
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Healing Project is Your Dream Incubator

 By Dennis Lantz What is a dream incubator? Don’t bother putting the phrase into a search engine… you will get a different answer than the one I am presenting. This isn’t about lucid dreaming or sparking your sleeping, inner mind to dream about whatever you want. When I say, “The Healing Project is going to become a dream incubator,” I want you to imagine it being like a business incubator. That’s an entity that helps entrepreneurs develop business start-ups by providing basic services and assistance with organization, networking and more. The Healing Project is going to help you fulfill those ventures that you really hope to undertake before your final breath. The Healing Project is going to help you focus on your dreams. Before I explain how that will happen, let me start with some basic terminology. In this article and others soon to follow, you will read about Purpose, Dreams and Vision. They are similar concepts, but different in specific ways. Purpose: Your purpose

Why You Should Sign Up For My Newsletter

By Dennis Lantz Newsletters do not have to be boring bathroom fodder. Those I enjoy are informative, creative and topical. Some are even inspirational and transformative. I do not subscribe to many email newsletters… but those that I do receive are typically about writing, politics, gardening, sports, or health. I’ve a wide range of interests and my newsletter will reflect those. Unplugging your creative juices is far more appealing to me than persuading you that my opinions are superior to anyone else’s. I want you to take another look at ideas you thought were settled in your soul, but I don’t want you to believe exactly as I do. My first few newsletter articles are going to be in this basic format. As I become more accustomed to the templates and technology of Mail Chimp , I will change their appearance. I’m not the most tech savvy person and it takes me a while to explore artistic avenues. As more subscribers join us, the volume of newsletters will increase. But I will