The Healing Project is Your Dream Incubator

 By Dennis Lantz

What is a dream incubator?

Don’t bother putting the phrase into a search engine… you will get a different answer than the one I am presenting. This isn’t about lucid dreaming or sparking your sleeping, inner mind to dream about whatever you want.

When I say, “The Healing Project is going to become a dream incubator,” I want you to imagine it being like a business incubator. That’s an entity that helps entrepreneurs develop business start-ups by providing basic services and assistance with organization, networking and more.

The Healing Project is going to help you fulfill those ventures that you really hope to undertake before your final breath. The Healing Project is going to help you focus on your dreams.

Before I explain how that will happen, let me start with some basic terminology.

In this article and others soon to follow, you will read about Purpose, Dreams and Vision. They are similar concepts, but different in specific ways.

Purpose: Your purpose is your motivating factor. It’s why you get up in the morning. The French say raison d’etre… your reason for being. I view purpose in a slightly more spiritual way. I believe that every soul has a purpose that was given to us by the divine spirit. I think of our path through life as a walk along an invisible road. That road is our purpose. When we are on the ‘right path’ we know it. When we deviate or get off that path, we encounter obstacles that nudge us back to it, like a guidance system. Working at, and being guided by, one’s purpose brings contentment, if not happiness.

Vision: Your vision is a strategic guide and action plan. But I like to think of it as your soul’s interaction with the universe. The clearer your vision, the more likely it will take you along life’s path to the fulfillment of your purpose and achievement of your dreams. Your vision is your focus on the details.

Dream: A dream is an idea created in the mind. A dream is not a fantasy or a goal; it is an earthly objective which your soul longs to create. Working to fulfill a dream is about building and accomplishing something that is not transitory.   

Not everyone has a clear understanding of their purpose, vision or dreams. Some even claim they do not have any. Don’t be dismayed if you are one of these. A few simple questions can illuminate them for you. The Healing Project can help do that.

Some dreams are elaborate; others are simple. More than a few have been battered into submission by the struggles of life. The Healing Project’s Dream Incubator is here to help you reawaken, resurrect and reinvigorate. We, as humans, are not as separate as we often think. I succeed when you succeed. You are uplifted when I am uplifted. We are in this together.

You do not have to believe exactly like I do to gain assistance from The Healing Project staff. (Right now, that is just me.) I will not push my beliefs onto you. You can differ with me on the divine nature of our purpose… and you can even question my beliefs about our interconnected reality. But if you want to clarify your dreams or are wondering what path to take, I can help.

The process we will use is simple. I will go over it here without getting too specific. If you want assistance from The Healing Project’s Dream Incubator, we will develop more detailed methods. For now, here are the basics:

Step one is determining your dream. Likely you already know what it is… but if you do not, ask yourself these questions. What do you enjoy? What are you good at? What would you be doing if you didn’t have to worry about money, time or ability? What do you find satisfying?

If you already know your dream, you’ve probably written down your ideas and even set goals. Maybe your progress has stalled… or your goals are not being achieved. Following this process will reinvigorate your efforts.

The second step is brainstorming. Brainstorming is a simple exercise where you write or record ideas in a rapid manner without filtering them. Ask yourself questions and come up with answers. Contemplate problems and think of solutions. Include everything that pops into your mind, no matter if it seems irrelevant or unrealistic.

Brainstorming can be done alone, but it is often better when others are involved. Bouncing ideas off others can be fun. They may produce important information or thoughts that you would not have come up with on your own.  

Brainstorming is important for both those who are unsure of their dreams and those who have already began the process of organizing their thoughts and setting goals. Brainstorming will open your mind to all the possibilities.

Once you have a good idea what you wish to achieve, it is important to have another brainstorm session. But now you focus on the aspects that are keeping you from fulfilling your dream. Consider obstacles, challenge your understanding, clarify benefits and identify risks. Have an answer for each of these. If some aspect seems insurmountable, brainstorm a solution… or a way around it.

The next step is to develop a plan. This is your vision. List all the tasks you need to undertake to embark on your adventure. List your goals in a specific manner. I like the SMART goal structure. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-specific. For more information about SMART goals from Tony Robbins, click here.

One of the final steps is to start your network. This will evolve over time, but it is important to know where you can get help. Your network is a list of people you can rely on to give you specific aid during your journey. Your friends and family can be on the list, but you will likely need professional guidance or assistance. You may need influencers as part of your network. Each one is a resource to help you facilitate your goals and vision. The Healing Project staff can be part of your network.

Choosing the right people will increase your chances for success. Remember, there will be parts of your dream that you cannot do yourself. You will need help.

The Healing Project’s Dream Incubator can help you clarify your dream. I am willing to help you brainstorm your ideas. Eventually, we will be able to provide support and guide you to mentors, investors and influencers as needed.

It is my hope that The Healing Project will become a means to help you find and fulfill your life’s purpose. That is part of my purpose… and one of my dreams.

For the record (and I’m almost embarrassed to write this)… I’m not interested in stealing your dreams. I have no desire to pilfer your ideas. I have enough of my own. 

I consider my role as a mentor or facilitator. I am here to give guidance only. I cannot take on tasks that others should be doing. I will not fulfill your dreams. I will only guide and advise you.

So, if you ever want to bounce ideas off someone whose only interest is in helping you… contact me. or message me on Facebook.

My website is now on-line. Check it out here. Make sure to sign up for my newsletter to receive updates, bonus stories, early preview of blogs and much more.

Until next time,

Read, Learn, Live


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