West’s at night. Pappy Diehl came over to go with us.

Aug. 25th, Thurs.

Nice day. We started for Sunbury about 8:00 o’clock and got there about 11 in Northumberland. We went to camp meeting at night.

Aug. 26th, Fri.

Nice day. We started for Allentown about 8:30 and got there about 1:30. Grandmother Diehl seems to be some better.

Aug. 27th, Sat.

Went to Corrie’s for dinner and supper. We saw Bob & Jim and the rest of the Wolfe’s. We went to “Rolling Green” with (June Dorley).

Aug. 28th, Sun.

We went to John Diehl’s for dinner. Corrie’s came up in P.M. We started for home at 4:30 and landed in S. S. at 6:00. (Standing Stone)

Aug. 29th, Mon.

I’m quite tired out today. Ma & Dad went to church to Sayre at night. (Payes) comes tomorrow night.

Aug. 30th, Tues.

Canned corn all day. Bro. & Sister Bennett came up for dinner.  They’ve been cleaning the church. Revival started tonight. (Corrie) is sick & Rachel came.

Aug. 31st, Wed.

Quite cool today. Canned sweet corn. We went up to hear Payes. He has a tent up in West Sayre.

Sept. 1st, Thurs.

Canned corn. We went to Bumpville at night to hear Ruth & Rachel Heim. Bro, Hamlett is singing at meetings.

Sept. 2nd, Fri.

Nice day. We thrashed this afternoon besides canning corn. Mae & Irvin were down. Reva passed her exams. We went up to hear Payea.

Sept. 3rd, Sat.

Nice day. Still canning corn. We have 93 qts. in all. Dad got a bu. of peaches yesterday. We intend to go to Bump. & bring Br. Hamlett back.

Sept. 4th, Sun.

Bro. Hamlett’s here, but “showed” himself at night. Ma & Dad went to Waverly. We went to hear Payea.

Sept. 5th, Mon.

Carl took Hamlett over to Bumpville then Dad took Carl to George Kier’s to work.

Sept. 6th, Tues.

Payea is at Sayre this week. Reva started school at Rome.

Sept. 7th, Wed.

Farrell’s are boarding the school teacher. Marie & Bob Young have a baby girl born the 4th of Sept. named Patricia.

Sept. 8th, Thurs.

Sept. 17th, Sat.

Sept. 18th, Sun.

We went to West’s for dinner and up to Sayre at night. Ma & Dad went to Waverly. Carl likes his place.

Sept. 19th, Mon.

Cloudy & cool.

Sept. 20th, Tues.

Rained hard all day. I have bad cold and Kenny has tonsillitis. Elvin came up for dinner and stayed this P.M.

Sept. 21st, Wed.

Payea still at Sayre. Rained all day. Floods in different states. Especially New England states and Europe.

Sept. 22nd, Thurs.

Partly cloudy. Kenny was quite sick last night. Is some better today. My cold isn’t much better.

Sept. 23rd, Fri.

Warmer. My cold’s better and Kenny’s is some better. We went up to hear Payea at night. Marie came home with Carl at night.

Sept. 24th, Sat.

Quite warm. Windy & cooler in P.M. Ma, Dad & Kenny went to town. Kenny talks quite a bit. We went to the pie social at Hall.

Sept. 25th, Sun.

We went to S.S. I am teacher of the juniors in Gladys’s place. We went to Myersburg in P.M. and Ma & Dad went to Waverly at night.

Sept. 26th, Mon.

We did a big washing. It’s a lovely day. We went down to West’s at night to get Woodie but he is working.

Sept. 27th, Tues.

Nice day. Elvin’s car broke and he ran up the bank upset. Smashed the car to pieces. Hurt his arm and shoulders. We went to ‘hymn sing.’

Sept. 28th, Wed.

Beautiful day. Dad is filling silo at Dowd’s. Germany & European countries are on the verge of war.

Sept. 29th. Thurs.

Sept. 30th, Fri.

Oct. 1st, Sat.

Oct. 2nd, Sun.

Elvin came up after us and we went down home for dinner. We went to Athens Tab at night with dad.

Oct. 3rd, Mon.

Washed and ironed.

Oct. 4th, Tues.

We went to Athens Meth Church and sang at night. They have special meetings for 3 nights.

Oct. 5th, Wed.

We went to church at Athens at night. Very few were there.

Oct. 6th, Thurs.

Rainy & cloudy.

Oct. 7th, Fri.

Ma & dad & girls went to Athens Tab at night to hear Mrs. Marbler (sp)

Oct. 8th, Sat.

Ma & dad went to Kellogg with Carlton Horton to sing. Carl went to Waverly.

Oct. 9th, Sun.

Cloudy. We went to S.S. Very few out. Dad & folks went over to Uncle Will’s. We sang at Ghent at night.

Oct. 10th, Mon.

Nice day. Carl is 19 yrs. Today. He likes it at George Keir’s. Kenny says “I big boy.” “Hello mommy” and “Eat Rawie” (?)

Oct. 11th, Tues.

Carl went to Waverly at night to celebrate his birthday. Kenny is mischievous.

Oct. 12th, Wed.

I did a big washing in morning. Bro. Thomas had prayer meeting here in p.m.

Oct. 13th, Thurs.

I ironed. Ma & girls dug potatoes. Dad helped Mort thresh. Norrine had a bad tooth and swollen face.

Oct. 14th,

Nice day. Dad & Ma & Reva dug potatoes in a.m. & dad helped Earl Cole fill silo.

Oct. 16th, Sun.

Revival meetings started at Black. J. C. Long is the evangelist. We went over and sang at night. There was a good crowd.

Oct. 26th, Wed.

We went to Waverly at night to the prayer meeting at the chapel & to Mrs. Colback’s birthday party. She is 93 years old.

Oct. 27th, Thurs.

It rained all day. I went up to the hall and played for Marjorie’s “Rhythm Band.” We went to town in p.m. Got Kenny pair of shoes & cap.

Oct. 29th, Sat.

Reva went to Waverly with Carl & got her a new pair of shoes. Elvin & I went to Ulster at night.

Oct. 30th, Sun.

We went to S.S. I have the Juniors to teach. There were 10 present today. We went over to Lillian LaBarre’s in p.m. & Black at night.

Oct. 31st, Mon.

Foggy. Kenny caught a hard cold last night. Hunting season opens today. Dad has got 1 rabbit so far. Elvin is out. Carl got 4 or 5.

Nov. 1st, Tues.

Kenny has a bad cold. He talks about everything. Ma & Dad went over to Aunt Libbie’s to prayer meeting this p.m.

Nov. 2nd, Wed,

We went down to Farrell’s at night. Charlotte is working at Sayre. She has a ‘xylophone.’

Nov. 3rd, Thurs.

Nice day. Kenny is better. Ma & Dad are picking apples. I went up to the Hall & played for the ‘Rhythm Band.”

Nov. 4th, Fri.

Nice day. We washed. Dad went up to church to help fix up for revival.

Nov. 6th, Sun.

We went down to West’s for dinner and supper. We stopped at Myersburg for night services. Ma & Dad went to Towanda.

Nov. 7th, Mon.

Elvin and his father went hunting all day. Each got 1 rabbit. Dad stayed all night.

Nov. 8th, Tues.

Elvin & his father went hunting and got 7 rabbits together. We went to prayer meeting at Floyd’s in p.m. Elvin went down to vote. Rained.

Nov. 9th, Wed.

Elvin has quit at Floyd’s and has gone down home. We went to Rome to revival at night. Norrine has a bad cold.

Nov. 10th, Thurs.

Quite cold. Carl has gotten a dozen and more rabbits so far. Ironed today and sewed. Elvin stayed down.

Nov. 11th, Fri.

Sunshiny, but cold. “Armistice Day”

Nov. 12th, Sat.

Grandma & Virgil came down for dinner. Cecil was down hunting. Carl & Reva went to Waverly at night.

Nov. 13th, Sun.

We went to S.S. Elvin, Woodie & Marge came up in p.m. Elvin went back with them. He thinks he may get a job rebuilding the poor house. We went to church.

Nov. 14th, Mon.

Revivals started last night. Rev. Keeley is the evangelist. Norrine & I sang at night. Weren’t many present. Snowed some and awfully windy & cold.

Nov. 15th, Tues.

Cloudy. Dad & Ma are getting ready to take apples to town. We went to church at night.

Nov. 16th, Wed.

Went to church at night.

Nov. 17th, Thurs.

Elvin has been down to West’s all week. Went to church.

Nov. 18th, Fri.

Nov. 19th, Sat.

Elvin & Woodie came home tonight and we went to town. Elvin has been working at Towanda all week.

Nov. 20th, Sun.

We went to S.S. Spencer and his ‘new wife’ and Aunt Vira & kids came down for a while. Kenny & I went down to West’s with Elvin.

Nov. 21st, Mon.

Kenny & I are down here with Elvin & his folks. He’s working at Towanda.

Nov. 22nd, Tues.

Marge washed & I ironed & helped with the work. Don & Dave came home at night. Nice warm day. We came home.

Nov. 23rd, Wed.

Quite cold & snowing. Kenny weighs 30 lbs. He talks quite plain. Says everything. Marj went to school with Reva.

Nov. 24th, Thurs.

“Thanksgiving” Snowing hard. Almost zero. Carl went to Waverly & is drifted out tonight. Reva is down to Marjories’s. Elvin is working this week.

Nov. 29th, Tues.

Little warmer. We stayed all night at West’s and came home this morning. Elvin & his father came up deer hunting. Dad stayed up tonight.

Nov. 30th, Wed.

About 35 degrees all day. Elvin and his father hunted all day. Elvin shot at the deer “that’s all.” They went down home & Elvin came back. School had entertainment.

Dec. 1st, Thurs.

Snowy. I took some pictures of Kenny. Elvin & Dad went to Athens after groceries. Kenny says everything. “Come on dad-dad ride bike.” Don’s gone to Florida.

Dec. 2nd, Fri.

Elvin hunted all day. Spencer is married.

Dec. 3rd, Sat.

Elvin & Woodie & Guy went to the mts. hunting but didn’t get a thing. Carl got a deer this afternoon. He went to Waverly.

Dec. 4th, Sun.

Carl brought us half of his ‘deer.’ We went up to S.S. but they didn’t have any as I know of. Elvin &Woodie went down home this p.m.

Dec. 5th, Mon.

Rained hard all night. Cloudy. We washed. The snow is almost gone all but over in the hills where Dad just got fast. (fasl?)

Dec. 6th, Tues.

Cloudy. I have a bad cold in my head. (weakest spot). Dad is plowing out ditches. Kenny has just learned to ‘peddle’ his bike. We went to Farrell’s.

Dec. 7th, Wed.

Cloudy. We didn’t do anything very much except the housework. Elvin is still at West’s.

Dec. 8th, Thurs.

Elvin came home about 10:00. Had “Gause” bring him up.

Dec. 9th, Fri.

Got up early & got Elvin ready to go down with Sam to work. Dad, Reva & Kenny went to Ulster most all day to get car fixed.

Dec. 10th, Sat.

Rained all last night. Windy. Ma, Dad & ma (?) went up town. Carl came over in p.m., helped Reva cut wood. Elvin & Woodie came up.

Dec. 11th, Sun.

Elvin, Kenny, Carl, Woodie & I went to Waverly. We went to see Edna. Went to the Free Meth in the p.m. and heard Peel preach. Elvin & Woodie went down home.

Dec. 12th, Mon.

Nice day. We washed & ironed. Dad thrashed his buckwheat in p.m.

Dec. 13th, Tues.

Cloudy. Cleaning up & sitting around. Prayer meeting is supposed to be at Floyd R this p.m. Orchestra practice at Guy Farrell’s tonite.

Dec. 14th, Wed.

Norrine is 9 today and can play the piano quite well. Edna & Peels were down. We went to Guy’s to practice for Xmas. Elvin came home but went to work in morn.

Dec. 15th

Cold. 13 degrees this morning. Didn’t do anything much. Mama made candies.

Dec. 16th, Fri.

Had sick headache all night. Carl & Marie have just about ‘split up.’

Dec. 17th, Sat.

Elvin & Woodie came home about 2 o’clock and we went to Athens and put on a new radiator and went to Elmira & Sayre at night.

Dec. 18th, Sun.

Nice day. Cloudy. We went to S.S. Elvin & Woodie went to hunt Carl. He went to Lawrenceville with LaVerne and didn’t get back until 4 o’clock.

Dec. 19th, Mon.

Snowed some. We went down to Guy’s to practice at night. Elvin came home after work. Kenny counts to 5 all by himself.

Dec. 20th, Tues.

Cloudy. We went over to Aunt Libbie’s to prayer meeting in the afternoon. Gladys came home tonight. Elvin took his car back to Dunham.

Dec. 21st, Wed.

Snowed all day. Quite cold. Dad got us a Christmas tree and we trimmed it. We washed.

Dec. 22nd, Thurs.

I went up to the church to practice with the school for Christmas. Snowing and blowing.

Dec. 23rd, Fri.

Ma & Dad went up town. The Christmas program was tonight. Charlotte got me a blouse & dishes. Bro. & Sis. Bennett & family came up in even.

Dec. 24th, Sat.

Warm. Thawing. Ma & Dad went up to Cecil’s to butcher a pig. Elvin won’t come home yet. Elvin, Woodie & Marj came up at night.

Dec. 25th, sun.

Nice day. Kenny got a wagon, blocks, sweater, books, drum, ball & stocking on the Xmas tree. We went to church at Ghent at night. Kids went home.

Dec. 26th, Mon.

Nice day. We washed. Aunt Lucy came down in afternoon and stayed all night. Dad butchered for Uncle Leon.

Dec. 27th, Tues.

Nice day. Cold at night. Carl & Walter came over at night. Elvin got me a lovely blue dress for Xmas. Elvin hasn’t come home yet.

Dec. 28th, Wed.

Awful cold. High winds and terrible cold weather all over east of Rockies. Dad sold the ducks & roosters this morn. Elvin came home.

Dec. 29th, Thurs.

Awful cold. Elvin & Carl helped Dad cut wood. But Elvin has sinus this p.m. Kenny talks quite plain now. Carl and Marie have “split.”

Dec. 30th, Fri.

Cold & snow flurries. Elvin went to work. Dad, Ma & Carl went to town. Carl is going to stay over until Sun. George & Del are home for vacation.

Dec. 31st, Sat.

Cold out. Roads are icy. Elvin didn’t come home. Carl, Reva & I went to the class party. I got a box of ‘jack-straws’. (Some present)




January 1st, Sun.

Tired out this morn. My throat is swollen and sore. Elvin & Woodie came up & I went down to West’s for dinner. We went to M. Tab in the P.M.

January 2nd, Mon.

Kenny was awful sick all night with fever & cold. Some better now. Elvin went to work. Cloudy & warm outdoors. Elvin came home.

January 3rd, Tues.

We had prayer meeting here this P.M. 11 present. Elvin working until 8 o’clock. Kenny had earache half the night. He’s cutting his four lower teeth.

January 4th, Wed.

About 20 (degrees). Ma washed. I’ve got an awful cold in my throat & lungs. Got awful pain in my side and stomach. Elvin got his new guitar.

January 5th, Thurs.

Warmer. Cloudy. Rainy. My cold is some better. Hoarse. Elvin came home & he still works tomorrow.

January 6th, Fri.

Ma & dad went to Mrs. Coleman’s funeral. Bro. Thomas preached. Ma, dad & girls went to Athens Tab to hear evangelist Ruth.

January 7th, Sat.

Dad & Elvin butchered the “Daisy cow”. Uncle Ervin & Aunt Mae came down after some beef. Woodie & Marj came up. Elvin went down after my clothes.

January 8th, Sun.

Nice day. We went to S.S. Elvin, Kenny & I went down to Farrell’s in P.M. Ma, dad, Elvin & Carl went up to the (Hipsiba) at night.

January 9th, Mon.

Elvin works his last for Mr. (Canal) today. Edgar Jr. born. No school. Ms. Hatch has appendicitis. We washed & ironed.

January 10th, Tues.

Warm out. Rained some. Elvin, dad & ma went over to G. Keir’s to prayer meeting. Dad, Ma, girls & Donna went to Athens Tab to revival meeting.

January 11th, Wed.

We went to Towanda. I got a new tan coat. We saw Mrs. Diehl down town. Miss Bustin is teaching in Marjorie’s place.

January 12th, Thurs.

Dad & Elvin are clipping cows and cleaning up before they can send milk. Ellen Johnson came home with Norrine and her bro. & sister came after her.

January 13th, Fri.

Quite warm out. Snow tonight. Kenny is 22 months old. Marjorie & Edgar Osborne have a baby boy.

January 14th, Sat.

Snowing and about 6 inches deep. Snowed all day. We got a card from (Al Payea) Carl walked over through the snow, Made ice cream.

January 15th, Sun.

Nice day but cold. Dad, Reva & I went to S. S. We made two freezers of ice cream. Dad, Elvin & I went to Athens Tab. To hear Rev. Ruth.

January 16th, Mon.

Snowed in p.m. Milk inspector came today. Aunt Libbie & Uncle Leon came over in the afternoon after buttermilk. Kenny fell and cut his face. Norrine stayed home from school.

January 17th, Tues.

Didn’t do much anything except go to prayer meeting in afternoon at (Dowd’s). 15 present. We went to Athens Tab tonight.

January 18th, Wed.

Snowed all day. Mama & Dad went and got the car inspected. The duck fell in the well & I lassoed him and pulled him out.

January 19th, Thurs.

Snow flurries. Dad & Mama went to Herrickville to hear Rev. (Haines) in p.m. & night. They went to Leon Bidlack’s for supper. Reva went home with Kathryn Hurley from school.

January 20th, Fri.

Sun is shining and it’s warmer out. We washed & I ironed some. (Earl) Coles have a baby girl named Barbara Jean born Jan. 16.

January 21st, Sat.

Ironed. Carl came over at night & he, Elvin and I went to Athens to get their hair cut. We saw Marjorie’s baby. She named it Edgar Jr.

January 22nd, Sun.

We got ready to go to church, but it started to blow & snow so hard I could hardly stand up. The preacher walked up as far as Cole’s gate then went back. Carl walked back to Keir’s.

January 23rd, Mon.

Zero this morn. Got a little warmer toward noon. We ‘kids’ went down on Cole’s pond and tried to skate. The state men are scraping our road. No school today.

January 24th, Tues.

Cloudy. Radio says rain or snow. Girls went to school. Kenny is well. He says “ding dong dell, pus in the well” He’s quite sassy. Wants his own way. Calls himself ‘Lenny’

January 25th, Wed.

Zero. Blustering. We’ve had a terrible blizzard today. Colder tonight. Elvin went down to Farrell’s to see Reva get there safely. We couldn’t call on the telephone.

January 26th, Thurs.

Marie Cole Williams is in a serious condition at the Tioga Hospital. Some better. Washed today. We went and rode down the dug road tonight.

January 27th, Fri.

Still about zero. Ironed. Elvin borrowed Raymond O’s sled and we rode down the hill tonight. Roads are still drifted. The Cook’s Rome bus smashed up Wed. night.

January 28th, Sat.

Nice day. Warmer. Elvin has worked all day for Charlie Cole cutting ice. Kenny went out and rode down hill with Reva & Norrine. Carl came over.

January 29th, Sun.

Nice day. Stayed home all day. No Sunday School. Wrote a letter to Lillian (LaBarre.)

January 30th, Mon.

Snowing hard. Snow turned to rain & sleet. Elvin went to Athens with Guy F to find a job. Didn’t find one though.

January 31st, Tues.

Blizzard. No school. Marie Cole died today of pneumonia. Reva came home. I’m making Reva a black (shawl) coat to wear with her ski pants.

February 1st, Wed.

Nice day. We washed today. Elvin did chores and cut ice for Charlie Cole. Finished Reva’s coat.

February 2nd, Thurs.

Warm out. Did the ironing. Elvin worked for Charlie.

February 4th, Sat.

Roads drifting worse than ever. Elvin did chores and stayed with Charlie’s kids while they went to (Marie’s) funeral. Carl came over for supper.

February 5th, Sun.

Nice sunshiny day. About 20 (degrees) out. Dad came home this afternoon. He won’t get his teeth ‘til Wed. Aunt (Pansy) isn’t very well.

February 6th, Mon.

Warm. Dad & Elvin drawed ice. About 16 inches thick. It snowed hard towards night. Reva stayed down with Mary.

February 7th, Tues.

Snowing & blowing hard. Only 32 (degrees) The roads have been drifted full for about 3 weeks. Elvin went with Floyd to jail to Towanda to hold a service.

February 8th, Wed.

Nice warm day. Elvin cut ice all day and Dad & uncle Leon drawed it. Aunt Libbie came over this p.m. Got a letter from Lillian L. She sent me a picture of herself.

February 9th, Thurs.

Bro. Bennett came up for dinner. Dad got his “teeth.” They look real nice. Don is home. He and his father came up and brought Elvin clothes. He stayed up.

February 10th, Fri.

Rain & sleet. Elvin and Don sawed wood. Kenny has quite a cold. He says, “Give me a penny” and (“Le lone”)

February 11th, Sat.

Nice sunshiny day. Elvin & Don are cutting ice for Guy. Woodie & Ralph came up in P.M. and took Don home tonight. Carl walked over and got here about 11 o’clock.

February 12th, Sun.

Sun shining, but the thermometer says 10 (degrees) of zero. Elvin & Guy went down to the jail for morning service. My kidneys are bothering me. Ma West’s birthday.

February 13th, Mon.

Elvin & Don cutting ice for Charley & Jos. B. We washed. Mary Bradley Strickland has a baby girl named Sylvia Marion.

February 14th, Tues.

Elvin & Don cut ice for Charlie. Thawing. (Unknown word)

February 15th, Wed.

Rained hard all night. Turned to sleet and later to snow. Regina Sabitis came home with Reva. Anna & Ralph are married.

February 16th, Thurs.

Stayed around zero all day. Ground is covered with ice. Dad went up town with Guy. Norrine didn’t go to school.

February 17th, Fri.

Little warmer today. No school up here at N.G. I walked over with Elvin to Aunt Libbie’s to take the freezer. Elvin & Dad went to church with Guy.

February 18th, Sat.

Warm. Almost 40 (degrees) out. (Payea) is at Goodell’s Tab. Elvin is helping Uncle Leon. Don is still here. He and Dad cut wood. Elvin went home with Don.

February 19th, Sun.

Rained all day. Carl came over about midnight last night. I showed Carl how to play guitar. He does pretty good. Snow is going fast.

February 20th, Mon.

Nice day. Partly cloudy. We washed. There’s very little snow left on the fields. Elvin is looking for a job today. I ironed.

February 21st, Tues.

About 20 (degrees). Elvin walked home from the Rome corners. He went down to the Towanda jail with Guy and stayed all night.

February 22nd, Wed.

5 (degrees) of zero. Blizzard. Elvin & Dad are sharing (showing?) horses.

February 23rd, Thurs.

7 (degrees) of zero. Elvin cut ice for Charley Cole.

February 24th, Fri.

Warmer. Elvin cut ice. Don & Marge came up at night. Dad had the doc for the cow.

February 25th, Sat.

Cold this morning. Elvin is cutting ice for (Earl). Jane came up from the corner without chains. Carl came home tonight.

February 26th, Sun.

Rained hard all day. Roads aren’t good enough to travel. No church nor S.S. Our hill is still drifted. Elvin & dad went with Guy to Tab.

February 27th,

Nice sunshiny day. We washed. Elvin went up town with Guy after groceries. He stayed to (Shomo’s) all day.

February 28th, Tues.

Rained and froze on but went up to 38 (degrees) at noon. We ironed. Kenny says, “Teenie down barn” meaning Queenie the calf.

February 29th

There isn’t any “29”

March 1st, Wed.

Cloudy. Dad walked to Towanda. Elvin sawed wood. Grace Payne came home with Norrine. Reva was sick & stayed home.

March 2nd, Thurs.

Elvin cut ice for Vern Cole. Dad walked to Towanda. Kenny can count to ten if he’s told (6&7)

March 3rd, Fri.

Warm. Kenny went outdoors and played almost all afternoon. He walked on the ice and (sat) down. Dad went to Ghent to Holiness meeting. Elvin cut ice. Carl came over.

March 4th, Sat.

Cloudy. Elvin went with Don Williams to get sawdust. Dad & Mort are drawing ice.

March 5th, Sun.

We went to church and S.S. Not many there. Today is the first we’ve had the car out in 2 months. Carl came over at noon. We went to Hep. Chapel at nite.

March 6th, Mon.

Nice day, but windy. Ma washed. Didn’t feel very good this morning. Kenny is (teasing) for his coat & hat on. Bradley is holding revival at Myersburg.

March 7th, Tues.

Windy & cold. We had prayer meeting here this p.m. Uncle Leon, Aunt Libbie, Thomases and we folk were the only ones here. Don’t feel very good.

March 8th, Wed.

7 (degrees) zero. Elvin cut ice for Floyd. Dad & Ma went to town & to see Bro. Goodell. He is very bad. Norrine went home with Grace Payne.

March 9th, Thurs.

Warm & rainy. Snowed all night. Elvin is cutting ice. Dad took Uncle Leon to town.

10. Fri. Elvin is cutting ice. Cold

March 11th, Sat.

Cold. Elvin cut ice for Floyd. Carl came over at night.

12. Sun. Rained, snowed, sleet all day. No S.School. Elvin’s been ‘snoozing’ all afternoon. Meetings end at Myersburg.

March 13th, Mon.

Blustery & blowing. Kenny is 2 years old, weighs about 35 lbs & is 1 yard tall. Elvin has gone to Towanda looking for work. I have a bad cold. Elvin came home.

March 14th, Tues.

Thawing. Nice day. Ma washed. My cold isn’t much better. Elvin & Dad are opening the road this p.m. Elvin got Kenny a new suit for his birthday.

March 15th, Wed.

Warm. Rained in p.m. There was a milk meeting at the hall today. Elvin is working for Floyd today. Dorothy Bennett has appendicitis and Albert is in the hospital with his feet.

March 16th, Thurs.

My cold is some better.

March 17th, Fri.

Elvin is cutting ice for Floyd. Reva went down to Bennett’s and stayed for their school party. She isn’t coming home until Mon. night.

March 18th, Sat.

Cold. Elvin went down to Pratt Chaffee’s and to Towanda. I don’t think he’s coming home tonight. Dad & Ma took Norrine to the doc’s. They bro’t the radio home.

March 19th, Sun.

Cold. I’m 22 today. Forgot it was my birthday. Elvin stayed down to West’s. Radio won’t play at all this morn. Carl is learning to play the guitar pretty good. The cow is sick.

March 20th, Mon.

Dad went to Rome this morn after his check & groceries. So cloudy we didn’t wash. Elvin came home this p.m. and helped Charlie Cole saw wood.

March 21st, Tues.

Cold. Ma & dad went to prayer meeting at Uncle Leon’s this p.m. Elvin went with Guy to the Towanda jail tonight. Kenny can spell “pig.”

March 22nd, Wed.

Cold. Henry Colegrove died last night. Dad took Uncle Leon to Athens to see his father. Dad took the radio up to get it fixed. The cow isn’t much better. Dad & ma went up to Goodell’s with (Rich)

March 23rd, Thurs.

Warm. Thawing. Ma washed yesterday & ironed today. I’ve got almost grippe. Dad got Kenny a pr. of overalls. Elvin helped Charlie this a.m. Clarence Smith came down.

March 24th, Fri.

Warm. I went out to the barn & sat in the sun & feel quite weak. Kenny was out all forenoon & sat down in the mud before he got to the house.

March 25th, Sat.

Warmer today. I went out and sat in the sun for awhile. Henry Colegrove’s funeral was at Chester C. this p.m. Dad, Ma & Reva went. I kept Alma’s 3 girls. Carl & Reva went to Athens.

March 26th, Sun.

Warm. Rained all night. Guys got stuck in the mud coming to S.S. Elvin went to jail with Guy this p.m. Dad, Ma, Elvin & I went to Elmira the Volunteers’ Mission at night. The roads are terrible.

March 27th, Mon.

Rained part of the night and most all forenoon. Cooler out. Almost all any of us did today was sleep. We didn’t get home last nite until one. Laurence Dawes’ have twins, boy & girl.

March 28th, Tues.

Cold. Snowed a little last night. Elvin went to Goodell’s with Floyd. He’s thinking of working for Pratt if he hasn’t hired someone else. No school yesterday nor today.

March 29th, Wed.

Thawing some. We washed. Elvin ‘s gone down to see Pratt. He’s hired out to him. We can’t move until the other man moves out.

March 30th, Thurs.

We finished drying the clothes today. Beatrice named the twins Donald & Dorothy.

March 31st, Fri.

Rainy & cloudy. I fixed my ironing board & washed & packed some dishes. I ironed.    

May 1st

Quite chilly. Varnished the floor in the living room. Cleaned up some more junk outdoors. I got enough dandelions for dinner tomorrow. My fourth mess of greens.

May 2nd, Tues.

Chilly. spaded my flower bed and planted them. Marg came down and ‘unbanked’ the house. Went up home and washed. Dad is quite bad with his rupture.

May 3rd, Wed.

Cool. Worked hard all day. Ironed. Mrs. Vaughn came over in afternoon. Elvin bought a fish and so we had fish for supper. We went with Pratt to the preacher’s reception and sang.

May 4th, Thurs.

Warmer. Didn’t get up until ten. Cleaned up. Varnished the floor and still lack paint. Marg came down and we put the rug down.

May 5th, Fri.

Warm. Canned 3 qts of dandelion greens. Fixed the sleeves on my blue taffeta dress. Elvin plowed one garden.

May 6th, Sat.

Warmer. Slight thunder shower. I washed & ironed some. Cleaned the bedroom & moped (mopped) the big front room. Elwood & Don came up and took us to town.

May 7th, Sun.

We went to S.S. & church at Hornbrook. They took dad to the hospital Friday, but we didn’t know it until today. We sat in the garage getting the car fixed most of p.m.

May 8th, Mon.

Hot. We went up home at nite for supper and came home without any lights. Carl, Ma, Aunt Lucy, Reva & Uncle Leon came down for dinner.

May 9th, Tues.

Hot & showery. I finished varnishing the floor and also the china closet, desk & rocking chair. Charlotte came down and stayed with me while Guy & Elvin went to jail.

May 10th, Wed.

Little cooler. My radishes are up. My curtains came and I’m real pleased with them. We went up to see Dad. He’s feeling good. The car wouldn’t go and Guy had to bring us home.

May 11th, Thurs.

Little cloudy. Ma did my washing last nite so I’m busy getting it dry. I ironed the p.m. Elvin planted the peas, My radishes are up.

May 12th, Fri.

Quite cool. Cleaned the woodwork (most of it) & windows in the bedroom. I put the curtain up and the dishes in the china closet. We have our onion sets and our corn planted.

May 13th, Sat.

Still cool & cloudy. Caught cold & tired out today. Scrubbed the porch, bedroom, kitchen & back kitchen this p.m. Wests came up for supper. We went to Towanda.

May 14th, Sun.

Warmer. We didn’t get until 10:30 (sic). Kenny & I. Dad came home Fri. He feels pretty good. We went to church at Hornbrook in the evening. Mother’s Day today.

May 21st, Sun.

Hot this morn. We got around to go to church. Hard thunder showers all afternoon. Don & Woodie came up in the p.m. Kenny went home with them. They came back at nite.

May 22nd, Mon.

Rained most all day. We went up to Pratt’s for dinner to celebrate Tom’s birthday. Sewed this p.m. Cleaned woodwork this forenoon.

May 23rd, Tues.

Rained occasionally. Our peas & corn are up. I put in 2 window lites & puttied some. Cleaned more woodwork. Planted the carrots, beets & beans tonite.

May 24th, Wed.

Cold & partly cloudy. Cleaned some this forenoon & washed woodwork in afternoon. Kenny talks just like a Dutchman. Lydia is going to give him a poem for Children’s Day. But will he speak it?

May 25th, Thurs.

Elvin went to the box social & came off with Mary Lou’s supper.

May 26th, Fri.

Hot. Ma, Dad & Norrine came down this afternoon. They stayed ‘til night & then we went to Carroll’s about Dad some work. I think he’ll get a job alright.

May 27th,

Warm. Have my tomatoes, cabbage & pepper plants set out. A big rat visited me this morning on the window sill by the bed. We went to Sayre & went & saw Ed & Marg & Junior.

May 28th, Sun.

Hot. We went up home with Gibbys and went up to Tab to hear Payea. We went to Myersburg in p.m. & night. We went down to West’s for supper.

May 29th, mon.

Cooler this p.m. Kenny was sick in the nite. Was out of his head he had such a fever. I got nervous about him and am about sick abed. We went & got him some medicine.

May 30th, Tues.

Warm. Memorial Services at Hornbrook. Elvin sang in the choir. Frank & Lillian were here a few minutes in the forenoon. We went up home. Grandma & Virgil were there. Ken & I stayed.

May 31st, Wed.

Boiling hot. Dad went to work for Carrol’s at Towanda. Ken & I came down with him. Cleaned up & transplanted some flowers & plants. Lydia’s gone to Phila for a wk. Ken’s tonsils are swollen.

June 1st, Thurs.

Dad was here for supper. We went up home and made ice cream. Reva’s school was out yesterday. She went to Endicott on a picnic today.

June 2nd, Fri.

Warm. Cleaned the bedroom and living room and little kitchen. They’re having revival meetings up at Myersburg. Rev. Lyons is the evangelist.

June 3rd. Sat.

Warm. Light shower in afternoon. Elwood and Don came up. Woodie stayed for supper and went to town with us. Marg got a pair of shoes and 2 dresses.

June 4th, sun.

Cool. Elvin & Ken went to S.S. and I went to church. We went up home in afternoon. Wrote 2 letters at nite and went to bed.

June 5th, Mon.

Warmer. Planted pop-corn and hoed some. Planted some snow white radishes. Went up home & did the washing. The folks were all gone away.

June 6th, Tues.

Cool. Elvin went to choir practice for Children’s Day. Kenny hasn’t felt very good today.

June 7th

Little warmer. Caught cold and didn’t feel very good. The muscles in my legs are so sore & lame from hoeing the garden. I can hardly walk or bend. We went to West’s.

June 8th, Thurs.

Awful hot. Cleaned the bedroom. Moped (mopped) the kitchens and cleaned woodwork. Ralph came up in p.m. & stayed ‘til his father came back from town. Marg & Edgar came down at nite.

June 9th, Fri.

Still warm. Everything burning up. We need rain so bad. Got up late this morning.

June 10th, Sat.

Rained a little. We went to Towanda at nite. Got me a new dress.

June 11th, Sun.

Hot. Showers in P.M. We went to Children’s Day at Hornbrook & up to N. Ghent with the preacher in P.M. & Ghent at nite. Kenny & I went home with Ma & Dad.

June 12th, Mon.

Cold & windy. Helped ma pick strawberries for shortcake. Dad worked at Towanda. Elvin & Marg came up at nite & bro’t the washing.

June 13th, Tues.

Rained in p.m. Weeded some in forenoon. Dad’s suit came. Rained most all nite. Kenny is 27 months old today. Bro. Goodell is dead.

June 14th, Wed.

Cool & cloudy. Bought 23 qts of strawberries. Went up home & took Dad’s suit. Elvin’s radio came today. Aunt Lucy is up home.

June 15th, Thurs.

Hot. Hard thundershower at nite. Canned strawberries all day. Canned 23 qts & made 3 pints of jam. Made a shortcake. Ate the rest. Weeded the garden.

June 16th, Fri.

Warm. Weeded the garden. Cleaned up the house. Elvin went to choir practice.

June 17th, Sat.

Cooler. Weeded all afternoon. Went to Towanda at nite. Woodie got run into smashed the car all up. Bought a wash tub, a pocket book & a frying pan. Went & saw Marie and Bob.

June 18th, Sun.

Cool & cloudy. Woodie came up this p.m. Kenny & Elvin went to S.S. & church. We went to Milan to church & took Woodie to camp after.

June 19th, Mon.

Cool. Went to Louis’s & cleaned up in afternoon. Tired. Got my new washer.

June 20th, Tues.

Hard showers this p.m. Washed. Weeded some.

June 21st, Wed.

Hot. Weeded. Ma, Dad & girls came down this p.m. & Kenny went home with them. We went down to West’s at nite.

June 22nd, Thurs.

Partly cloudy & cooler. Cleaned eggs for Mrs. Louis. Tired out. The kids brought Kenny home.

June 28th, Wed,

Hot all day. Weeded all day. We went up home after Kenny. Ma & Dad were up town. They’re having an awful hot time at Athens Tab.

June 29th, Thurs.

Cloudy. Rained all nite. Dad & Ma came down and helped finish weeding the garden. Kenny has a bad cold and is awful cross.

June 30th, Fri.

Canned 10 qts strawberries. Have about 23 qts canned in all. Made a shortcake for supper.

July 1st, Sat.

Cool. Woodie picked cherries up at Lydia’s and I canned 5 qts after we got back from town. Woodie came home with us.

July 2nd, Sun.

Windy. Woodie was here all day. Had peas out of the garden for dinner. Scalded my thumb. We went to Myersburg at nite with Pratt & Lydia.

July 3rd, Mon.

Washed. Kenny & I both have a cold.

July 4th, Tues.

Went up home for dinner. Made ice cream. Don, Woodie & Marj came up and the kids all went swimming. Elvin went to jail. Ken & I went to take Woodie to camp.

July 5th, Wed.

Hot. Took 2 ½ pails of sweet cherries up home yesterday and canned them. I have 6 qts of sour cherries canned. Weeded & worked in the garden.

July 6th, Thurs.

Warm & muggy. Rained last nite. Had chicken for supper last night & for dinner today. We went up home & took the chicken gravy & got the cherries. Had 11 ½ qts.

July 7th, Fri.

Hot. Worked in the garden. Moped. Elvin helped draw in 11 loads of hay.

July 8th, Sat.

Hot. Our peas & corn are drying up. We went to town at nite. I went to the Doc. Made a chocolate cake today.

July 9th, Sun.

Hot. Had peas & pork chops for dinner & supper. Stayed home all day. Went to Hornbrook to church at nite.

July 10th, Mon.

Cooler. Washed & did most of the ironing. Moped the kitchen. Elvin has 3 Jerseys now, 2 bulls and a heifer.

July 11th, Tues.

Still quite cool. Garden is awfully dry. Had string beans for dinner. We have cucumbers almost 2 in. long. Elvin went to jail at nite.

July 12th, Wed.

Cooler. Canned 3 qts of andive greens. Cleaned the windows upstairs. Washed the window shades. Hoed in the garden. Sterling Tompkins’ house burned.

July 13th, Thurs.

Hot. Hoed in the garden. Weeded the carrots. Guy Ferrell’s family came down at nite. Guy & Elvin & hired man went to Towanda. Bro’t back ice cream.

July 14th, Fri.

Little cooler. Canned 3 qts of string beans. Cleaned the bedroom. Had cucumbers for supper. Elvin went to ice cream social & choir practice. Washed my hair.

July 15th, Sat.

Cool. Cleaned up. Went to Sayre with Charlotte, Guy & Laura. Elvin, Guy & Laura went to Smith’s Mission. Charlotte & I & Ken went to Sayre. Took Marg & Edgar & got hotdogs.

July 16th, Sun.

Still cool. Went to church and sang. Went to bed in p.m. Stayed home the rest of the day. Marg got her permanent a couple days ago.

July 17th, Mon.

Washed. Aunt (crossed off)

July 18th, Tues.

July 19th, Wed.

July 20th, Thurs.

Hot. Baked a cake. Canned 3qts of string beans. Have canned 6 qts altogether.

July 21st, Fri.

Hot. Lillian came down today. Martin Gillette started painting the house today. We went to Ulster & up to Floyd R.

July 22nd, Sat.

Hot. Martin’s painting. Woodie came at noon. Ma, Dad, & girls came down & took Kenny up home. We went to town at nite.

July 23rd, Sun.

Hot. Went to Hughesville camp meeting. Elvin, Woodie, Marj & I after Lydia. Hard showers coming home. Dad’s crops & garden ruined by hail.

July 24th, Mon.

Tired out. Bought linoleum for the kitchen from a Jew (?) Went up home after Kenny. Don Williams shot & wounded Curly, the dog.

July 25th, Tues.

Washed & ironed. Martin painted the p.m. Put the linoleum down tonite. Looks good.

July 26th, Wed.

Hot. Elvin’s calves were sick and had to have the doc. The heifer had acute indigestion. Rained at nite.

July 27th, Thurs.

July 28th, Fri.

Hot. Cleaned up. We went up to Floyd R. at nite & over home. Edna was there and came down and stayed all nite. Dad has sinus.

July 29th, Sat.

Hot & muggy. We went to Gladys & Bernard’s wedding. Kenny stayed up. We went to Towanda then took Reva home & got Kenny. Dad’s building a new porch.

July 30th, Sun.

Rained all forenoon. We stayed home all day. Aunt Mae & Uncle Ervin had a ten lb. baby boy named Harry LaVerne.

July 31st, Mon.

Washed. Martin is painting the house. Went down to West’s at nite. Picked up 2 bu. of apples from down under the tree by the garden.

August 1st, Tues.

Hot. Martin painted this a.m. Ironed. Elvin went to jail at nite with the men.

August 2nd, Wed.

Showers, but we didn’t get any.

August 3rd

Hot. Rained a little. We went up home at nite and took Ma a bu. of apples & endive & lettuce. Dad & Cecil have the new porch finished.

August 4th, Fri.

Sick last nite. Moped. Washed windows. Johnson had a shower for Gladys & Barney tonite.

August 5th, Sat.

Hot. Cleaned up. Went to Towanda and Doc’s. I got Gladys 2 dresser scarfs.

August 6th, Sun.

Hot. Didn’t go anywhere. Marg came down for dinner. Stayed home all day.

August 7th, Mon.

Nice day. Washed and ironed. Elvin was away thrashing and didn’t come home for dinner. Elvin went to choir practice.

August 8th, Tues.

Hot. Didn’t do much. Cleaned windows and put up a clean curtain in bedroom. Went up home at nite and made ice cream.

August 9th, Wed.

Hot. Rained a little. Ma’s birthday. We gave her a linen tablecloth. Gladys & Barney are living & working for John Vosburgh.

August 10th, Thurs.

Warm. Fixed over a dress for Norrine.

August 11th, Fri.

Hot. Puttied the windows. Elvin got a chicken from Lydia but it was so strong we couldn’t eat much.

August 12th, Sat.

Hot. Pratt took us up home this morning and we went to the Billings reunion with Dad. We went to Athens to mission at nite with Dad.

August 13th, Sun.

Hot. Hard showers after dinner. Woodie was here when we got home last nite. Ma & Dad bro’t Kenny home. Orie Bidlack’s barn burned.

August 14th, Mon.

Washed. Elvin went to choir practice. (erased sentence)

August 15th, Tues.

Ironed. Elvin went to jail at nite. I started to piece a top for a sofa pillow.

August 16th, Wed.

Hot. Puttied the windows. Marg painted on the front porch.

August 17th, Thurs.

Hot & dry. Puttied. Mrs. Schrier called in the afternoon. Ron and his friend stopped a few minutes at nite. We went up home.

August 18th, Fri.

Puttied. So hot I didn’t do much else.

August 19th, Sat.

Cleaned up the house. Elvin & Pratt cleaned out the well. We went down town at nite then up to Farrell’s. I ordered parts for the stove.

August 20th, Sun.

Hot. Got up late. Didn’t do anything all day but sit around. Elvin went to church at nite. Dad was ordained at Myersburg today.

August 21st, Mon.

Hot. Washed. Painted part of our bed. The calf is sick again. Made pt. of apple butter. Grapes are getting ripe.

August 22nd, Tues.

Little cooler this morn. Ironed & made a chocolate cake. Ma, Dad & Norrine came down and Kenny & I went to town with them. Kenny went home with them.

August 23rd, Wed.

Went up after Kenny tonite. He was homesick to come home. Varnished the bed springs and enameled the stove.

August 24th, Thurs.

Sprinkled a little. Got my new mattress today. Ralph came up with Elvin. Mother, dad & Don came up in p.m.

August 25th, Fri.

Woodie came for supper and stayed ‘til Sat. nite.

August 26th, Sat.

Hot. Canned 2 ½ qts of corn. Cleaned up the house. Went to town at nite. Got me a sweater.

August 27th, Sun.

Warm. Elvin went to church. Ralph is still here. His folks went to Sunbury. Don came up for him in the afternoon.

August 28th, Mon.

Washed. Went to the “weener” roast at Guy Farrell’s. Don West goes to Panama a week from Wed. He’s joined the army.

August 29th, Tues.

Looks like war in Europe. Elvin went to jail. Woodie & Don bro’t him back and stayed over nite. Still as dry as ever. No rain in sight.

August 30th, Wed.

Elvin & the boys went to Mansfield to attend Woodie’s ‘hearing.’ They got back about noon. Elvin can hardly wiggle his back is so lame.

August 31st, Thurs.

Elvin went to the Doc’s and he has sciatic lumbago in his back.

September 1st, Fri.

Canned 4 qts of tomatoes. Went up home at nite and to North Rome. Dad has been leading the singing at the Athens Tab every nite during revival.

September 2nd, Sat.

Hot. Canned 4 qts of plums. I have 8 qts in all. Made 2 qts of grape sauce. Don, Woodie & Ralph came up after Marg. We went to town. Took radio.

September 3rd, Sun.

Warm. Elvin went to S.S. Stayed home all day. Elvin went to church at nite.

September 4th, Mon.

Hot. Nice shower in afternoon. Washed and canned 3 qts of peaches. Don, Woodie, Marj & Hazel (Don’s girl) came up at nite. Don leaves Wednesday.

September 5th, Tues.

Windy and cool. Chimney burned out. Mart is painting the house. Ironed some. Canned 6 qts of tomatoes. Took Kenny’s picture.

September 6th, Wed.

Still chilly. Got up late. Finished ironing. Picked grapes. Killed flies, mostly.

September 7th, Thurs.

Elvin’s father came up for dinner. Aunt Pansy stopped a few minutes. Canned 3 qts of peaches. Made grape sauce. Moped.

September 8th, Fri.

Cleaned windows. Don’t feel very good. Tired my arms out. Cleaned up. Elvin’s father was here for supper & so was Woodie. Elvin and Woodie took Ken & me up home.

September 9th, Sat.

Cool. Kenny & I are up home. Ma canned almost 30 qts of elderberries. Reva is down at Sabitis’s. She came home this P.M. & took Regina. We went to town at nite.

September 10th, Sun.

Elvin went to church & S.S. Poppy Diehl came before dinner & stayed for supper. Woodie is here. We took him to camp at nite.

September 11th, Mon.

Cool. Washed. Woodie & George Silverman were here at nite. George is leaving his car here. We took them back to camp.

September 12th, Tues.

Cold & raining. Not much rain though. Picked my tomatoes & made chili sauce. Elvin is filling silo & didn’t come for dinner. We went to Towanda & saw Dad & mom, then to West’s.

September 13th, Wed.

Cold. Kenny & I went up home to stay & can my peaches.

September 14th, Thurs.

Canned 6 qts of peaches. Marie & Bob Young have another girl born yesterday or today. George K. & French LaBarre are both married. We went to prayer meeting at Waverly.

September 15th, Fri.

Hot. Dad hitched up Queenie with Molly but she is awful stubborn. Elvin didn’t come after us tonite. Alice B. Gray has a baby boy. War is going bad & heavy between Germany & England.

September 16th, Sat.

Hot. Ma washed. About all the wells are nearly dry. No water anywhere. Elvin came after us this noon. We went to Towanda at nite. Thunder showers in nite.

September 17th, Sun.

Cool & windy. Elvin & Ken went to S.S. Carl was here a minute with Woodie in afternoon. Russia has entered the war against England & France. Italy partly in. Went to Cal. Baptist church.

September 18th, Mon.

Windy & cool. Washed. Sewed. Tom Simons is just alive. Marie & Bob Young have another girl named Roberta Ann.

September 19th, Tues.

Cold. I have quite a cold. Ironed. Sewed. Elvin’s father was here for supper and stayed all nite.

September 20th, Wed.

Cloudy & rainy. Warmer. Ma & Dad & Reva stopped about 10:30 & bro’t my peaches. I had 16 qts out of a bushel.

September 21st, Thurs.

Elvin’s father is staying here and working for Pratt

September 22nd, Fri.

Picked a pail of grapes and made grape sauce. We went up after Norrine at nite. Woodie came and we have a crowd.

September 23rd, Sat.

Tired out. Moped and canned 2 ½ qts of grape sauce. We went to town and got the new stove parts. I got Norrine a new pair of shoes (or helped her get them.)

September 24th, Sun.

Elvin went to church & S. S. Ma, Dad, Carl and Reva came down in afternoon to get Norrine and take Carl back. Wests were here a few minutes in eve. We took Woodie to camp.

September 25th, Mon.

Cloudy in morn but turned out nice. I washed. Sewed some at nite.

September 26th, Tues.

Cooler. Rained most all day. Ironed. Did up the curtains in kitchen and washed the windows.

September 27th, Wed.

Hard showers all day. Finished the ironing. Painted some on the little heater. Sewed.

September 28th, Thurs.

Nice day. Made a bottle of catsup. Finished painting the heater. Sewed.

September 29th, Fri.

Hard thundershowers most all day. Went up home at nite and Reva came home with us.

September 30th, Sat.

Hard thunder all afternoon. Cleaned up and baked a cake & pudding. Went to town. Got Kenny a pr. of overalls, sweater and socks. Went up home & Kenny & I stayed.

October 1st, Sun.

Cold & cloudy. We didn’t’ go anywhere all day. Reva & Kenny went to N. G. church. Carl came up for dinner. Mr. & Mrs. Loomis from Athens called in P.M.

October 2nd, Mon.

Cold. Uncle Leon cut corn for Dad and was here for dinner. Norrine is in 5th grade this yr & Reva is a sophomore. Elvin & Marg came up after us at nite.

October 3rd, Tues.

Rainy & cloudy. Just straightened the house & patched a rug. We went to Black to the meeting with Pratt. We sang. Very few present.

October 4th, Wed.

Warmer. I washed. Bro’t the washer in the kitchen. Elvin went to the hospital to see Tom. Ken & I went over to Aunt Mae’s & Aunt Vira & Edna came up. Carl went with us.

October 5th. Thurs.

Ironed. Elvin drove Pratt to church to Black. Pretty good crowd. I stayed home & sewed. Elvin’s father is here.

October 6th, Fri.

Warm out. Cleaned windows. Elvin & Pratt went to church. I sewed.

October 7th, Sat.

Warm out. Woodie & George came about noon. Cleaning up. Woodie went with us to Sayre. We went down and saw Marj & baby.

October 8th, Sun.

Cloudy. Rained all afternoon. Woodie & George & Marg were here all day. Elvin took them to camp at nite & Kenny & I stayed here. Fluffy cat got killed.

October 9th, Mon.

Warm. I have a bad cold. Wests came up for dinner and stayed all afternoon. Marg has a girl at Lydia’s & came down to help me. We went up home at nite.

October 10th, Tues.

Warm. We washed. Don’t feel very good. Elvin’s father is here for dinner. Now Lydia says she can’t get dinner for him. We went to Waverly to Edgar’s & Marg’s. Carl went too, his birthday.

October 11th, Wed.

Cloudy. Looks like rain. Making catsup. Made about 3 ½ qts. My cold is no better.

October 12th, Thurs.

Chilly out. Made peach butter. Don’t feel good. Sick last nite. Don is home. We went down home at nite.

October 13th, Fri.

Light frost last nite. Quite cold this morning. Had chicken for dinner. Took Pratt to church at N. Ghent. We went down home but the folks had gone to prayer meeting.

October 14th, Sat.

We cleaned up the house. Had pancakes for supper. Went to town & doc’s at nite. Caught more cold and almost coughing my head off.

October 15th, Sun.

Cold. Coughing awful hard. Elvin, Marg, Woodie & George went down home and took me up home. I went to Pilgrim Holiness Church with the folks. Ken & I stayed up home.

October 16th, Mon.

Cold. Tired out from coughing. My cough’s some better today. Kenny followed granddad all day. Elvin didn’t come after us tonite.

October 17th, Tues.

Colder. Rained some. Ma & Dad bro’t Ken and me home in afternoon. Ma had to sew on the machine. We went down to West’s at nite. Froze hard tonite.

October 18th, Wed.

Little warmer this P.M. Don’t feel very good. Marj, Woodie & folks took Don to New Jersey today. Baked pumpkin pies. Gathered a few butternuts & picked up apples.

October 19th, Thurs.

Washed. Marj helped at Lydia’s

October 20th, Fri.

Warm. Marj ironed & cleaned up. I sewed. Elvin went to church to Hornbrook tonite. I coughed half the nite.

October 21st, Sat.

Warm & cloudy. Rained a little. Tired out today. Marj helped Lydia. George & Woodie came at noon. We went to town. I got a hat, sweater & bedroom slippers.

October 22nd, Sun.

Elvin went to church & S.S. Didn’t do anything all day. Took the boys back to camp at nite.

October 23rd, Mon.

Cloudy & cold. It hailed some. Marj helped Lydia a while this morn. Lydia is going to the hospital today. We went up home tonight. Mama is sick.  

October 24th, Tues.

Nice day, but cold. We washed & Marj ironed. My cold is still bad. Elvin took Pratt to church at Ghent and Marj went somewhere. I sewed.

October 25th, Wed.

Cloudy. Sitting around doing mostly nothing. It’s our 4th anniversary today. Marj went out. I sewed.

October 26th, Thurs.

Warm. My cold isn’t much better. Lydia was operated on this morn. Haven’t heard how she is. Elvin & Pratt went to church at Ghent.

October 27th, Fri.

Rained most all day. Stayed in bed til noon with a plaster on my chest. Elvin went to church with Pratt.

October 28th, Sat.

Quite cool. Snowed some. Cleaned up or rather Marj did. I baked a cake. We went to town at nite. Woodie & George came at noon. I went to the Doc.

October 29th, Sun.

Nice day. We went to Pilgrim Hol. Church at East Athens in morn. Ken & I went home with Ma & Dad. We went to Myersburg at nite. Heard Miss Hancock.

October 30th, Mon.

Quite cold. Rained in P.M. Kenny went to school til noon with Norrine. We went with Ma & Dad to dig potatoes in afternoon. Elvin didn’t come after us.

October 31st, Tues.

Rained hard all day. Ma baked a cake and a batch of bread. Elvin came up after us tonite. Floyd R came over with him. We popped corn.

November 1st, Wed.

Cool & partly cloudy. Woodie came last nite and has gone hunting. Elvin wanted to go but had to help Pratt. Woodie got 2 squirrels. We went up to Farrell’s and West’s.

November 2nd, Thurs.

Rained in afternoon. Elvin & Woodie went hunting & didn’t get back until 4:00. Elvin got 2 rabbits, Woodie got 1 & Dad got 1 and gave it to Elvin.

November 3rd, Fri.

Woodie went hunting part of the day but didn’t get anything. Elvin & Woodie & Marj went to the bazaar at N. G. Ken & I went to Aunt Lillian’s. Ma & Dad went to Waverly.

November 4th, Sat.

Marj went to Sunbury with George. Woodie, Carl, Jimmy, Elvin, Ken & I went to Sayre at nite. Ken & I got a pr. of shoes. We went down to Marg’s & waited for the boys.

November 5th, Sun.

Marlene Joanne was born at 1 o’clock morn & weighed 6 lbs. She’s quite small, rather homely but cute. I’m not feeling “too bad.” Ma & Dad came down.

November 6th, Mon.

It snowed hard yesterday P.M. & nite but it’s a lovely day today. I’m the only person here in the hospital with the exception of 1 man upstairs, Marie Y. was here.

November 7th, Tues.

Cloudy & warm. Feeling pretty good. Carl, Elvin & Marj were here last nite. Baby is doing fine. I had 7 visitors today & nite. Dad, Ma, Reva, Mary R. Colegrove, Sylvia & Elvin. Ken peeked in.

November 8th, Wed.

Cold. Rained a little. I’m feeling good today. No visitors this P.M. Elvin was here tonite.

November 9th, Thurs.

Snowed & sleeted last nite. Cold. There’s another patient here in the room with me. Mrs. Watkins had her baby early this morn. Elvin & Marg were here at nite.

November 10th, Fri.

Lovely day. Feeling good. Dad called down. Elvin, Marj, Woodie & Marg came in at nite. Baby is gaining. This is my 5th day here.

November 11th, Sat.

A lovely warm day. Baby weights 5 lbs 14 oz. Dad, Ma, Ken, Reva & Norrine were here in P.M. Elvin, Marj & Woodie were here at nite, I sat up in bed & feel pretty good.

November 12th, Sun.

A lovely day. We have a different nurse today. Ma, Carl, Reva & kids came down this P.M. & Virgil & grandma, Wests, Sylvia & Hazel.

November 13th, Mon.

Snowed hard. Doc Swartz said I’d have to stay in bed 2 wks. They’ve put baby on a bottle. She weighs 6 lbs. Elvin & Marj were here at nite.

November 14th, Tues.

Lovely day. Mrs. Rider came in today but her baby isn’t born yet. Elvin & Marj came down. Baby weighs 6 lbs 2 oz. Marg Osborne has a baby girl, born last Saturday.

November 15th, Wed.

Nice day but cold out. Mrs. Rider’s baby was born last nite at 11:30. There’s another woman on the table. Hers was born 11:55. Elvin & Marj came down at nite. Mr. & Mrs. Bennett were here in P.M.

November 16th, Thurs.

Warmer. Ma & Dad, Elvin, & Marj came down at nite, Kenny is having a good time at Granddad’s. Baby is doing fine since she was put on the bottle.

November 17th, Fri.

Partly cloudy. Another woman had a baby this morning. It’s almost full here. Elvin has got his new suit. He came in at nite.

November 18th, Sat.

Nice day. Had extra nurse. Case baby awful sick. Elvin & Woodie came in at nite. Got a card from Marg. Her baby is still alive and gaining a little. It only weighs 4 lbs.

November 19th, Sun.

Cloudy. Ma, Dad, Carl & kids were down P.M. Kenny looked in the window. I sat up about 2 hrs. Elvin, Woodie, Marj & George were here at nite. Uncle Cecil & Aunt Flossie were here.

November 20th, Mon.

Colder. Feel stronger today. I sat up a long time today. Got a card from Marg & her baby died Fri. It’s buried today. Elvin came down tonite.

November 21st, Tues.

Quite cold. I came home at 2 o’clock. Tired out tonite. Baby cried hard after we got home. She slept good all nite. Kenny has a bad cold.

November 22nd, Wed.

Cloudy. Marj washed. Woodie came in at nite. Feeling pretty good. Baby slept from 11:30-7:30. Could hardly get her milk down her. Ma & Dad & kids came. Reva stayed.

November 23rd, Thurs.

Nice day. Baby is good. Sleeps most of the time. Thanksgiving is being celebrated today. Reva ironed. Woodie is here.

November 24th, Fri.

Feeling good. Reva & Marj went to Towanda with Rob Vought, Woodie & Carl bro’t them back at nite.

November 25th, Sat.

Marj & Reva cleaned up. The girls & Elvin went to town at nite. Baby cried all the while they were gone & didn’t go to sleep until 12:30.

November 26th, Sun.

Lovely day. I’ve caught cold in my throat. Baby feels better. Ma, Dad, Carl, & kids came down but Kenny wouldn’t stay. Wests & George came at nite. Husbie went to church.

November 27th, Mon.

Cloudy. I have a hard cold. Marj went home last nite so I’m alone. Babe & I stayed alone at nite while Elvin drove Pratt somewhere.

November 28th, Tues.

Partly cloudy. I’m coughing something awful. Every afternoon, babe sleeps for 4 or 5 hours & then is ready to stay awake when bedtime comes. Marj hasn’t come back.

November 29th, Wed.

Still have a hard cold. Babe is good.

November 30th

Nice day. Ma, Dad & Kenny came down for dinner. Ma washed for me. We went home with them. I don’t feel very good after coughing so hard.

December 1st, Fri.

Nice day. Kenny is out with dad most of the time. Baby cried quite a lot. Ma & Dad went to Waverly to prayer meeting. Reva went to ball game. Gladys & Aunt Libby came over.

December 2nd, Sat.

Cloudy. Sewed on a brown shirt for myself. Elvin didn’t come up after us. He couldn’t get the car. Dad butchered for Uncle Cecil today.

December 3rd, Sun.

Snowed hard in the morning but turned into rain. Ma, Dad & kids bro’t us home and then went to Kellogg. Mr. & Mrs. Gildy were here. Marg left last Sunday. Marj & Woodie came up.

December 4th, Mon.

I got afire this morn when putting in wood. Burned my bathrobe half up. Mary Elizabeth C. is helping Lydia.

December 5th, Tues.

Nice day. Still coughing. Washed baby clothes and cleaned some. We went down to the hospital to get babe some milk & on down to West’s. Marj was the only one home.

December 6th, Wed.

Nice day. Cloudy. Washed all day. Elvin went over to Ulster with Pratt at nite.

December 7th, Thurs.

December 8th, Fri.

Washed out, overdone. Elvin & Woodie went up and got Reva tonite. Marj & Hazel were here & Carl & LaVerne.

December 9th, Sat.

I’ve overdone & can do nothing. Reva is here. Elvin is deer hunting. He didn’t get anything.

December 10th, Sun.

Elvin & I went with Ma & Dad to Kellogg for service. I went home with them. I don’t feel good. Played out.

December 11th, Mon.

I was up to see Doc Higgins at Sayre. He said I should go to bed for a month & that my heart is bad.

December 20th, Wed.

We’ve been up home for the past 2 weeks. Bernard & Gladys Newbury have moved in with Pratt. He’s going to work for Pratt.

December 21st, Thurs.

Aunt Mae’s baby died this morning of pneumonia. Elvin came up and we went to town but my heart played out.

December 22nd, Fri.

Cold & blizzard. Ma & Dad & Norrine went to Waverly tonite. Elvin, Woodie & Marj came up after us. They & Reva went to the Christmas exercise.

December 23rd, Sat.

Don’t feel any good. Reva cleaned up. Elvin went to Christmas exercises to the church. He got a tie and I got a dish from the S.S. teacher, Mrs. Cipher.

December 24th, Sun.

Warmer. Ironed (crossed out). Woodie, Ma & Dad came down in P.M. Kenny is staying up. Kenny went home with them. (Crossed out… Dad came down after us and took us up home. Snowed.)

December 25th, Mon.

Dad came down after us and Carl and took us up home for dinner. We got Ken a sled for Xmas.

December 26th, Tues.

Reva washed and cleaned the bedroom and kitchen. I don’t feel good at all. Stayed in bed most of the day.

December 27th, Wed.

Cold. Seems as if this had been the coldest day we’ve had yet. Reva ironed.

December 28th

Below zero. Cold all day. Baby weighs 10 lbs. She’s getting hair on top of her head. Reva went riding with Bernard A. I don’t feel any good.

December 29th, Fri.

Warmer. Lucy Belle Cushie sent the baby a nice quilt and me 2 holders & Kenny a box of handkerchiefs.

December 30th, Sat.

Nice day. Feeling a little better today. I went to the doc’s at nite and he said I had quite a cold in my throat. Elvin took Sid Barrowcliff to Athens.

December 31st, Sun.

Cloudy and spitting snow. Don’t feel very strong. Ruby stopped and saw the baby. Elvin went to S.S. and church.




January 1st, Mon.

Ma, Dad, Norrine & Kenny came down after Reva and babe & I went home with them. I’m getting a bad cold.

January 2nd, Tues.

My cold is worse.

January 3rd, Wed.

January 4th, Thurs.

Stayed in bed all day.

January 5th, Fri.

Marlene is 2 months. Snowed hard and blowed drifts. Been up this P.M. Don’t feel very good. Dad went to Hornbrook.

January 6th, Sat.

In bed all day. I have an awful cough. Elvin walked up tonite and bro’t baby’s milk. He drove the car home.

January 7th, Sun.

Nice day. Carl & Elvin came up. Dad took them & Gladys & Bernard back home. Still coughing hard. Charlotte stopped from S.S.

January 8th, Mon.

Dad took Floyd R to Athens.

January 9th, Tues.

Ma & Dad went to Tab at Athens at nite.

January 10th, Wed.

Cloudy & cold. My cold is a lot better. Elvin & Carl came up at nite.

January 11th, Thurs.

January 12th, Fri.

Warmer. Snowed hard.

January 13th, Sat.

Warm out. Got up about 5 minutes. Awful weak. Ma & Dad went after groceries & down to Bennett’s for dinner. Gladys & Marion came down. Elvin telephoned up.

January 14th, Sun.

Rained & awfully windy. Dad went down after Carl & Elvin. Uncle Leon took Gladys & Bernard & the boys back.

January 15th, Mon.

Cloudy. Icy. Dad went to Ulster with Uncle Leon. Don’t feel good. Didn’t get up today. Reva stayed down to Regina’s party.

January 16th, Tues.

10 (degrees) zero. Elvin called up this morning. I got up some.

January 17th, Wed.

4 (degree) of zero. Elvin called up. Baby’s gums are swollen. It won’t be long before she has some teeth. Dad went to town. Elvin, Carl & LaVern came up at nite.

January 18th, Thurs.

8 (degree) of zero. Dad has an awful cold. Kenny burned his hand. I feel a little stronger today.

January 19th, Fri.

4 (degree) below zero. Elvin, Carl & Woodie came up at nite. I feel pretty today. Reva stayed down to Bennett’s to basketball game.

January 20th, Sat.

4 (degree) below zero.

January 21st, Sun.

Warmer. Elvin came up with the preacher. Dad went after Carl. We made ice cream. Dad took Elvin, Carl, Gladys & Bernard back. I had an awful headache.

January 22nd, Mon.

About 18 (degree) zero. Reva is sick abed with a cold. Baby slept about all day. Dad sat up with her until about 12:30.

January 23rd, Tues.

About 20 (degree) I feel pretty good today. Reva is still in bed. Her cold is some better. Norrine went home with Grace Payne.

January 24th, Wed.

There’s awful snowstorms in the different states even in Florida. Dad & Uncle Leon went to Towanda. Dad got 2 new tires from Spiegles.

January 25th, Thurs.

Still quite cold. We haven’t got snowed in yet. I hope it misses us. Elvin came up and stayed all nite. He took care of Marlene all nite. Aunt Jennie S. funeral.

January 26th, Fri.

Sun is shining. It’s a lovely day. I’m tired this morn. Baby didn’t sleep very good.

January 27th, Sat.

Cold. Bro. & Sis. Bennett came up in the afternoon. Elvin called up from Towanda.

January 28th, Sun.

Dad went after Elvin & Carl. We made ice cream. Ma & Dad took them back and went on up to Athens Tab to church. Heapp’s have a baby boy.

January 29th, Mon.

20 (degree) Ma & Dad went to Tab at Athens with Floyd & Edna R. Baby’s stomach is upset. She cried awful hard this evening. Regina Sabitis came home with Reva.

January 30th, Tues.

20 (degree). Mama has a bad cold in her head. I washed my feet and caught cold in my head.

January 31st, Wed.

Almost zero. Mama don’t feel very good. Dad fixed my big doll bed for the baby. Elvin called up. They have prayer meeting at Hornbrook tonite.

February 1st, Thurs.

Cloudy. Snowed hard all afternoon. Dad went to Athens. Elvin & Carl came up and helped Dad clip cows. Reva made ice cream. The baby has a cold.

February 2nd, Fri.

Blowing & drifting the roads full. Marlene weighed 12 lbs a wk ago. No school up here on the hill. Elvin called up tonite.

February 3rd, Sat.

Warmer, but still blowing. Sun is shining. Truck got through alright. Elvin called from Towanda. Elvin is about sick with cold.

February 4th, Sun.

Warm. Road is full. Can’t get out either way. Elvin & Carl came up. Dad took them back by way of the side hill. Reva went home with Regina Sabitis.

February 5th

Cloudy and warmer. Ma washed and a nail pushed a hole in her washer and I put a rivet in and fixed it temporarily.

February 6th, Tues.

Warm. 32 (degree) Snowed & rained. Reva quit school and Dad & Ma bro’t us down home to Hornbrook. Reva cleaned up & Gladys came down in P.M.

February 7th, Wed.

Reva is still cleaning. Ralph & Anna have a baby girl born Feb. 4. Ann Marie Arnold.

February 8th, Thurs.

February 9th, Fri.

Reva changed her bedroom. Marj stopped for a minute tonite. We listened to “Joe Louis” fight.

February 10th, Sat.

We moved the organ out of the living room. Wests came up for supper. Elvin & Reva went to town with Woodie & Marj. Baby is cross tonite. About tired out.

February 11th, Sun.

Terrible icy on the hill. Woodie stayed up last nite. Dad came down and Reva & I & babe went up home. We came back and then went to take Woodie to camp.

February 12th, Mon.

Lovely day. Ice & snow all melted off. Reva washed & ironed. My back hurts me so I can’t do anything.

February 13th, Tues.

Colder & cloudy. Reva, babe & I & Gladys & Uncle Leon went down & saw Anna & the baby. It was born Feb. 4. Anna & Ralph work for (Dug) Cole at Sheshequin.

February 14th, Wed.

Snowed all nite. About 1 ft deep. Still snowing hard. It’s the worst day we’ve had this winter. About 2 ft deep and snowing harder all the time with wind just a howling.

February 15th, Thurs.

Snowed in. Elvin got to the bridge and couldn’t get thro’ the drifts. He waited until daylight then Pratt came down to find him.

February 16th, Fri.

Reva is shoveling paths.

February 17th, Sat.

Elvin walked to Towanda hospital after baby’s food. Gladys & Barney came down awhile. Elvin didn’t get back ‘til 1:30. He’s about tired out.

February 18th, Sun.

Elvin & I slept ‘til noon. I went up with Elvin at nite and visited Gladys. I called up home. They’re all snowed in.

February 19th, Mon.

Snowed hard. Reva & I washed.

February 20th, Tues.

Ironed. Fixed my sofa pillow. Had to build fire over in the heater. It went out. Prayer meeting at Pratt’s but we didn’t go.

February 21st, Wed.

Zero this morn. Sunshiny but cold. Cleaned up. Gave Marlene her bath. Gladys came down in P.M. I darned socks.

February 22nd, Thurs.

We took Marlene and went up to Gladys’s for supper. Gladys & Reva made ice cream. I called up home. Dad has sinus. They’re still snowed in. Gladys Emily came down.

February 23rd, Fri.

Cold. Gladys & Gladys Emily came down in P.M. We had chicken for supper.

February 24th, Sat.

Cloudy but not so cold. Reva cleaned up and baked a cake. I finished Marlene a pair of crepe shoes. Woodie & Marj came up and took us to town. We got Kenny a new snow suit.

February 25th, Sun.

Cold & windy. Stayed home all day. Mother, Dad & Ralph West came up in the evening. Gladys & Gladys E came down in the afternoon.

February 26th, Mon.

Below zero. We washed, but the clothes froze dry. Gladys & Gladys E came down.

February 27th, Tues.

Below zero. Snowed all day. I broke my glasses fooling with Elvin. Marlene is good. Her teeth aren’t quite thru’ yet.

February 28th, Wed.

Warmer. Gladys & I went to Towanda with Pratt. We got baby’s milk from the hospital and did lots of window shopping. Marlene has quite a temperature and her stomach is upset.

February 29th, Thurs.

18 (degree) this morn. Warmed up this P.M. Reva cleaned the kitchen. Marlene’s stomach and bowels are quite bad. I guess from her teeth. Marlene is quite cross.

March 1st, Fri.

Cloudy & snowing a little. George Silverman and another fellow came and got George’s car. Baby is a little better.

March 2nd, Sat.

Cleaned up. Had chicken for dinner. Woodie & Marj & Carl took us to Doc’s & after groceries. The iolac milk doesn’t agree with Babe & we started the coco’s milk.

March 3rd, Sun. Raining. Stayed home all day. The Jersey milk agrees with the baby a lot better. I’m giving her an ounce of orange juice every day. She feels fine today.

March 4th, Mon.

Warm. 42 degrees. Still misty. We didn’t wash. I was in bed about all day. So weak I could hardly sit up. Lucy Belle Cushie is married now. Mrs. Smith.

March 5th, Tues.

Warm. Marlene is 4 months old today. We washed. I feel better except I have a little cold. We played “Flinch” at nite.

March 6th, Wed.

Cloudy. Reva ironed & cleaned up for prayer meeting at nite. Mama & Kenny came down about noon with Uncle Leon. Gladys & Barney are going to Ohio to live. Kenny stayed.

March 7th, Thurs.

Almost 32 degrees. Kenny was homesick last nite. He wanted to sleep up to Grammy’s house. He is contented today. He went outdoors & shoveled snow. I made him a pr. of pants.

March 8th, Fri.

Cloudy & colder. Sewed Marlene’s diapers together. Making her a new ‘pink lemonade’ dress. Reva & Kenny went up to Lydia’s this P.M. Reva’s going to work for Lydia.

March 9th, Sat.

Cloudy. Cleaned up the house. Reva baked a cake. Woodie, Marj & Carl took us all to Sayre shopping. We went to see Edgar & Marg. Junior walks and says a few words. Got a letter from Don.

March 10th, Sun.

Cold. Snow flurries in the A.M. We stayed home all day. Wests came after us tonite and we went to Myersburg and heard Mauler, a converted Jew. Was very interesting.

March 11th

Zero degrees this morning. Awful cold nite. Sun is shining and it looks lovely outdoors if it is cold. I laid Marlene in the bed in the sunshine. We played “Muggins” at nite.

March 12th, Tues.

8 degrees below zero this morn. Marlene weighs 14 ½ lbs. She pinches out with her lips and talks about like a hoot owl. The folks still snowed in on the hill. Elvin went to jail service. Sewed.

March 13th, Wed.

Kenny is 3 today. Norrine came down with the school teacher and stayed all nite. We had chicken for supper and Kenny a cake with candles on.

March 14th, Thurs.

Reva went up home with Norrine. The kids and I slept until 11:00. The baby is good. Snowed about 10 inches tonite.

March 15th, Fri.

Tired out. Worked around some. Reva didn’t come back. There was no school on the hill. They had 14 in. of snow last nite.

March 16th, Sat.

Nice day. Cleaned up. Woodie came about 3:00. Elvin & Norrine washed the supper dishes for me. We played ‘Flinch” and “Muggins” until ten.

March 17th, Sun.

Thawing. Elvin went to church & S.S. They practiced for Easter. Reva walked down to the Corvell’s with Carl and we went up after her about 4:00

March 18th, Mon.

Nice day. Sewed on Marlene’s dress in P.M. I had the headache all day.

March 19th, Tues.

Nice day. I’m 23 today. Had pork chops for dinner & chicken for supper. Also ice cream. Reva made me a chocolate cake. Elvin got me a box of candy.

March 20th, Wed.

Cloudy. We washed. Started making a blue dress for baby.

March 21st, Thurs.

Beautiful day. 40 degrees at noon. Reva ironed. Clarence & Regina Sabitis came down & Reva went riding.

March 22nd, Fri.

Cold. Finished baby’s dress & cut out & started another blue one. Marlene weighs 15 lbs but hasn’t any teeth yet.

March 23rd, Sat.

Zero and didn’t get above 14 degrees all day. My glands are swollen full & I can hardly swallow. Slept most all P.M. Reva cleaned. Woodie & Marj came up & took Elvin to town.

March 24th, Sun.

Zero. Cold all day. Elvin went to church & joined it today. Elvin got Kenny a Easter basket & eggs. We stayed home all day. My throat & glands are swollen bad. Easter.

March 25th, Mon.

Still awful cold. A couple of Reva’s ‘friends’ came down to call on her. My throat is no better. Baby is very good. She lays in her basket & scratches the sides with her fingernails.

March 26th, Tues.

We washed this morning & ironed this afternoon. My throat’s getting better. There’s 20 ft of snow in New York State. 4 or 5 cities are marooned.

March 27th, Wed.

Warm. Snowed hard most all day. Another of Dad’s cows is almost dead. He’s lost 2 this winter.

March 28th, Thurs.

My heart went bum tonite.

March 29th, Fri.

My heart went on the bum. I’ve been in bed all day. I had an awful sideache this noon. Lydia was down all afternoon. Fay Morley is dead.

March 30th, Sat.

Thawing. Rained hard all day. I stayed in bed until noon. Feel awful light-headed. Woodie & Marj came & took Elvin to town. The water is flowing over the bridge. The kids had to walk up by Nellie’s.

March 31st

Nice this forenoon but the radio is full of static. They say more rain tonite. There’s about 3 ft of water in the cellar and it’s coming all the time. Rose S. is in the hospital.

April 1st, Mon.

Woodie couldn’t get home nor to camp. The roads are flooded so bad. Reva & Marj washed. Elvin, Woodie & girls went out to Ulster & saw the flood. I’m still in bed. Feel awful weak.

April 2nd, Tues.

Nice day. Marj & Woodie went home this morning. Half of Sunbury is under water. 100 are homeless in Sayre, PA. I got dressed today but haven’t been up much. Pratt & Elvin are tapping trees.

April 3rd, Wed.

Cloudy. Went up to 56 degrees. I feel stronger today. I guess Rose S is in a serious condition. Reva baked & washed diapers. Marlene is feeling good. She hasn’t gained much this past week.

April 4th, Thurs.

Nice day, but quite windy. They didn’t think Rose would live the day out. She is in an oxygen tank. Regina S came down tonite. Norrine & Kenny came down.

April 5th, Fri.

Nice day. I have a rotten cold in my head. Baby’s bowels aren’t good. Rose is some better. Ma, Carl & LaVerne came down after Norrine.

April 6th, Sat.

Nice day. The girls washed most all day. My cold isn’t much better. Woodie & Marj came up and we all went to town. I went to the Doctor’s.

April 7th, Sun.

Lovely spring day. We took Marlene’s & Kenny’s & the girls’ pictures today. Wests came up in the evening. Reva & Regina went riding. Regina went home.

April 8th, Mon.

Rained all last nite and half of the day. Cloudy. I’m sewing on baby’s pink dress. Elvin went to jail & bro’t us home some ice cream.

April 9th, Tues.

Reva washed & ironed. Dad came down in the afternoon. Kenny went home with him. Carl is home to stay. Reva went for a ride with Elmer.

April 10th, Wed.

Nice day. Didn’t get up til late. Reva has a date with Clarence C. but he didn’t come.

April 11th, Thurs.

Warm out. Reva cleaned up. Marlene sleeps in Kenny’s bed now. She has one tooth pricking through. We went up home tonite. Elvin & dad went down to Guy’s.  

April 12th, Fri.

Colder & cloudy. Snowed a little all day. Reva has a cold in her head. I don’t feel any too rambunctious. Elvin went to Guy to Cal. Bapt. Meetings.

April 13th, Sat.

Awful cold & windy. 18 degrees. Reva’s cold is some better. We went to town. Took Pratt’s car. We about froze walking up the street. We had to have 2 new tubes put in the radio.

April 14th, Sun.

Still cold. Carl & Kenny came down after us and we went up home for dinner. Kenny came home with us to stay. He was sick last nite and still doesn’t feel good. Elvin went to church at nite.

April 15th, Mon.

Little warm. Reva washed. I feel tired out. Baby’s bowels are still quite loose. She weighs 15 ¼ lbs but still no teeth.

April 16th, Tues.

Warm. 64 degrees. Reva ironed. I had the sick headache all afternoon & nite. Marlene weighs 17 lbs instead of 15.

April 17th, Wed.

Nice day. Norrine came down. Don’t feel good today. Albert Bennetts have a daughter, Coleen.

April 18th, Thurs.

Reva & Kenny went up home with Norrine & Mrs. VanAuken. Ma & Dad came down. Dad helped boil sap. Marlene & I went home with them.

April 19th, Fri.

Chilly out. Dad & Carl are cutting posts to sell. Mrs. Howard Horton & little girl stopped at noon. Ma & Dad went to church with Bro. Bennett.

April 20th, Sat.

Rained all day. Rivers are overflowing again. Rose S was operated on and is getting better. I went to see Dr. Kyelsport tonite. He says the only hope for me is to rest 1 year.

April 21st, Sun.

Raining. Carl stayed all nite. Kenny went home with him. Stayed in bed most all day. Spencer & Velma have a baby boy, Wayne Kaye.

April 22nd, Mon.

Stayed in bed all day. Reva went for a ride with Elmer tonite. Marlene sits on your lap and rocks back & forth. Elvin is still ‘sapping.’ We have baby’s pictures (snap shots).

April 23rd, Tues.

Sunshiny in forenoon. Reva washed & ironed. Lydia came down a few minutes in the forenoon. Got a card from Ma and a letter from Don. He doesn’t like Panama. Ma & Dad & Kenny came down.

April 24th, Wed.

Dad & Kenny came down. Dad is boiling sap. Reva cleaned up. I feel a little better today. Norman R stopped from school & stayed all nite. Eunice boy-bobbed Norrine’s & her hair.

April 25th, Thurs.

Beautiful sunshiny day. I feel pretty good this morning. Dad & Kenny came down to boil sap. They stayed all nite.

April 26th, Fri.

Quite cool out. Dad took his car over to Ulster to have it fixed up a little. He boiled sap all day. They’ve made about 8 gallons. Elvin took Dad & Kenny to Ulster after supper.

April 27th, Sat.

Nice day. Reva cleaned up. Baby’s bowels are bad. Reva & Elvin gathered the sap buckets. Elvin & Tom S went to Athens after groceries.  

April 28th, Sun.

Lovely day. Elvin went to S.S. Babe’s bowels are some better. She sits in the rocking chair with a bell tied around her and fastened to the chair. Ma & kids came down. Ma stayed.

April 29th, Mon.

Warmest spring day we’ve had. Elvin & Carl started for Phila. 3:00 this morning to see about work. Ma washed & worked all day. Kenny wouldn’t stay down last nite. Baby is better.

April 30th, Tues.

Warm. I got a card from Elvin. They got lost in Scranton. Jimmy Foreman is boarding here & working in Elvin’s place. Charlotte & Roland were here in the evening.

May 1st, Wed.

Showers at nite. Got a letter from Elvin & Carl. They slept in the car last nite. Ma baked cookies. Reva came down but the boys didn’t come home.

May 2nd, Thurs.

Cloudy. Got a card from Elvin & Carl. They’re at George K’s now. They didn’t say anything about coming home. Looks like they are going to stay a while. Reva helped Lydia.

May 3rd, Fri.

Lovely day but it rained. Reva helped Lydia. The boys haven’t come yet. No letter though. Baby is terrible cross. Reva went for a ride with Regina & her gang.

May 4th, Sat.

Cloudy & raining. Ma is still here. She and Reva washed today. Pratt got our groceries. Mary Bradley S. has a girl, Shirley Ann.

May 5th, Sun.

Lovely day. Elvin & Carl came home. Got here at 4:30. They’ve been at Sunbury for 2 days. Marj & Woodie were here in P.M. Reva went for a ride with Regina & her gang.

May 6th, Mon.

Nice day. Reva washed diapers. Marlene’s little toes are sore. She sits & rocks back and forth in her basket. Reva got the daily paper from Nellie Holmes.

May 7th, Tues.

Nice day. Reva planted radishes & a flower bed yesterday. Eunice R & Norrine came down & stayed all nite. Carl has sent for himself a new suit.

May 8th, Wed.

Rained all day. Dad & Kenny were here. They stopped and ate a little dinner on their way from Towanda. The man in Phila. Wants Carl to come work for him.

May 9th, Thurs.

Reva washed & then went up to Lydia’s & got a pail of greens. We went up home tonite. Husbie carried me about. Carl is leaving for Phila. Mon morn on the bus.

May 10th, Fri.

Nice day but windy. Reva ironed & baked a cake & graham cake

May 11th, Sat.

Nice day. Windy. Reva cleaned up. I stayed in bed almost all day. Reva went to town with Regina & Clyde. Elvin went to Athens after groceries & my capsules. Baby played on the bed.

May 12th, Sun.

Hot. Elvin’s folks were here for supper. Reva went riding. Elvin went to church but didn’t stay very long. Baby cried almost all nite.

May 13th, Mon.

Have a terrible cold in my head, throat & lungs. Didn’t sleep all nite. I have such a fever

May 14th, Tues.

Cough hard. Reva is sick. Ma, Dad, Kenny & Uncle Leon came down. Ma worked all the time. Woodie & folks came up in the evening. Clyde M & Regina stopped here.

May 15th, Wed.

Didn’t sleep all nite. Terrible fever. Awful cough. Reva washed.

May 16th, Thurs.

Didn’t sleep much last nite. Eunice & Norma R came down tonite. Regina & boys were here to see Reva. We had Doc Swartz come up.

May 17th, Fri.

Ma & Dad came down. Dad took Reva to Doc Coughlin’s. She’s working too hard. Her side bothered her. Rose is a lot worse. I can’t drink nor eat. I vomit so bad. Dr. Reading came up.

May 18th, Sat.

Ma & Kenny stayed down. I’m awful weak but feel a little better. I still cough hard. Elvin sent by Pratt after groceries.

May 19th, Sun.

Elvin took Reva’s & Ken’s picture. Baby has a cold. Reva went riding with her friends in the P.M. She went to Miller’s for supper. Rev & Mrs. Gibby were here. Mrs. Scher was here. Elvin went to church.

May 20th, Mon.

Dad came down after Ma & Ken in the afternoon. Dad is advertising his sale he’s going to have Sat. Carl doesn’t like his job in Phila. Elvin went to jail. Jim Marshall goes with Marie Wilbur.

May 21sy. Tues.

Little cooler. I still cough. I’m feeling better in other ways. I got a letter from Edna today. She’s been sick all winter. She’s terrible thin.

May 22nd,

(scribbled out) Still in bed. I can’t eat or move around much.

May 23rd, Thurs.

(Also scribbled out) I’ve called Doc Swartz and he came up tonite. (Not scribbled) Norrine came down with the teacher.

May 24th, Fri.

May 25th, Sat.

Rained all last nite and forenoon. Dad’s sale was this P.M. There was a large crowd. Elvin sold his calves. He came down at nite with Ma & Dad. Reva went out.

May 26th, Sun.

Woodie & Marj were here this morn. Elvin went to take Woodie to Canton to work. He’s quit C.C.C. His folks bro’t him up around 3:30 & were here for supper. Marj is working in Towanda hotel.

May 27th, Mon.

Little cooler this morn. Dr. Reading came up about 5 o’clock. He said for me to sit up ½ hour a day for a week, then an hour a day the 2nd week. Census taker was here. Cloud burst tonite.

May 28th, Tues.

May 29th, Wed.

Nice day. Reva washed. Gladys & Aunt Libbie came down tonite. Gladys & Barney are home for a few days. Elvin went to choir practice.

May 30th, Thurs.

Memorial services at the church & graveyard. Dad bro’t Ma & Ken down & took Reva up home for last day of school. My nerves are bad. I can’t half sleep.

May 31st, Fri.

Rained last nite. Ma washed. Rose Sackett died yesterday. Bro. Bennett was here for a while this afternoon.

June 1st, Sat.

Dad bro’t the girls down & got Kenny & Ma. They went up town & Reva got 2 dresses. Elvin went to town & Reva went for a ride with Clarence.

June 2nd, Sun.

Warm. Elvin went to S.S. & church. Went to bed this P.M. Reva went out with Clyde tonite. Virgil & Grandma came down in the evening.

June 3rd, Mon.

Hot out. Ma went to Towanda & got her a hat. They stopped for dinner & then went to Rose’s funeral. Norrine went home. Shirley & Mrs. Horton were here.

June 4th, Tues.

Hot. I’m feeling a lot stronger. Marlene weighs 18 lbs & has no teeth. Dad got Kenny a pr of white Oxfords & Ma got baby a new dress.

June 5th, Wed.

Hot. Reva washed & cleaned the house. Elvin took Pratt to Ghent to quarterly conference at nite.

June 6th, Thurs.

Cooler, but nice out. The peas & sweet corn are up. Elvin bought a kerosene burner and put it in the cook stove.

June 7th, Fri.

Reva cleaned the bedroom. We gave Marlene her first bath in the washtub. She wasn’t afraid but splashed it all over.

June 8th, Sat.

Hot. Walked around today some. Dr. Reading was here to see me. Marlene can turn around on the floor by ‘hopping’ along.

June 9th, Sun.

Rained. Elvin went to S.S. It was raining so hard that Ron Gillette’s bro’t him home. We went to bed all afternoon. Elvin went to church to Waverly with Guy, Laura & boys.

June 10th, Mon.

Hot. Elwood came up & he’s going to work for Pratt. He wants to board here but Reva has more than she can do now. Woodie & Elvin planted garden at nite. Reva’s kitten is following me.

June 11th, Tues.

Cloudy. Reva washed & hoed the garden. Gave Marlene another bath in the tub. If she sees anything she wants she sits with her mouth wide open & looks at it.

June 12th, Wed.

Hot. Reva ironed. I tried to do a little work but I’m too weak, I guess. Elvin took Pratt & Lydia to Holiness meeting at E. Athens tonite. The rest of us went to prayer meeting up home.

June 13th.

(this was crossed off, not scribbled out)

Thurs. Beautiful day. Reva, Mrs. Vaughn & Elvin went to the ice cream social at Hornbrook. Elvin bro’t some ice cream home to Woodie & me.

June 14th, Fri.

Elvin, Reva & Mrs. Vaughn went to the ice cream social.

June 15th, Sat.

Hot. Elvin took Lydia to town. He got dad a shirt for his birthday. Wests came up for supper & stayed until Elvin, Woodie & Reva got back from town. Elvin got baby a swing & pr of white shoes (size 1)

June 16th, Sun.

Cooler. Elvin, Reva & Marlene went to children’s Day & had Marlene baptized. The S. School sent me a big sunshine basket of 22 presents. Woodie stayed & got dinner.

June 17th, Mon.

Hot. Don’t feel very good. Marlene has 1 tooth & almost another. She acts like a jumping jack in her new swing. Sent a letter to Carl. Went up home tonite.

June 18th, Tues.

Cloudy. Reva got a letter from Carl. He’s getting sick of his job. Dad is working every day on Cecil’s new cottage. This is the second one Cecil has built.

June 19th, Wed.

Reva washed. Elvin & Ken went with Gibby to N. Ghent to practice for Children’s Day. Woodie hoed the garden.

June 20th, Thurs.

Reva finished the ironing. Cold out. The rest of our garden is just coming up. Reva cleaned up the house.

June 21st, Fri.

Cool. Marlene has a bad head cold. We were up with her all last nite. Wests came up & Ralph stayed. Elvin & Woodie weeded & hoed garden.

June 22nd, Sat.

Cloudy & cool out. Reva cleaned house. We all went to town tonite. We took Woodie down after his car to Standing S. Reva got her a pr of good white shoes.

June 23rd, Sun.

Children’s Day of N. Ghent. Dad came down after us. Ma, I & kids stayed home. Garnard Pipher came after curley dog. Kenny stayed down. Wests came up. Elvin & Dad went to church.

June 24th, Mon.

Rained last nite and most of the day. Reva can’t talk, she has a terrible cold from playing in the creek Sat. Marlene rolled off the bed. Kenny has cold in his tonsils.

June 25th, Tues.

Hot out. Elvin called Dad & they came down. Dad bought me $10 worth of medicine. He got Kenny a new truck & shovel. Reva can’t hardly get around, such a cold. Kenny went up home.

June 26th, Wed.

Showers all day. Reva washed. Wests came up and we all went to Bro. Bennett’s prayer meeting at Floyd R. Had ice cream and cake after it was out. A good crowd out. Saw Dorothy B.

June 27th, Thurs.

Windy & cool. Reva ironed. I feel pretty good. Did a little work. Mrs. Lewis called in the afternoon.

June 28th, Fri.

Rained. Gave baby a bath. We got ready to go up home, but Pratt’s car is in the garage, so we can’t go up tonite. Lydia came down this morning & bro’t me a ??? kimank, himank Trimark (??)

Jone 29th, Sat.

Windy & showers. Dad came down after us & we went to the reunion of Uncle Will’s. Carl came home to stay. I have a bad cold. Carl has gone to H. Miller’s to work.

June 30th, Sun.

Carl & kids went to Hornbrook after Elvin & Carl has a ’36 V-8 Ford. Dad & kids & Elvin & Carl went to S. School. Carl took Elvin home for chores. We stayed up.

July 1st, Mon.

Sick abed with an awful bad cold. I had a terrible fever all nite. Ma washed. She is about sick with indigestion. They went with Floyd R. to Athens prayer meeting. The big girls stayed with us.

July 2nd, Tues.

I feel better today but awful weak. Dad worked for Uncle Cecil. He went to a sale and got a buffet & chairs for me & 2 stands & some tin dishes & covers.

July 3rd, Wed.

I caught more cold & don’t feel a bit good. Elvin called up. He & Woodie came after us with the trailer. Rained this morn & tonite. Kenny came home. 

July 4th, Thurs.

Partly cloudy. We bro’t ma’s buffet down last nite. Reva cleaned the house up.

July 5th, Fri.

Nice day. Reva washed. Reva went to the weenie roast at Guy Farrell’s. Carl came after her. I still cough. Baby is 8 mo. today.

July 6th, Sat.

Warm out. Reva ironed & gave “kids” a bath. Marlene has 2 teeth & weighs 19 ½ lbs. Reva has been here 5 months.

July 7th, Sun.

Elvin went to S. School today & church at nite. We stayed home all day.

July 8th, Mon.

I was sick with chills & fever all afternoon. Wests came up at nite and stayed for supper.

July 9th, Tues.

Sick abed. Terrible cough. Elvin, Reva & kids went to Towanda to get me medicine.

July 10th, Wed.

Reva washed. Still in bed. I still cough hard & have no appetite. Our sweet corn is almost 3 ft. Peas are filling. Have radishes.

July 11th, Thurs.

Reva ironed. Wests’ came up at nite & Reva went to prayer meeting with them to Floyd R. Large crowd. Rained all nite. Cooler.

July 12th, Fri.

Cool. Ma & Dad went to Hughesville camp meeting with Aunt Lucy & Norrine stayed up home. Bro. Bennett & folks went on their S.S. picnic.

July 13th, Sat.

Still in bed. Kenny went with Elvin & Woodie to town. Woodie bought himself a table & chairs & dishes. He’s setting up housekeeping in our front room.

July 14th, Sun.

Nice day. I got up today. Carl came down after Reva & Kenny. He smashed the fenders on his car going up the narrows last nite. Ma & Dad came down in P.M. Wests came up at nite.

July 15th, Mon.

Hot day. Norrine stayed down. Reva & Dot Bennett are planning on going to camp at Lily Lake. Kenny went home with Dad yesterday. Our little skunk is dead. Elvin went to jail service.

July 16th, Tues.

Cloudy. Reva washed & ironed. Walter Cole’s have a baby girl born the 12th. We had our first peas from our garden. Reva cleaned Woodie’s room.

July 17th, Wed.

Hot. Reva finished the ironing & cleaned up. They all weeded the garden tonight. Marlene says “da-da-da” & “paddy cakes”. 

July 18th, Thurs.

Hot. I feel weak & shaky as ever. Reva picked up wood, cleaned cupboards and her room.  

July 19th, Fri.

Hot. Reva cleaned the bedroom & living room. We canned 2 qts of raspberries Elvin bought from Lydia.

July 20th, Sat.

Reva & Norrine did the housework. All took a nap in the afternoon. We went to Athens after our groceries at nite. Stopped at Grandma’s.

July 21st, Sun.

Hot. Ma & Dad & Kenny stopped and got Norrine on their way to church at Kellogg. Carl came down at nite & Reva & Woodie went with him for a ‘spin.’

July 22nd, Mon.

Hot. Reva washed & picked peas. Charlotte, Alice, Laura Farrell & twins were here in the evening.

July 23rd, Tues.

Cloudy. Hard showers.

July 24th, Wed.

Hot. Ma, Dad, & Ken came down. Dad got the car inspected to Ulster. Kenny stayed down.

July 25th, Thurs.

Awful warm. Reva picked peas.

July 26th, Fri.

July 27th, Sat.

Hot. Reva did the work. Wests & French boys came up at nite. Reva & Woodie took the car & went to town to get groceries. Hard thunder & lightning.

July 28th, Sun.

Hot. Stayed home all day. Hurricane struck LeRaysville yesterday and just about destroyed the place.

July 29th, Mon.

Elvin, Ken & I went up to Athens. Went to Marge’s, Mae’s & Vira’s. Dad worked in Elvin’s place. Terrible showers in P.M. Rain flattened corn & oats.

July 30th, Tues.

Reva washed. We went to Towanda to Doc’s, to Bennett’s & up home at nite. Norrine came home with us.

July 31st, Wed.

Reva ironed. Norrine & I got dinner. Lydia came down a few minutes in P.M. She bro’t baby a rattle & me a qt of berries. Reva varnished.

August 1st, Thurs.

Cold & windy.

August 2nd, Fri.

Warmer. Cleaned up the house. Reva washed her hair. We’re getting ready to go up home for next week. Reva & Dot B are going to camp. Marg & Edgar came down. We made ice cream.

August 3rd, Sat.

Dad came down 6:30. He took Carl’s car to the garage. We took Reva to Rome, then came up home. Cecils & Grandma were here. Norrine went to Old Home’s Day at the hall.

August 4th, Sun.

Marlene is sick with her stomach & awful fever. We took her to Dr. Swartz at nite. Wests bro’t Elvin up. Aunt Libbie & Uncle Leon came over in the afternoon.

August 5th, Mon.

Baby’s fever broke this forenoon. She has 2 more teeth. 4 in all. Ma washed. Dad works at Coles every day. Elvin called.

August 6th, Tues.

Ma worked hard all day. Picked cucumbers. Marlene’s feeling better. We went over to Dowd’s at nite. The twins are 17 mos. The baby is 3 mos.

August 7th, Wed.

Gladys & Bernard Newbury have a 6 ½ lb baby, Bryon LaVerne. Cecils were down a few minutes at night. Elvin came up.

August 8th, Thurs.

Looked at new catalogs mostly. Finished Marlene’s pink dress.

August 9th, Fri.

It’s been nice warm weather all week. Dad took Marlene down to Coles after milk. Finished baby’s flared skirt print dress.

August 10th, Sat.

Made baby a slip. Almost sick. Carl came up at nite. LaVerne is here overnite. He’s taller & fatter than he used to be.

August 11th, Sun.

Nice day. Dad, Ma, Carl, Norrine & LaVerne went to Lily Lake camp after Reva. Elvin & Woodie came up. We took “Willy” & went & done chores. Went to Marie’s.

August 12th, Mon.

Dad bro’t us all home last nite. Bob Young has left Marie for good. Reva & I weeded garden. We have sweet corn. Elvin went to jail.

August 13th, Tues.

Reva washed. It rained some.

August 14th, Wed.

Cloudy. Reva ironed.

August 15th, Thurs.

We washed. Hot out. Elvin & Woodie thrashed and weren’t here for dinner. Washed & ironed the curtains.

August 16th, Fri.

Cloudy. We have cucumbers (3). Our garden is dried up about ruined. No rain for over a month. German air bombers are swarming over London by hundreds.

August 17th, Sat.

Hot. Reva canned 2 qts of corn. Wests came up at nite but only stayed a few mins. Ma, Elvin, Woodie, Reva, babe & I went to Athens & Marj’s

August 18th, Sun.

Rained some. Stayed home all day. Marlene stands alone. She has just got so she goes on her hands, one foot & one knee. She understands when you say ‘bottle’ to her.

August 19th, Mon.

Marj, Carl, Ma, Dad & Norrine & Ken came down. Reva & Ma washed. Kenny stayed down. I’m about ‘laid up’ with my liver being off. Marlene pulls the books & papers off the stand.

August 20th, Tues.

Reva ironed. Marlene’s hair curls up around her ears. It’s about 2 in. long in places. She’s wearing Kenny’s little white shoes he outgrew, size 2 1/2

August 21st, Wed.

Cool. Reva canned 2 qts of corn. Bro. & Sister Bennett were here a few minutes in the afternoon. Marly Jo says “mom-mom”, “bottle”, & “daddy”. Elvin & Woody went up & got Carl’s car.

August 22nd, Thurs.

Warmer. Elvin, kids & I went up & got Ma & Dad & went up town. We went to Aunt Vira’s for dinner. I got a tooth pulled. Elvin borrowed $140 from Humease Co & paid up his debts.

August 23rd, Fri.

Cool & cloudy. Kenny went home with Carl & Norrine last nite (scribbled) We went to Towanda at nite. I got Norrine a coat & dress & Ma a dress. Reva is getting a summer coat. (not scribbled) I canned 4 qts of corn.

August 24th, Sat.

Cool. 36 degrees tonite. Reva cleaned up the house. Marly Jo waves her arm bye-bye. She stands on “all four” now. We went to Towanda at nite. I got Norrine a coat & skirt, Ma a dress, Reva got a skirt & is getting a coat.

August 25th, Sun.

Light frost in some places around here & we haven’t had a ripe tomato from our garden. Reva & Elvin went to S.S. Baby has quite a cold. Reva went up to Wanck’s to see Doris Smiley.

August 26th, Mon.

Rained last nite. Reva picked some green tomatoes & some apples. I made green tomato pickles. Marlene can stand alone. Reva went to a hot dog roast with Ralph Rice.

August 27th, Tues.

Rained. I’m sending a order to Sears Co. after clothes for the children and for a coat for myself. Dad, Ma, Norrine & Ken came down for supper. Wests came up after supper.

August 28th, Wed.

Rained all nite and til noon. Reva washed. Ma & Dad took me to Waverly and I got my glasses ($10.50). Ma & Dad are going to live at Chemung this winter. Ma stayed down. Reva went home.

August 29th, Thurs.

Cloudy but warmer. Ma is baking cookies.

August 30th, Fri.

Peeled cucumbers for sweet pickles. Cloudy. Ma cleaned up the house.

August 31st, Sat.

Hot. Ma washed and made bread. Dad & girls came down in the P.M. Ma went home. Rained all evening & most of nite. Caused a flood in New Jersey.

September 1st, Sun.

Hot & muggy. Reva went to S.S. Elvin, Marlene & I went down to West’s with Woodie for dinner. I went to church & S.S. with them. They bro’t us home. Reva went with Elwin Gillette.

September 2nd, Mon.

Nice day. Cooler. I’m on the bum or rather my stomach & liver are. Can’t eat. Marlene is 26 in tall. She says “bo bye” and waves her arm. Ma & Dad bro’t Norrine down.

September 3rd, Tues.

Norrine started in school at Ulster. She goes on Garmand’s bus.

September 4th, Wed.

Norrine likes her school. She’s in 6th grade and 10 yrs old. Her teacher is Gladys Pipher.

September 5th, Thurs.

Pappy Diehl came about 5:30 and stayed all nite. He bro’t some second hand clothing to us to fix over. I haven’t eaten anything all wk but I feel a little better tonite.

September 6th, Fri.

Cool out. Pappy stayed all day. Woodie & he went down home & Woodie bro’t his car back. Ma & Dad & Ken came down after Norrine. Elvin went to choir practice.

September 7th, Sat.

Reva cleaned the house this forenoon and gave baby a bath. We went to Towanda with Woodie. Reva got her new summer coat. She & Woodie went to Athens.

September 8th, Sun.

Warm out. Elvin & Woodie went to S. Stone. Ma, Dad, Carl & kids came down for dinner. Carl went to S. Stone. Reva & Norrine rode around with Elwin & Don Hunter.

September 9th, Mon.

Warm out. Reva made 2 grape pies. I’ve worked quite a lot today and I’m tired. We went up home but nobody there.

September 10th, Tues.

Rained hard. Reva washed.

September 11th, Wed.

Reva ironed. Pappy Diehl came about noon & stayed all nite.

September 12th, Thurs.

Pappy went down to Standing Stone this morn. Reva helped Mrs. Vought this forenoon & after dinner. Elwin G & Don Hunter here in eve.

September 13th, Fri.

I slept all forenoon. Don’t feel very good. Elwin G. came at nite and played Flinch. He didn’t go until about midnite.

September 14th, Sat.

Ma, Dad & Ken came down after Norrine & Kenny & Dad picked the grapes. We went to Sayre at nite. Marlene says “kitty” &
see” and shakes her head ______ up

September 15th, Sun.

Reva & Elvin went to S. School. Ma & Dad came down & we went to Kellogg with them at nite. Dad preached & the girls sang.

September 16th, Mon.

Nice day. Rained all nite last nite. Wests & Pappy came up for supper. Elvin & Reva went with them to Athens M.E. to hear Gospel Quintet. Elwin came.

September 17th

Nice day. Reva washed. We made grape butter. Elwin came after Reva at 5 o’clock and they, Eleanor G. & Don Hunter went to Elmira to dinner at the Mark Twain Hotel.

September 18th, Wed.

Warm out. Reva ironed some. I peeled cucumbers for pickles. Reva ground up peppers & onions. We went up home & had to wait for the folks to come from Milltown.

September 19th, Thurs.

Cloudy. Tired out. We didn’t get home til 1:15 last nite, ran out of gas. Marlene has another tooth (5) now. She gets up in the middle of the floor, stands almost straight.

September 20th, Fri.

Marlene standing up & gets up by herself. Elwin G was here tonite to see my sister. Mom & Dad came down after Norrine & Kenny.

September 21st, Sat.

Reva cleaned. We went to Towanda at nite. I went to see Dr. Swartz. He said my heart is slow.

September 22nd, Sun.

Nice day. Doris Smiley & Reva went to S. School. Elwin came over this afternoon and traipsed back tonite (over this way). Ma, Dad & Carl came down.

September 23rd, Mon.

Reva washed. She went to class party with Elwin. They came back after Woodie. Elvin went to jail. Marlene took 5 steps alone.

September 24th, Tues.

We bought ½ bu peaches from Lydia and Reva canned 3 qts. Baby took 11 steps today. She likes to walk. We went up home at nite.

September 25th, Wed.

Reva ironed some. Cold out. I canned 1 ½ qts peaches & 3 pts tomato sauce. Marly Jo tries to say ‘bunny’ & ‘graham cracker’

September 26th, Thurs.

Cold & windy. Norrine is getting good grades in school. Reva moved things around & moped. Elvin & Woodie didn’t come home at noon.

September 27th, Fri.

Elwin was here at nite. He & Reva went for a ride. Mama, Dad & Kenny came down after Norrine. Marlene’s hair is quite curly. She weighs 23 lbs.

September 28th, Sat.

Nice day. Warm. Reva washed diapers, baked bread, Lydia came down for a while in the P.M. We went to Towanda & S.S. (Standing Stone) to take Woodie.

September 29th, Sun.

Nice day. Elvin went to S.S. in morn, church at nite. Carl bro’t Norrine & Kenny down in the afternoon. Elwin & Reva went for a ride. Marly Jo has 8 teeth. She cut 6 in 2 weeks.

September 30th, Mon.

Cool but turned out nice. I feel tired out. I have a little cold. We started a coal fire but let it go out. Elvin went to jail.

October 1st, Tues.

Dad & Ma came down all day. Dad worked for Stanley Lewis. Reva & Ken went home with them.

October 2nd, Wed.

Smith VanCise’s sheriff sale. Reva, Ma & Dad went. I stayed here all day with Marlene and I’m almost played out. Elwin & Norrine went up after Reva.

October 3rd, Thurs.

June, Harry & Jeanette Dorley & Marge drove in about midnight. We all (except Elvin & Woodie) went to West’s for dinner. Elvin & I kept the babies while the rest went out.

October 4th, Fri.

Nice day. Our company went home. Elwin came down. Ma & Dad came after Norrine. Marly Jo has 9 teeth.

October 5th, Sat.

Reva baked bread (yesterday). We went to Towanda at nite. I walked up to the ten-cent store and got Marlene a blue silk bonnett & ??? baby.

October 6th, Sun.

Nice day. Reva & Doris Smiley went to S.S. Elvin, babe & I went with Ellie & Reva up home. Dad & Ma bro’t us back after supper.

October 7th, Mon.

Hard thunderstorm in the afternoon. Reva washed. The boys are filling silo. All men, 21 yrs – 35 start registering for army service next Mon.

October 8th, Tues.

Colder. Ma & Dad & Kenny came down. Dad worked for S. Lewis. We went down town with Dad after work & Ma got a new hat & new dress.

October 9th, Wed.

Ma & Dad came down. Dad worked for Bob Vought. Norrine went home with them. No school tomorrow or Fri.

October 10th, Thurs.

Wests came up. They went to the R.P. Hospital to see about having Ralph’s tonsils out. Our yellow cat had 6 kittens.

October 11th, Fri.

The mother cat started eating her kittens & Elvin had to kill them. Elvin & Woodie are filling silo.

October 12th, Sat.

Warm out. Reva & Elwin took Carl & Jery Miller with them to celebrate their birthdays. I went to the docs. Ma & Dad started for Thomas’s.

October 13th, Sun.

Reva went to S.S. Ellie & she went up after Norrine to Aunt Libbie’s. Ralph had his tonsils out yesterday. Came home today.

October 14th, Mon.

Reva washed & worked hard all day. Doc told me to take it “easier”. Everybody tired out. Gladys Kintner has a baby boy.

October 15th, Tues.

Reva ironed. I just can’t walk or anything. Wore out completely. Marlene is sick. Her bowels are bad.

October 16th. Wed.

Ma & Dad came down. They got back from Thomas’s last nite. Holiday. All men between 21 – 35 yrs of age have to register for draft today.

October 17th, Thurs.

Baby’s quite sick. Awful fever. We took her milk away from her (???)

October 18th, Fri.

Norrine stayed home from school. Ma & Dad came down after her about 6 o’clock. Elwin & Reva went up home. His birthday.

October 19th, Sat.

Baby’s bowels are worse. She walks all over. We went to town & babe & I went to doc’s. Marlene has 10 teeth. Reva got a pr of shoes.

October 20th, Sun.

Reva went to S.S. Elvin went to church. Ellie & Reva went to M. Tabernacle and bro’t Norrine over.

October 21st, Mon.

Nice day but cold. Ma & Dad came down. Elvin, Ken & I took Dad’s car and went to town. Paul Chandler’s baby’s funeral. Edna is getting thinner & thinner.

October 22nd, Tues.

Ma washed. Reva went out with Elwin last nite and she’s tired. (that was scribbled out.) Ellie was here tonite. Ma & Dad were down. Dad works for Mr. Lewis every Tues. Reva went to school with Norrine.

October 23rd, Wed.

Manville Rea died, 2 or 3 days ago. He was on his way home from Chicago and died of a heart attack before he got here. Elvin went up to N. Ghent with “Gib,” the preacher tonite.

October 24th, Thurs.

Nice warm day. Reva baked bread & cleaned up the house. I dyed Elvin’s summer pants Navy blue.

October 25th, Fri.

Ma & Dad came down. Dad, Elvin & I went to the supper at the church. Reva & Ellie went to N. Ghent Hall to see young people’s play.

October 26th, Sat.

Reva stayed home with kids tonite. Elvin & I & Tom went and almost froze.

October 27th, Sun.

Dad came down after us and we went to church at N. Ghent, the first time I’ve been there in a yr and a half. Dad, Elvin & girls went to Hornbrook.

October 28th, Mon.

Reva washed diapers. Marg & Edgar have a baby girl. Ellie was here a while in the evening.

October 29th, Tues.

Reva washed. Ma & Dad didn’t come down today. I have quite a cold ‘started.’

October 30th, Wed.

Ma & Dad came down. Ellie took us up home at nite. Elvin’s registration number was called in the first draft.

October 31st, Thurs.

Woodie’s dad came up and got his dog & “furniture.” Reva. Ellie & Norrine went to Towanda to the parade at nite.

November 1st. Fri.

In bed with a ‘lovely’ cold in my head, throat & lungs. Colder today.

November 2nd, Sat.

Dad & Ma came down after Norrine. They bro’t cabbage, potatoes and set up their stove. Lovely day. I feel a little better today. Elvin went to town.

November 3rd, Sun.

Elwin & Daniel Burleigh stopped a while after S. School. Elwin was here in the afternoon & evening. Carl and Mom bro’t Norrine & Kenny in the P.M. Ellie & Reva went over to Regina’s.

November 4th, Mon.

Reva washed. Marly Jo has about 12 or 13 teeth in all. She climbs up on the bottom part of the stand & falls off. Kenny is about 39 in tall. Ellie came over & bro’t us 2 rabbits.

November 5th, Tues.

Marly Jo’s birthday with no present but 2 rabbits for supper which she can’t eat. She walks fast as possible after Kenny which isn’t even a trot. Election.

November 6th, Wed.

Roosevelt re-elected 3rd term. Wendall Wilkins was Repub. Candidate. Ma & Dad came down. They went to Kellogg with Bennetts tonite. Reva & Ellie motored around.

November 7th, Thurs.

Snowed some last nite. Cloudy. Marlie Jo has a terrible cold. I’m tired out & sleeping. My cold is broken up.

November 8th, Fri.

Elwin & Reva went up home tonite. Reva has a bad cold.

November 9th, Sat.

Ma & Dad came down after Norrine. Elvin went to Towanda at nite for groceries.

November 10th, Sun.

Reva & Elwin went up home for dinner. Woodie was here this morning for a while. Ellie was here again tonite.

November 11th, Mon.

No school today. Reva washed.

November 23rd, Sat.

Reva cleaned up the house.

November 24th, Sun.

Windy. Carl bro’t the folks down for dinner. He had to have a tooth pulled at 11 o’clock. They went to Tab to Myersburg. Elwin was here.

November 25th, Mon.

Windy. Cold. Snow flurries. Gladys, Gladys E. and baby Bryon were here a while in the P.M. They came home for Thanksgiving. Elvin & Pratt went to church.

November 26th, Tues.

15 degrees of zero this morning. Ma & Dad came down today.

November 28th, Fri. (not sure how a day was skipped or others were wrong)

Snow flurries. Ma & Dad went up home to get the rest of their things. Dad ripped his hand open.

November 29th, Sat.

Nice day, but quite cold. Mama did 2 washings besides cleaning & baking. Dad didn’t sleep all last nite. Elvin took him to Doc’s. He has asmatic bronchitis. I went to Doc’s.

November 30th, Sun.

Thawed some. Reva & Norrine went down here to S.S. (Hornbrook). Carl came down & the rest of us went to Athens Tab. Ellie was here in the P.M.

December 14th, Sat.

Norrine is 11 yrs old today. We went down town at nite. Took Elwin along. Went in 2 stores for first time in almost a year. Bought Christmas presents.

December 15th, Sun.

We went to Hornbrook to church. Ma & Carl went to F. Methodist at Sayre in P.M. Norrine & Dad to Myersburg. We all went to Sayre at nite and got mom. Reva & Ellie stayed home.

December 16th, Mon.

Brethe quit his job at Miller’s. Awful cold out. Uncle Willie was operated on for appendicitis this morn. Ma & Dad went and got Norrine a new dress. We went to town.

December 17th, Tues.

Cloudy & raining. Ma & Reva washed. Carl came down for dinner, stayed til about 4:30 then went again. He’s looking for a job. We went to town again.

December 18th, Wed.

December 19th, Thurs.

Norrine & Reva over to Ulster on the school bus to the grade’s operetta. Doris came down in the P.M. to borrow Reva’s coat. Skippy got run over.

December 20th, Fri.

Uncle Will is quite bad in the hospital with appendicitis and the same way Rose was. Edna & Aunt Vira came down with Carl.

December 21st, Sat.

Carl came down tonite. He’s had 1 or 2 days work at lumber. He took us to Towanda to finish our shopping. I was so tired and did nothing but sit in car.

December 22nd, Sun.

Spencer called Carl and told him Raymond wants him in the store 2 days. Mom & Dad went to Athens to see Uncle Will. Reva, Ellie & Norrine went for a ride.

December 23rd, Mon.

Ma & Dad’s 25th Anniversary (wedding). We had a prayer meeting here at nite. Bennetts, Hortons (C & C), Wests, P. Chaffees, Linneys, M Beers, Russell. They gave $3.00 in silver to Dad & Ma.

December 24th, Tues.

Getting ready for Christmas. Reva cleaned eggs for Mrs. Louis. They had their Xmas exercises here at Hornbrook tonite. Lydia sent us a basket of presents.

December 25th, Wed.

Warm & thawing. I was sick all day with cold & liver. Pappy Diehl came for dinner. Kenny got a tricycle, tractor, popgun, sweater, 2 sets of blocks, picture book, 2 hankies, game of tiddly winks, little xylophone. 2 pr stockings, little car.

December 26th, Thurs.

Marly Jo got 2 dolls, 2 dresses, horse (?) & chimes and cloth bibs. I got 2 silk dresses, a comforter & blanket from Elvin, 1 print dress from Ma & Dad, $1 from Lydia. Perf. powder pack (???)

December 27th, Fri.

Didn’t get up much today. Reva, Ellie & Norrine went to Aunt Mae’s to see Carl. Uncle Will is some better. Dad, Ken & girls went to Ulster in P.M.

December 28th, Sat.

Rained hard all nite. Creek is roaring. Elvin & Kenny went to get groceries & get their hair cut. The first time Kenny has ever been to a barber.

December 29th, Sun.

My heart & nerves ‘played out’ yesterday. Dr. Coughlin came down last nite to see me but I don’t remember it.

December 30th, Mon.

In bed til Thurs. Cough almost continually. Poor circulation.

December 31st, Tues.

Carl is working in the Market Basket (Supermarket) at Sayre. Raymond Billings manager.

Second Entry

December 31st, Tues.

Mr. & Mrs. Gibby called. Aunt Mae, Erwin & Phyllis were here in P.M. Mrs. Vaughn called.



January 1st, Wed.

It looks like the Germans were winning the war over England. U.S. are drafting men between 21 – 35 for 1 year army training. Carl was here all day.

January 2nd, Thurs.

Norrine went back to school. Reva went up to Aunt Mae’s for a couple days. Uncle Willie is better, coming home Sat. Edna has gone to Kentucky.

January 3rd, Fri.

Dad & Kenny went to Waverly after Reva this afternoon. She got Marly Jo a new dress. Ma made her a new one Thurs.

January 4th, Sat.

Hard snow squall. Grandma & Virgil were here all afternoon. Reva helped Mrs. Lewis. Elvin went to Towanda after groceries. Ellie was here.

January 5th, Sun.

14 degrees of zero. Cold. Dad & girls went to S.S. Carl came down for dinner. Ellie was here in P.M. Dad, Norrine & Ma went to church.

January 6th, Mon.

Old Mr. Ruth is married. Marly Jo rides on the back of Kenny’s bike. She hangs right on tight beneath the edge of the seat.

January 7th, Tues.

Dad worked for Mr. Lewis & Reva for Mrs. Lewis. Cleaning eggs. Bro. Bennett is in the hospital for heart & nerves.

January 8th, Wed.

Marlene says “get bottle,” “bye-bye,” “Pot,” “patty cakes,” carries the flowers around, digs them out, eats the dirt & gets in the coal pail.

January 9th, Thurs.

Ma & Dad went up home after potatoes & vegetables.

January 10th, Fri.

Ma & Dad & Lydia went to Milltown to the Holiness meeting. Reva has sick headache. Elwin was here tonite.

January 11th, Sat.

Mama washed & worked hard all day. Elwood was here for a while in the eve. Elvin, girls, Ken & Marly Jo went to town.

January 12th, Sun.

Dad & girls went to S.S. Dad as teacher of the Hornbrook Young People’s Class now. Cecils were here in the P.M. Dad, Ma & girls went to Myersburg. They went to Bennetts in the eve & were hit by a car & dented the Bennett’s ???.

January 13th

Cold. It stayed about 16 degrees & 20 degrees of zero for about a week. Marly Jo says “see that,” “who’s that?” “here ‘tis,” “get bottle,” “daddy & mama,” “bye baby” & rocks dolly back & forth in her arms.

January 14th, Tues.

Dad worked at Lewis’s, Marly Jo climbs up into the chair & stands. She climbed up on the middle of Ken’s tricycle & stood, in fact, she climbs everywhere it’s possible.

January 15th, Wed.

Ma & Dad went to town & stayed up to prayer meeting. Ellie was here.

January 16th, Thurs.

Cold. Icy. Kenny is almost 4 yrs old. He’s had his hair cut just once by the barber. He wears striped sweaters & long corduroy suspender pants this winter. He goes to S.S. at Hornbrook & he’s sometimes pretty naughty.

January 17th, Fri.

Dad helped Elvin do chores tonite. Icy. Carl likes working in the store. He’s boarding at Aunt Mae’s in S. Waverly. Edna is in Kentucky now doing missionary work.

January 18th, Sat.

42 degrees. Cloudy. Ma transplanted some of her plants. I have 2 roses on my rosebush. Elvin, girls & Marly Jo went to town. Carl came home for over Sun. Marge, Edgar & Jr. stopped a few minutes at suppertime. Ellie stopped.

January 19th, Sun.

Cold, snowing & blowing. Dad, girls & Ken went to S.S. Reva & Carl went to S Hospital with Ellie to see Donnie Nick. Marg, Edgar, babe & Rod H stopped a while late in the P.M. Dad went to church at night.

January 20th, Mon.

Terrible cold, especially windy. Sun is shining. Mom & Reva washed this afternoon. Dad helps Pratt Mondays & Saturdays. Mr. Lewis Tuesdays.

January 22nd, Wed.

Elvin, Kenny & I went up to Aunt Mae’s & stopped to Aunt Vira’s, caught the flu and was sick for a month.

January 23rd, Thurs.

Ellie came over tonite. I cough every breath. Reva has a bad cold.

January 24th

Sick abed with awful cough & fever. Can’t eat anything. Reva’s side hurts her real bad. Mama & Dad & Elvin went up to Lydia’s for dinner. Dad took Reva to hospital.

January 25th, Sat.

Ellie & Dad went up to get Reva. She hasn’t got appendicitis, just strained her side working so hard. Kenny is sick with an awful fever.

January 26th, Sun.

Marly Jo has a terrible fever. Ma & Reva have the flu too. Ma is sick abed.

January 27th, Mon.

January 31st, Fri.

We had Doc Coones come down and he & Elvin took Marly Jo to the hospital. She’s awful bad with pneumonia. I have pneumonia and came to the hospital a little later tonite.

February 1st, Sat.

Running quite a temperature. Elvin collided with another car on Mile Hill in Athens and banged Carl’s car up some. Cost Elvin $38 to fix the other man’s car.

February 2nd, Sun.

Marlene is a little better. Ma & Dad, Reva, Husbie, Grandma, Virgil, Woodie & Mae & Erwin were here to see me.

February 8th, Sat.

February 11th, Tues.

Charlie Cole’s funeral today at Power’s Funeral Parlor in Athens. Ma & Dad took Marly Jo home. She was awful homesick.

February 12th, Wed.

February 13th, Thurs.

Dad came up after me & I came home. Baby coughs awful hard and has a terrible fever. Doc Matsey came to see usabout 1:00 after midnight. He doctored Marly Jo at the hospital.

February 14th, Fri.

February 15th, Sat.

Ellie & Reva went up after Carl tonite. He hasn’t got his driver’s license because he didn’t receive his application.

February 16th, Sun.

Dad & girls went to S.S. Elvin is about sick with grippe and his stomach is upset. Ellie & Reva took Carl back tonite. Marly Jo is feeling good. Quite weak and coughs hard by spells.

February 25th (listed as 1940… but probably 1941… except she wrote Mon… and it would have been a Tuesday.)

Doc Matsay came.

March 1st Sat. (again listed as 1940)

March came in like a lion. I’ve been up quite a lot. Tired out, Kenny’s glands are bad. Cold out. About zero.

March 3rd, Mon.

Kenny is awful sick. Dr. Matsay was here. His glands & tonsils are terrible.

March 4th, Tues.

March 5th, Wed.

Doc was here. Kenny has septic sore throat. Staphococal infection in his glands & kidney poisoning. Face is swollen bad. Marly Jo is 16 mos. today.

March 6th, Thurs.

Doc was here. Kenny is sickest child he’s seen in a long time.

March 7th, Fri.

Doc was here. Kenny’s glands are some better. He bloats in his stomach & abdomen awful bad.

March 8th, Sat.

Doc was here. Kenny’s tonsil & glands are better. He’s awful anemic and his liver & spleen are enlarged. Reva, Norrine & Elvin went to Towanda after groceries.

March 9th, Sun.

Snowed about a foot yesterday & last nite. Carl came down. He bro’t a basket of bananas.

March 10th, Mon.

Doc was here. Kenny is better but awful thin & weak. Elvin went to Athens. He & Dad got Kenny a pr of red cowboy boots for his birthday.

March 11th, Tues.

Kenny has to wear his boots right to bed.

March 13th, Thurs.

Kenny got up today but he should have stayed in bed. Tom & Lydia came down & bro’t him a cake & 2 oranges. Lydia gave him a mechanical turtle & Tom gave him a pocket book with 27 pennies in it.

March 14th, Fri.

Mom & Dad went to the Holiness meeting at the Tabernacle in Athens and stayed up to hear the Colored Quintet at the Athens Meth. Church.

March 15th, Sat.

Doc was here and said to keep Kenny in bed another week because he’s worried about his heart. Elvin, Dad & Norrine went up to Athens tonite to hear the Quintet.

March 16th, Sun.

Carl came down for dinner. He had another accident Fri nite and bent the fender & door in. Uncle Cecil’s were down to hear the quintet this P.M. & nite. Elvin & Woodie went up with Mildred L at nite.

March 17th, Mon.

Woody stayed all nite & he & Elvin went up to the I. Rand to Athens but didn’t get any job. Woody stayed all nite.

March 18th, Tues.

Woody went home this afternoon. It’s below zero this morning. Goes to almost zero every nite. Reva cleaned eggs for Mrs. Lewis.

March 19th, Wed.

Today I’m 24. Ellie got me a box of candy.

March 22nd, Sat.

March 23rd, Sun.

Carl came down. We’re going to move to Athens. We took Marly Jo’s picture & Dad’s & Elvin’s. Elvin took Carl’s & mine. Ma, Dad & Elvin went to church in Ulster.

March 24th, Mon.

Elvin went to Athens. He wants to run a bakery truck.

March 25th, Tues.

Dad & Ma went up town. We sent Mrs. Byrd a box of old clothes.

March 26th, Wed.

Dad worked in Elvin’s place. Elvin went up town & rode around on the bread truck. We did a big washing. Fords hired out to Pratt. Packing & tearing up or down.

March 27th, Thurs.

Nice day. Reva cleaned eggs for Mrs. Lewis. Dad worked for Mr. Lewis. Elvin went to town with S. Barrowcliff.

April 1st, Tues.

We moved out of Pratt’s house to Athens but the people aren’t out of our house. Ken, Marly Jo, Dad & I stayed to Grandma’s & Ma & girls at Aunt Mae’s until Wed. nite.

April 2nd, Wed.

We straightened up some and cleaned some. It’s awful dirty here.

April 3rd, Thurs. (listed as 1940 instead of 1941)

Dad took Kenny to the hospital. They kept him in there because his heart is bad and they want to take his tonsil out as soon as possible. He didn’t want to stay at all.

April 4th, Fri.

April 5th, Sat.

April 6th, Sun.

Kenny caught cold and it will be another week at least before they can operate on him.

April 7th, Mon.

Elvin starts out on his Barnard bread truck today.

April 12th, Sat.

70 degrees. Dad & Reva went to Cole’s sale and bro’t some fruit & things from up home. Marj, Woody & Gasses came up at nite. We went to Sayre (Elvin & I) at nite.

April 13th, Sun.

Hot. 82 degrees this afternoon. Dad, Ma, Elvin & I went to the Tab. Easter Sun. Ellie came up this P.M. Wests & Pappy came up at nite. Carl, Dad, Elvin & Reva went to Hornbrook to Easter Service.

April 21st, Mon.

I have a hard cold.

April 22nd, Tues.

I’m in bed.

April 26th, Sat.

Reva went up to the hospital to see Kenny but he was sleeping and they didn’t wake him. He has the measles and of course his heart is worse with them. Ma is sick with cold.

April 27th, Sun.

I’m all wore out from coughing so hard. Carl & mom went to Free Meth church and bro’t Aunt Vira home with them. She stayed for dinner & supper. Dad & Elvin went to see Kenny.

April 28th, Mon.

Coughed all nite. Feel a little better. My liver has been off and I couldn’t eat anything yesterday. Reva & Dad went up on the farm to get things.

April 29th, Tues.

Ma & Dad went up home and cleaned the berries and built a fence so Monty can pasture his cows. Gladys sent us a picture of Bryon.

April 30th, Wed.

Dad is all tired out today. Ma & Dad went up to see Kenny. He’s feeling good today. Marly Jo is taking the serum for whooping cough. She is exposed to it by Cecil’s girls.

May 1st, Thurs.

Reva & Dad went to Lewis’s at Hornbrook to work. Mama went to the hospital. Wests came up to see Kenny and stayed for supper. Feel better today.

May 2nd, Fri.

Cool today. We built a fire this afternoon in the living room stove. I got up today. Awful weak. Ma & Reva went to the hospital. Kenny fooled and played like basically himself today.

May 3rd, Sat.

Nice day. Reva & Ma washed.

May 4th, Sun.

Elvin & I went to Pil. Holiness Church service in the morning. Dad & girls went to Athens Tab. Dad, Elvin & I went to see Kenny in the afternoon. He looks & feels good. Awful homesick tho.’

May 5th, Mon.

Mama & Reva went up to see Kenny. Doc says he won’t have to stay much longer. Elvin went uptown & got Kenny new shoes & a color book.

May 6th, Tues.

Dad is working at Cecil’s.

May 7th, Wed.

Hot. Cloudy in P.M. Reva & Dad went to Hornbrook at Lewis’s to work. Ma went up to see Kenny. He was in a swing under the violet tray (?)

May 15th, Thurs.

Kenny came home today. We keep him upstairs for Marly Jo has whooping cough.

May 17th, Sat.

Roland & Charlotte have a baby girl, Mary Ann, born this morning at 10 A.M.

May 19th, Mon.

May 20th, Tues.

May 21st, Wed.

Edna is back from Kentucky.

May 22nd, Thurs.

Marly Jo says “here ‘tis,” “I want to get up,” or down, “hello,” “goodbye,” “poor kitty,” “bye-bye with daddy,” “mama,” etc. Jabbers continually.

May 23rd, Fri.

We washed & Reva ironed. Cold out. We have radishes & lettuce out of the garden.

May 24th, Sat.

Mama’s in bed with tonsilitis. Reva cleaned up the house. Dad papered for grandma. Virgil took me down to Worth’s to get my glasses fixed. Elvin & I went up town at nite.

May 25th, Sun.

Nice day. Quite cool. Dad, Elvin & I went to Pil. Holiness Church in East Athens this morning. Mama isn’t feeling a bit good. She’s had tonsilitis. Carl, Reva & Elwin went out tonite and this P.M.

May 26th, Mon.

Beautiful morning. Mama isn’t very good. She can’t work, has low blood pressure. Reva & I washed. Kenny is good. Dad is papering at Pipher’s in Hornbrook.

May 30th

Elvin has the day “off.” He’s washing and painting the truck.

June 28th, Sat.

Carl is sick abed with grippe. Reva has poison ivy. The rest of us went to the Sackett reunion at Uncle Will’s. 49 present.

June 29th, Sun.

Elvin & Kenny went to S. School. We went with Dad & Ma to baptismal service & up to VanHorne’s and saw the big airplane afterwards.

June 30th

Hard thunderstorms. Marly Jo talks quite a lot.

July 1st

Dad, Ma, Norrine & I & Kenny went up on the farm. They picked a lot of cherries. Hard thundershowers.

July 2nd, Wed.

Hot out. Dad is painting in Waverly. Mama is canning cherries.

July 3rd, Thurs.

Mama washed. Cooler today. Reva & Norrine took eggs to store. Dad is painting in Waverly. Marly Jo is eating licorice and now wants more ‘tonty.’

July 12th, (not sure who wrote this… Reva?)

Vivian died this morning at about 4:00 early in the morning. Aunt May came down and stayed.

July 13th

Marjorie came up. We went to Towanda after her.

July 15th

Vivian’s funeral. Large crowd. Beautiful flowers. Mr. Wilson preached. Duet from Ulster sang “Asleep in Jesus” and “Shall We Gather at the River.” 


Until next time, 

Read, Learn, Live


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