To Be Or Not To Be… Political That Is

By Dennis Lantz

I’m a complex person and occasionally a little selfish. I’d like to be simpler, sometimes… and certainly more caring. More compassionate. I’m also opinionated and usually willing to share my thoughts. Except now, on social media, I am reluctant.

I got on Face Book to spread the word about my upcoming novels. I want people to read them. Obviously I wish to sell as many copies as possible. I wouldn’t have written them if I didn’t want to share them with the world.

Face Book is not my only marketing strategy, but it is the first. And as a social media neophyte, there are some rules or protocols that I do not yet understand. Face Book can be very political. My novels aren’t, at least in the sense of modern politics. I suppose you could delve into why a fictional society becomes dystopian or analyze Zander’s rise from student to emperor. But they are just stories and are not intended to sway someone to any opinion.

For years I stayed away from social media, primarily due to the lack of privacy on the platform, but also because it is geared for a different type of writing. Quotes, images and quick hitting notes are easily shared. Longer pieces, like blogs or books can get noticed as links, but the ‘attention’ span of social media users is short. That isn’t a criticism, just an observation.

And I’m not a fan of people spying on me… for commercial reasons or political reasons. It doesn’t matter that ‘everyone does it.’

But Christy has been on Face Book for years and she often shared details with me, so I understood the appeal. And I knew how much time it can take, if you let it. She calls it a ‘time suck’ and I discovered that I am not immune. I scroll through entries for far longer durations than I ever thought I would. And I have to admit there are many interesting and funny things that are shared. Some of the images are breathtaking and inspiring.

But more important to me than selling books or writing something witty, I am able to reconnect with people I have not spoken to for ten, twenty or even thirty years. Or connect with some I never met. Oh, I understand that these aren’t real deep connections. Many are superficial. But it’s a start.

The political culture of social media became evident as soon as I signed on. Our society is fractured and struggling. Unlike some, I don’t believe it is due to any political party or person. I’d argue that those people and parties reflect the brokenness.

I do my best to shy away from the political material, but it’s not always possible. I might like something, but I don’t comment. Even when I really want to. Why alienate or offend friends I am reestablishing a rapport with? In real life I sometimes say things just to get a reaction. If I did that on-line it could get messy.

Obviously I don’t want potential readers to shun me, which makes me sound cowardly. But I know myself. In addition to being a contrarian (I often take an opposing side just to argue a point), I also have opinions and love to discuss them. But that is barely possible these days. One wrong word choice and suddenly it escalates into name calling, shouting, threats and unfriending.

I haven’t lost any friends that I am aware of… if you feel you must unfriend me after reading this article, I wish you the best of health and success for the rest of your days. Honestly.

Politics is currently a sharp sword that is cleaving families and friendships. It doesn’t need to be this way, but that is how it is. We allow ourselves to be whipped into frenzies about every little thing. Those who analyze and profit from such turmoil have finally achieved their goals of psychological and social manipulation.

Without question, I have friends who hold entirely differently beliefs than I do… and I love and respect them as humans. I may disagree with their ideas and wish that they could be as logical as me, but I will not curse, berate or hate them.

To me, politics isn’t about party or even people. It’s about ideas and aspirations. Give me a vision, not a stuffy us-versus-them rant. I am issue oriented and care most about liberty and prosperity. All other issues… privacy, health, security, etc. can be discussed under one of these topics.

So what, you might ask (and I presume you care or else you wouldn’t have read this far), are my political leanings?

For the record, I am a fiscally conservative libertarian. I’ve been registered Republican since I was eighteen because in order to vote in some primaries, you have to belong to one of the recognized parties. I don’t believe voting third party is a wasted vote… or fourth party if the third happens to be as stupid as the first two.

On social issues I also lean conservative, but I’m open-minded. My belief in liberty and freedom cause me to accept certain lifestyle options that I personally would not attempt or even understand.
People should be free to do whatever they wish as long as it doesn’t hurt others. Consenting adults can do whatever they want. Children should be nurtured, not manipulated.  

Generally speaking, Libertarians are known for two things. They are anti-war and pro-drugs. My views are a bit different. I understand that we are an empire and the people in charge will do whatever they can to maintain power. I see some of the good and heroic and I admire it. I see the futility and the corruption and I understand it. But I am still anti-war.

My view on drugs is more conservative. You should have the freedom to ingest or inhale whatever you want. But as soon as it starts affecting others, I’m much less tolerant. It is the same with alcohol. Some people can handle their self-medication. Others cannot. For those who cannot, there should be restrictions. My right to peace supersedes your right to be an asshole.

Because I do not believe in property confiscation or loss of constitutional rights, I do not think there should be a ‘war on drugs.’ But I do not believe that all drugs should be legal. Unfortunately, there is almost always collateral damage. Just look at certain streets in some major American cities and you will understand how harmful such ‘freedom’ can be. Society bears the burden. Families bear the burden. Too many people have died from opioid, fentanyl and other chemical use to suddenly make it all legal.

I am anti-state and mostly free-enterprise. Government, corporations and individuals should be responsible for their own misdeeds. And they should be held accountable if necessary. I prefer local industry to that overseas. I suppose some would call that racist. If you think this… URAFI. (U R A Foolish Individual… okay, self-censored myself there. Think more vulgar and condescending.)

I think all taxation, especially property tax, is theft. But I understand that the ‘beast’ needs some funding. I don’t like to give my hard-earned (or even easily-earned) money to others to redistribute… and I don’t desire to be given money the ‘government’ took from some non-consenting others.

I am not a fan of cancel culture, vandalism, bullying, pushing your agenda on everyone or anything that reduces my liberty. I dislike that we are still enamored with a two-party system and that both sides accuse the other of things they are themselves doing. Don’t preach hate and then tell me that the other side is a bunch of haters.

I’m a huge fan of the Bill of Rights and the constitution, in general. If you try to change it, I will not quietly consent.

Lately there is a lot of labeling going on. Calling people racist or snowflakes or unpatriotic or libs or woke or whatever else not only lacks imagination, it stifles real debate. I don’t like labels.

I can’t promise that I will always hold back my views. It’s my right to have an opinion. It’s your right to agree or disagree. But as long as you are my friend, I will not post a comment like ‘URAFI’.

For the rest of my beliefs you’ll have to sit with me and have a glass of wine or a beer… or whatever else you use to make yourself happy. And then we’ll talk. I guarantee that by the end of our conversation you’ll know how I really view the world. It is similar to some and quite different from others.

Just know that, even if we disagree, I will fight vigorously for your freedom to express your own opinions.

Until next time,

Read, Learn, Live


  1. We have a lot of similar views on a lot of things, more than i ever thought... Im not as literarily inclinded as u but u pretty much voiced a lot of my thoughts and views...

  2. Man. Dennis. I love this. Ya done did good.


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