Why You Should Sign Up For My Newsletter

By Dennis Lantz

Newsletters do not have to be boring bathroom fodder. Those I enjoy are informative, creative and topical. Some are even inspirational and transformative.

I do not subscribe to many email newsletters… but those that I do receive are typically about writing, politics, gardening, sports, or health. I’ve a wide range of interests and my newsletter will reflect those.

Unplugging your creative juices is far more appealing to me than persuading you that my opinions are superior to anyone else’s. I want you to take another look at ideas you thought were settled in your soul, but I don’t want you to believe exactly as I do.

My first few newsletter articles are going to be in this basic format. As I become more accustomed to the templates and technology of Mail Chimp, I will change their appearance. I’m not the most tech savvy person and it takes me a while to explore artistic avenues.

As more subscribers join us, the volume of newsletters will increase. But I will never flood your inbox. Eventually there will be weekly or even twice-a-week posts.

What should you expect?

Count on articles about nature, winemaking, genealogy, liberty & freedom, thoughts on writing, gardening, progress on the Library of Self-Reliance and The Healing Project, country living and practical projects that can bring satisfaction. There will be news about books, reviews, and events.

Sociological and political structures intrigue me, so there will be posts about fundamental human and community constructs. My political thoughts and beliefs will not always mirror yours, so if you have difficulty with opinions that differ from your own, then do not sign up. If you have a mind that is open to new ideas or logical discussions about old ideas, then I am certain the few entries of this sort will illuminate more than they will infuriate.

Special writing projects will be included:

Charles Dickens wrote many of his novels as weekly or monthly serials. I’ve always wanted to do this. My newsletter gives me the perfect opportunity. I have a few ideas in mind for some serial novels. This could be a test of the readers’ patience… as well as my own.

A newer concept (I think) are mid-book short stories, character sketches, mini-sequels or mini-prequels. What happened to Pine Street between book one and two? What was life really like for Jonah as a boy in Eden? Did life really stabilize in the jungle with the creation of the Peace Constables after Zander’s trial? There are a lot of questions that need answers!

The emailed newsletters will not be exclusively about my books. My novels are important to me… and I want everyone to read them. You see, having readers is more important to me than drumming up sales.

You will not be receiving a series of advertisements hounding you to purchase any of my books. As unbelievable as it may sound, I would be just as happy if you borrowed a tattered copy from a friend who had received it from a succession of other friends. It would make me happy if you discovered a copy at your local library.

Sharing ideas and communication are two of my newsletter goals. Your thoughts are just as valuable as mine. I want to hear from you. My email address will be included in each post so you can respond. I’m still working on the best placement and method.

If I decide to use your response in a follow-up newsletter or blog, I will not use your name unless given permission. But your words and ideas may be presented. I look forward to hearing from you. Feedback and open discourse are encouraged.

Contact me at dennis@dennislantz.com

Thoughts are the vehicle to creation. A well-communicated thought can expand the soul and the mind.

And remember, if at any time you wish to unsubscribe, simply use the button at the bottom of the email to do so. Obviously, I hope that you do not.

Until next time,

Read, Learn, Live


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