Can We Fix the Trust Issues?

By Dennis Lantz

Who do you trust? Have you lost faith in the fundamental institutions that make up our culture? Could a deterioration of trust cause our society’s collapse? Can we reverse the trend and save ourselves?

I find myself contemplating these questions. If lack of trust is America’s most pressing problem, what is the solution?   

The definition of trust: to believe in the reliability, ability, strength or truth of someone or something. That sounds vague, but really isn’t. Someone can be another person or yourself. Something can be many things, i.e. an institution, company, animal or idea. Intuitively we know what trust is and understand the value it has in our lives.

Our world is becoming devoid of trust. We are bombarded with so much contradictory information that it is impossible not to be confused. The result is societal chaos.

Destroying trust takes far less time and energy than building it. Unfortunately, we are in a position that we need to rebuild. Can we improve our circumstances? Can we restore trust in the fundamental aspects of society? I propose that we must. If we do not, we are doomed to tribulations of Biblical proportions.

Everything of value is built on trust, from financial systems to relationships, says bestselling author David Horsager. As I began to read his book, The Trust Edge, I was struck by the realization that trust is even more consequential. Without trust, our society will become so dysfunctional that it will disintegrate. In my opinion, we are already at the crisis stage.

Think of trust as the lubrication that keeps everything going smoothly. Without trust, the gears of society corrode and break down. Personal connections are damaged and everything is harmed.

Before I get too far along, I had to ask an important question. Is it just me? I freely admit that I’ve lost faith in our systems, our institutions, our processes, our companies, our people and even our ideas. I don’t think I am the only one with concerns about the decision-makers in our government. They lie continually. They say one thing and do another. They try to control our lives for their own benefit. They espouse unity, but sow division.

But it isn’t just politicians who have destroyed my trust.

Science, Big Pharma, the news media, the system of justice, the healthcare system, law enforcement, our education system, government agencies like the CIA, FBI and the NSA, Big Banks, Big Tech, Big Corporations and even the military industrial complex have all deviated from their trusted missions.

You might see that list and say, “Dennis, you have trust issues… the world isn’t that bad.” Maybe you are right. I actually hope you are right. But I don’t think I am the only one who sees our vulnerability. I think there are millions just like me. I think that maybe you understand.

If the problem was just a misunderstanding on my part, the fix would be easy. Unfortunately, I don’t think it is just me. It’s also you. It’s also them. It’s us. So, I now vow to do everything in my power to repair the trust problem… but everyone else will have to step up and do the same. There are those entrenched in power who do not want us united. They feed our mistrust because it gives them control. They get us focused on our differences so we do not see how great we can be if we unite. Meanwhile they are altering the foundational principles of our country in an effort to keep their power.

I believe we, as a society, have the ability to take back control and change the direction we are now heading. It won’t be easy, but we must do it.

What can be done? How can we change? First we must open our eyes, our ears and our minds. Question everything. Listen. Next we must seek out truth. Just because something sounds reasonable, doesn’t mean it is true. We need to be honest, live life with integrity and focus our energy on the goodness of humanity. And finally, we must build strong connections with our fellow humans.

Now that I have stated a general solution, let me clarify the problem. My mistrust for the entities listed above didn’t happen overnight. And the cause is different for each. I will keep my reasons short. Remember, if you disagree with anything I say, I’m open to honest debate.

Science: Somehow science became political. Big corporations and industries hired their own scientists to come up with their version of the ‘truth.’ They have their own facts, statistics and agenda. And everyone claims their truth is the ultimate truth… if you disagree, you are not only stupid, you are also un-American, out-of-touch, have an evil agenda, are greedy and selfish or in-the-pocket of some group or organization. The trust of science was dealt a huge blow by the vacillation, obfuscation and outright lies of organizations like the C.D.C., the W.H.O. and others during the ‘pandemic.’ As I said, science became political and trust was lost. 

Big Pharma: The pharmaceutical industry has done enormous good for our lives. Unfortunately, they have also done much harm. When studies are altered and misrepresented, trust is lost. But it is more than that. Watch a drug commercial and listen to the listed possible side-effects. How can you trust something that ‘may cause death.’ I understand that they are obligated by law to reveal such details. I realize that they spend huge amounts of money to ward off or settle litigation. But when stories come out about massive fraud, profit gouging and unreliable science, trust is lost. Unfortunately, the covid vaccine process is fraught with unknowns. I pray for it to be safe, but I don’t trust it.

The news media: I’m not sure when hard news became opinion. I remember when the news became flashy and eye-catching to garner sponsors. But it was generally true. Then suddenly, whether by design or because of some perfect storm, sponsors and opinion became the driving force. Cancel culture erupted. Much blame can be shouldered by Big Tech, who also disseminate news. (I don’t trust Big Tech at all, even though we currently depend so much on them.) Now, with few exceptions, the ‘news’ media is nothing more than propaganda. I remember reading about Pravda and TASS in the former Soviet Union and Russia and how they were nothing more than the mouthpiece for the State. I never thought our media would become so biased. They are shills for radicals. They don’t even pretend to be fair and balanced. They are agenda focused and driven. As such, they have lost credibility, viewership and, in my opinion, the right to be called news. Obviously trust evaporated. 

The system of justice: Those with money and power are safe from criminal prosecution. Those with political connections (as long as they are on the correct side) will not be held accountable. And if you throw in the idea that judges can create laws from the bench, (in clear violation of constitutional edicts), you understand that trust in the judicial system has waned. Unfortunately, certain parts of our society responded to what they viewed as ‘social injustice’ with lawless mass demonstration that further broke apart the system. Responsibility and justice were ignored. Now we have states and cities forgoing cash bail, not arresting those who commit ‘minor’ criminal offenses and refusing to work with federal organizations if the released criminal is not a United States citizen… and at the same time they are going after constitutionally protected rights. I’m sorry to say that I don’t trust the system. Our country cannot exist peaceably if we do not have equal protection under the law or if the blindfold on Lady Justice is removed.

The healthcare system: There is much to appreciate about our healthcare system. We have brave and dedicated providers who have been recently overstressed. Unfortunately, politicians and lobbyists have made deals that chipped away at the faith in the system. I’m not sure who to blame for the erratic and unbelievable death-rates given out during the last year. Not all hospitals are in the wrong, but when funding became linked to covid rates, the trust in statistics slipped. Most healthcare providers have always made deals with Big Pharma to push unnecessary drugs as treatment, but that can easily be accepted as long as they abide by their Hippocratic oaths. Of all the organizations and entities on my list, the healthcare system probably retains the most trust. I’m sure some think that I am being naïve.

Law enforcement: I haven’t always appreciated the police. I believe some of their search and seizure tactics are counter to the fourth and fifth amendments of the constitution. But I still think the police should be an integral part of a community. The good ones should be praised for their service. Unfortunately, there are too many who are not worthy of our trust. Part of the problem is training and part has to do with attitude. Too many believe they are the sword of the State and above the law. And am I the only one who believes Hollywood has contributed to the poor trust level in our law enforcement system with their relentless portrayal of bad cops? Larger governmental law enforcement organizations, like the FBI have done their own damage. Lies, abuse of power, undercover aiding and abetting of terroristic activities, (supposedly to enforce the law), and outright criminal activity have eaten away at the trust once given them.

Our education system: Much has gone wrong with our education system, in my opinion. They are partisan, selfish… and generally predisposed to assert a leftwing agenda that is counter to the Constitution and harmful to society. You might argue that it is teacher unions and not the teachers who are the problem, but I disagree. Good teachers abound, of course, but the Marxist radical elements that used to exist solely in higher education has trickled down into the grade schools. Common core, social justice theory, the excoriation of white privilege, focus on youthful transgender issues and bypassing parental consent have not helped our society or increased the trust in this institution.

The lump of initial agencies… the CIA, FBI, NSA etc.: They all have misbehaved. They spy, they lie, they kill… they infringe upon our constitutional right to privacy. They don’t need to; but they do.

Big Banks: Some of the Big Banks can be lumped in with Big Corporation. They hand over private data to government agencies without due process. Others received bailouts after mismanagement.

Big Corporations: More and more corporations are reactionary social reformers. They cancel, warn and force their version of reality on the rest of society… usually for faulty reasoning or with outright lies. More and more participate in censorship because they view themselves as righteous. But they aren’t. They are eager to cast the net of tyranny even when the government does not. For the record, I will not carry ‘vaccine-papers’ or live my life by such a scheme. Big corporations are not ‘too-big-to-fail’ and there will come a time when this is proven to them.

The military industrial complex: My beliefs about the military and the powers that control it may differ from yours. I am against war, but completely for being capable and strong. Providing for the common defense is different than running a declining empire by starting conflict all over the world. Forcing the will of a few think-tank ‘experts’ or deep-state insiders so that someone can gain more influence or fortune is not the same as fighting for freedom. I do not hero worship our soldiers, but I always honor those who actually sacrifice anything for our country. Too often we ignore the consequences of our military efforts because we do not see the true cost. Killing to keep from being killed is sensible. Killing to control oil or heroin or lithium mines is different. I tend to think more peaceful means are superior. For the most part, I trust our men and women in uniform. But I do not trust their controllers.

So, there I have laid out some of my trust issues. Still, I’m an optimist. I’m not ready to throw in the towel on humanity. We can trust again… but it is going to take some hard work and wise decisions.     

To paraphrase political activist Candace Owens, America may no longer be the ‘land of the free’ but we are still the ‘home of the brave.’ We must speak up. We must not tolerate those who tear us apart. I urge you to outline your beliefs so meticulously that you can share them easily. And if you discover that you are wrong… admit it and move on.

To re-establish trust, I propose we start small. Reconnect with your friends and family. The past few years have put strains on all relationships. It doesn’t matter what side of the political aisle you are on. It doesn’t matter if you think someone else is to blame. All that matters is that we reconnect. And the only way to do that is to listen and communicate. Open your ears to the truth. Expose the liars and shun them.

This may be redundant, but it is worth repeating. Everything begins with you. Be trustworthy. Live honestly. Live with integrity. Love yourself. Be compassionate and kind, but stand up for your convictions and principles. Listen. Make a difference. Respect those who are worthy of respect. Trust yourself and your instincts.

Our society needs trust more than ever.

Until next time,

Read, Learn, Live




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