Review Mirror

By Dennis Lantz

I almost always look at reviews before making on-line purchases.

It’s not that I am interested in other people’s opinions… I just don’t want to waste my time or money on a faulty or unsatisfying product.

Not all reviews are helpful or even believable, of course. Some are obviously posted by the manufacturer or by a paid source… and others seem to be written by disgruntled, unhappy people. Working in retail, I understand grumpy customers. Many of these are extremely willing to voice their opinion on many topics.

I generally disregard reviews I think are obviously too good or too bad, though I tend to believe the worst ones more than the best. I read them all.

Book reviews are a bit different. For me, prior to buying, the back or inside covers are more beneficial than the reviews. Then, after I have read the book, I check out the reviews to see if I agree or not. Not everyone is like me though.

Reviews for my books have been slowly forthcoming. I appreciate them all and encourage everyone to go to Amazon Books, type in Dennis Lantz and leave a review for any of my three novels that you have read. I would like those who posted reviews on Facebook to do this, but that is entirely up to them. For the record, I have not paid anyone to write a review. And when I ask for feedback, I never would indicate a preference for ‘good’ reviews over ‘bad.’ As obvious as that seems, I want honest opinions.

Every review that has been written (on Facebook or Amazon Books) comes from someone who has read my books. Most are from family and friends, but that shouldn’t detract their truth. The accolades are not the greatest ‘proof’ that my novels are worthy of reading. Instead, it’s that most people, after purchasing and reading one, tell me that they are getting the other two. 

My goal is to have thousands of reviews, so we have a ways to go. I’m sure there is some sort of algorithm that includes reviews and those with the best ratings garner more attention. Obviously, I want to sell books. I’m a bit of a dreamer and still hope for that number one bestseller someday. Whether or not that happens, I believe in my stories enough that I want others to read them.

The following are some reviews for my books that I want to share. I hope that after reading my stories, you will add your voice to the growing list.

The very first written review I received was on Facebook.

Coly wrote this about Zander’s Tale:

Hello, my friends. Over the past 3 days, I have been reading and have finished one of the best novels I've read in quite some time. I found it very difficult to put down, which is quite odd, being that it is not like any other book I've encountered. I bought the book because I wanted to support my hometown friend & author, Dennis Lantz. What I wasn't expecting was to love the story as it unfolded page after page. For the first time in reading a novel, I have dog-eared pages that I wanted to ponder, speak of, or share with others, the text leaving me with words that speak so true to our world today. With this said, I'd like to share a few of the poignant passages that truly spoke to me and that I feel should shine some light and resonate some form of hope, compassion, and comradery.

Excerpts from Dennis Lantz's book, "Zander's Tale" Basil E. Bacorn Publishing. 2020.

"There is nothing as abominable or deplorable as causing someone to believe that they are of lesser worth than you and must do your bidding... And there is nothing so despicable as to think that you are so much better than another that their life should be spent as a tool or means to be used or abused. Every life is equally valuable. Skills and talent and value to a community may be different, but every animal's life is valuable because life itself is valuable." pg. 203

"Force and violence always attracts more force and violence. If we want peace and happiness we must promote peace and happiness." pg. 265

"True power comes from a true heart. Striving for power just to rule over the affairs of others is the worst sort of undertaking. Only when one is a servant to one's fellow creatures, helping them achieve peace, comfort and prosperity, can one say they are great." pg. 281

Great job, Dennis Lantz. I look forward to Spiders of Eden arriving next week!

My very first Amazon Books review came from Margie. She wrote this on Amazon Books about Pine Street and the Mighty Mutation Circus:

This was a fun book to read! The author has an amazing imagination. I can’t wait to read the next one!

David posted this review on Amazon Books about The Spiders of Eden:

Most of what I have read as of late has been mediocre at best. "The Spiders of Eden" does not fit in this category. I found myself devouring the words like a ravenous dog, gorging myself and despite having reached capacity still taking the next bite. My gluttony drew me into the tale and immersed me into the world of Jonah Pepper. Isn't that what we all want? To be drawn in, immersed, reaching a climax that leaves us satisfied yet wanting more? Kudos to you Dennis Lantz you have done just that.

On Facebook, Regina posted this about Pine Street and the Mighty Mutation Circus: (full disclosure, she is my niece…) 

 I know people will say, well that's your Uncle you have to say that. Do not. Lol 

 Seriously I really enjoyed this and anyone that enjoys some action, some mystery, some fantasy, some animals, and a good smooth read should try it out!

 Oh also, it's a series! I can't wait until the next book.

Dennis Lantz, love this one! Now I'm going to read Spiders of Eden.

Also on Facebook (and also my niece), Janel wrote this about Pine Street and the Mighty Mutation Circus and The Spiders of Eden:

Finally finished this today and Oh. My. Goodness. It was awesome! Pine Street is such an interesting character who is embarking on quite the wild adventure, you can't help but want to read about it all in one sitting. The world that Dennis spins is so enticing, and the characters so real you get attached to them. I am so glad that this is the first of a trilogy because I cannot wait to get my hands (and eyes) on the next 2 books!

I also have read Dennis's other book, The Spiders of Eden. It is also amazing, albeit a bit darker and takes place in the same world/universe as Pine Street and the Mighty Mutation Circus. I read Spiders before Pine Street and I would recommend doing it the other way around because Pine Street gives you a more thorough picture of the world. Regardless of the order you read them, I definitely recommend them both!

#pinestreet #dennislantzbooks #read #mutations #thespidersofeden #localauthor

Grace wrote this about The Spiders of Eden on Amazon Books:

So, seriously, I read The Spiders of Eden in two days! (and not because I am a speed reader.) Highly recommend.

At Amazon Books, Mark wrote this about Zander’s Tale:

This is Lord of The Flies meets Planet of the Apes. This was an excellent read. I was captivated from the beginning and could not stop reading. Zander is first and foremost a student. He has many teachers, but none better than experience and failure.

Could you be a King? Making real life "King" decisions and having to live with the consequences of your decisions, is much more complicated than one realizes. Being a leader does not require a title, but it may require a humble heart. Dennis Lantz weaves a colorful story, with characters that come to life. As a fictional story it is very entertaining. However, the deeper meanings found in this story are worthy of philosophical and political discussion. I highly recommend reading this book. You will not be disappointed!

Also on Amazon Books, Sandy posted this about Zander’s Tale:

I frankly was a little skeptical about reading this, thinking it was for children, perhaps. However, once I began, I truly had a hard time stopping! I was anxious to learn what would happen next. I loved the interesting character names, and the way things all came together at the end. Well done Dennis Lantz! I am anxious to begin the next novel!

Linda commented on Facebook about Pine Street and the Mighty Mutation Circus:

Highly recommended the Pine Street and the Mighty Mutation Circus! If you enjoyed Magnificent Beasts and Where to Find Them, you will enjoy this read! Movie rights, Dennis Lantz!


I am not posting these reviews to tell you how fantastic I am. If Zander's Tale, The Spiders of Eden or Pine Street and the Mighty Mutation Circus sound like stories that would interest you, then I hope you get to read them. 

Not everyone reads fiction, light sci-fi or fantasy, action or dystopian tales. My novels may not be in your preferred genre. I understand, but I believe you know someone who will like them... and I hope that you pass the word along to them.

Thanks for your support. 

Until next time,

Read, Learn, Live   

                                                            Photo by Christine Lantz




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