The Vision Quest

By Dennis Lantz
Vision quests are personal. One is apt to encounter boredom, fear, doubt, physical and emotional discomfort, hunger and pesky nuisances like mosquitoes, bees, thunderstorms, cold and restlessness.

I took my pen and notebook because I believed that inspiration would come through writing. But most of it was the result of observation. The Hogan Journal contains twenty-two pages of original vision quest material. In this blog I’ve cut that nearly in half. It’s still longer than most of my entries… and it is personally revealing. I am not concerned that you may think of me differently. I was weak, hungry and weary. That is an explanation, not an excuse. Likely you are stronger; more sure of yourself. It was also twenty-five years ago. I’d like to think I am more courageous now.

6/21-24/1995: THE QUEST

I am here in my circle. The quest has begun. My circle, though I didn’t know it until after I had sat here about half an hour, has an old decomposing A-frame structure, perhaps an old hut. I wonder who built it. Emory and Jake? Garth and Terry? Tom and Mark? The structure has fallen in now, collapsed old wood with large wooden spikes sticking out at all angles.

I thanked the pines, hemlocks and birches that form a circle around me. I thanked the Creator and prayed for protection and guidance. I smoked the pipe and stated my reasons for being here. This spot looked boring at first. That was one of the things I liked about it. I didn’t want to spend a lot of time delving into the flora and fauna. But it isn’t boring. There are no flowers or unique plants, but it is far from disinteresting. Large black ants and spiders (of at least three varieties so far) roam the ground. Once I saw them meet beneath a Canadian Mayflower leaf and then go their separate ways. No animosity at least on this day. A deer walked within twenty-five yards of my circle, shaking its tail and head to fend off insects, but unafraid. She sensed me, perhaps smelled me, but did not know what or where I was and wandered on her way. A very large chipmunk popped out from under what was the old A-frame and ran across my circle. Turkeys glided overhead to the northeast, a little beyond where the doe was standing and eating. I have killed nearly half a dozen deer flies, one spider and a mosquito already. It isn’t that I want to do this, but they are biting and annoying. I pray they just leave me alone.

As I write this there are none present and it is pleasant.

This morning we awoke, cooked our ‘last supper” breakfast of oatmeal, beans and fruit cocktail. I was pleasantly full. Come Sunday that will be a happy memory. We bathed quickly in the creek, finished packing our things and then, just before noon we set out. We walked in silence until we got to the end of the flat just before the sweat lodge. We shook hands, wished each other luck… and then the journey began.

They said it wasn’t supposed to rain, but I think a thunderstorm is building. A front was supposed to move in last night, but I don’t believe that it did. If there is a ‘banger’ I have a tire just over the bank that I can fetch to sit upon. All my faith and beliefs and life will be in the hands of God.

Later today or perhaps tomorrow I will write out my last will and testament.

I found a nice feather on my way to the quest and viewed this as a good sign. When I was building the hogan, I believed that feathers were spiritual signs that I was on the correct path.

There is a squirrel moseying around on a tree to west of my circle.

I mudded up with loam dirt to keep some of the bugs from biting.

I rested on ground.

The sun is standing still. I don’t think it has moved for hours.

I have discovered some rather curious insects! One funny looking fly has a long tail sticking ass-end into the ground. Is it laying eggs? Some ants are black with reddish tails. A few even have wings near their tail. They are big and I hope they don’t bite because they will probably get all over me. A species of leaping spiders can hop about seven inches from a stand still.

The trees seem to be respiring.

Car, truck and airplane noise in the distance.

My stomach hurts already. I hope I don’t have a hard time with lack of food, low blood sugar or severe acid. I’ve gone two and a half days without food before and that was while active. I am certain that I can go four while inactive.

This is going to test my fears!

Why am I fighting it? My hands tingle and I am anxious and it isn’t past the fifth hour (I guess). The sun still seems to be near the same spot. The few hours shouldn’t matter because I have gone days without eating, I can do so now. I will do so now.

I read my journal entries and that eased my mind, but not my stomach. I hope I don’t get diarrhea. That would suck.

It sure did cloud up overhead. I went down out of my circle and got the tire. If we have a lightning storm I will sit upon it. The forecast said we weren’t supposed to, but I think I can hear thunder in the distance.

God grant me courage and protect me!

Mosquitoes are out in greater numbers now. I have quested in bug heaven. They are numerous!
It is the longest day of the year by far, long even for the summer solstice.

My universe has shrunk. For all I know the outside world (other than cars or planes) is gone. What I see – about thirty feet most ways and a little more in others - is all there is. This is like home… and like a cage. (I mustn’t let that thought prevail.) I must open up within where I cannot without!

Two very tiny ants have combined forces to carry most of a small elm spanworm! Tiny spiders, worms, flies, ants (of at least two sizes), larger spiders (I’ve seen four varieties now, maybe more) I am almost afraid to lay my sleeping bag out because they will be crawling all over.

My stomach feels a bit better now. I think those beans were a no-no.

I wonder how Mark is doing. He is probably smoking the pipe. If I do that all day I will definitely be sick.

I picked up a pine cone from under a spider web and had a clear picture  of the spider saying “Good Lord, there goes the living room!” and when I gently placed it back I could hear him giving thanks… not to me, of course, but to the Lord for such good fortune.

Is it foolish to concentrate so much on my weaknesses? I get to choose how I feel and think. I pray for my father’s health and for my own.

This vision quest is not an easy thing. I knew it wouldn’t be, but I was hopeful that it would be easier than it has been. It is only the first day. Will things get better or worse?

Writing does not ease the mind. I can write and think at the same time. Hence the sloppiness!
I hope that Tucker gets fed.

Nightfall should be less than two hours away, probably less than one hour, but it is hard to tell because the clouds block the sun and I am unfamiliar with this place and how it is situated in the hills.

A deer just ran by, not real close. Dogs are barking in the distance; one over near Marvin’s sounds as if it is in pain. The other must be at the Green House.

Can I choose how much energy I have?

Birds are sounding off all around me. Animals too.

I sensed a foul storm, but I prayed and am at ease now. Clouds remain, but my fears are transient.

Great Spirit, when I am faced with storms and trials, let my fears pass through me… or better yet, let them take a detour.

Some nuthatches on nearby trees are ‘clucking’ different notes. They were above my head as I sat beneath the tree, hoping they didn’t have to take a shit. They didn’t.

I laid out my sleeping bag and the mosquitoes converged. They are all over.

When I said one or two hours I was greatly mistaken. It has been two or more hours at least and it is still very light out. Longest day of the year!

This is by far the most amazing thing I have ever done. I am finally starting to feel good. Every once in a while I hear people yelling up at the house and I think they are calling my name. They aren’t, but that is what I think.

I also think I hear flute music occasionally, way off in the distance. There are many undiscernible simple sounds. Airplanes maybe.

I laid my sleeping bag right at tip of the fallen A-frame. It finally got dark enough to think about lying down.


I couldn’t get to sleep at first because of the mosquitoes. Other night sounds didn’t bother me much except one animal that crashed around in the creek below and then started this way. That caused me to fumble through my bag to find my lighter. I eventually found it, but by then the animal was gone.

I was so tired that I no longer cared about mosquitoes, nor did I care about the occasional ‘heat’ lightning flashes in the sky. There was no thunder so I assumed it was okay. Fell asleep.

I woke to booming thunder and more flashes. I lay still for some time, praying. Then a drop of water 
smacked me in the eye and I got up, stuffed my things into one plastic bag. I cut the other bag to make a quick poncho and sat on the tire. The storm came and I was kept safe. I prayed, sang and gave thanks. At first I was too tired to be scared. Later, the praying made me calm and at ease. It was a great experience in my life.

I felt like it was a good idea to go to the sap house and leave a message for Mark. While there I picked up one of the sweat lodge blankets to put under my sleeping bag. Everything is soaked, me included. I wasn’t ever really cold, most of the time I was warm. I was wearing insulated underwear bottoms under sweats, a t-shirt, a long sleeved camouflaged shirt and my wool sweater. That sounds like a lot, but the temperatures were chilly. Still are!

It doesn’t look as though the sun is going to come out soon. I hope it doesn’t rain now because I am in my sleeping bag outside. It has spots of wet from drippings off the trees, but is warm. I hope it doesn’t get wet because I have no other means to keep warm. If the sun comes out I may be able to dry it out, but it doesn’t look as if that is going to happen any time soon. Mosquitoes are here and I can’t think how to keep them away. Except fire and smoke… if they get worse I will light a fire.

I had a few dreams during the night before I woke to lightning and rain. They did not seem important.

The ants are back. I woke up after sleeping about three or four hours. I can see the sun occasionally and it still is not noon. It is going to be another long day, but this time the ground is wet.

I heard a bounding animal in the night. It might have been a weasel or mink.

I also glimpsed an animal earlier this morning. It may have been a squirrel, but it looked darker, perhaps the same bounding animal I had heard earlier.

Though I say that it is the second day, I have really been out here almost one full day. Not even that yet!

My last will and testament is getting closer to being finished.

Stepped out of circle to the west and walked upon large fallen (long dead and partially rotten with no bark) pine tree. Just below is the creek where a large amount of garbage is thrown. An old washer or stove, some tires, sheet metal and more. It is a sad thing. Where I was, the ground was barren, dug up by woodchucks. I don’t think it had anything to do with the garbage, but I thought that the earth has spots like that which we can care take. Caretaking can be on little and big scales.

Overcast with threat of sprinkles all day, but the sun has popped out two or three times.

I haven’t felt really hungry yet today. My stomach growled a few times, but nothing serious. Of course, I have three more days to go.

I looked at the fallen A-frame. Its size would have been about the same as the hogan. Big nails were used! It appeared to have square walls and a roof.

Is that a truck or thunder I hear in the distance?  I hope the former. It sure feels like rain though.

Mosquitoes are ever-present, but luckily they seem to come in only ones or twos. Often they are not around.

Oh – the picture I must have been last night, sitting in darkness with a cheap dark plastic bag over my upper body. My bare feet were pulled up within my sweats (which kept them amazingly toasty) as I sat on the tire… just thoughtful, watching the heavens light up. The rain soaked my hair and my clothes. Wasn’t wet enough to thoroughly drench though. Halfway through the storm I wondered if the tire was a radial tire with wires in it. I don’t think so. I shook my head every now and again so the rain wouldn’t soak into my skin. I was definitely protected.

At one point I commanded the storm to pass on through and it did… but it took its good old time. It was light out by the time it quit raining. My knees were sore from sitting cross-legged. Stood up for a long time as well, alternating. In the morning rain I sang Harry Chapin songs… Cats in the Cradle, Taxi (It was raining hard in ‘Frisco) and Better Place to Be. I felt like screaming, “I’m alive!” but I am too close to ‘civilization’ and my yell might be misconstrued as a call for help. I’d rather not be ‘found’ until Sunday morning.

I am actually feeling a bit hungry now. That started just after I wrote that I hadn’t felt it yet. I expect hunger will fade away and come back at different times, but won’t be a great deal of problem.

I hope.

I am trying not to sleep so I will be able to do so tonight. Skeptical.

Watched bumble bee dig its way into the earth under leaves. I still do not know why. I checked for eggs but didn’t see anything I recognized. Was it getting a meal? What was it eating if that was the case? After about four minutes it backed its way out, brushed its top with its front legs and its rear with its back legs, then buzzed off to who knows where. One big circle around and it was gone. It had done its business, whatever that was… Like that bee, I want to do my business here and then buzz off to a safer world. Is it wrong thinking like that? I’m here to find the world of spirit. I’ve meditated a couple of times, but have been unable to gain anything... just darkness from closing my eyes. I will keep trying.

Ants wandering. I don’t think they have a trail like I have read about. One just nibbled on a piece of something that looked like bird shit. It decided it wasn’t food and went on his way. I wonder if they taste many things to see if they are edible.

I would like to know the origins of the A-frame structure.

Once again it is hard to tell the time due to the clouds obscuring the sun. It could be 3 p.m. or it could be 7 p.m. My guess is that it is probably closer to 3. I walked down to the sap house and found that Mark left a message on the board. His first circle was invaded by an angry chipmunk and motorcycles rode less than 20 yards from him. He has gone down to the prayer circle near the hogan. 

I can hardly wait for tomorrow, knowing that I am starting on the last leg of my journey. It isn’t as if I am not enjoying it, but this is serious shit! I feel okay now, but I am a little weak. That of course is to be expected. Coming back from sap house my lungs felt like they were on fire. I am in the Creator’s Hands.

Mark signed the message at the sap house “Brave Deer” I am sure that has something to do with last night. I could call myself “Sits on Tire” but I’d rather not. If I’d slept a bit longer maybe “Sleeps Through Storm”, but that wasn’t the entire case. So far I would have to go with “Swats Mosquitoes” or “Flicks Twigs.

There is more thunder in the distance now. You can’t be serious!

I was sitting by a tree and I closed my eyes. I vividly saw clouds rushing and rushing and then a blue smiley face. I hope it is true.

There are bumps on the leaves of the birch trees. They don’t look like worms.

The skull of some long-dead animal is lying just outside my circle. It has large incisors and the skull seems like a V with no top. I’m not sure what it is, perhaps a woodchuck… or rabbit?

The fear has come on me again. I feel weak, without energy. I’ve been trying to think and meditate on various subjects, but nothing is striking me as special.

A woodpecker is attacking a tree above me and to the left. Some squirrels sounded like hogs squealing earlier. Birds and squirrels and chipmunks were really going off then.

The sky is lightening, but is still patchy gray

Today was just as long as yesterday. I pray I can make it through until Sunday. Saturday is actually the fourth day after three nights. Not wanting to sound weak and ready to pack it in, but maybe we have set our goal too steep.

I have to make a choice now. Do I stay here as it is getting dark and chance sitting out another storm? Or do I head to the sap house to spend the night. I want to stay here, but the sky is threatening.

I seem to have no qualms of going down under cover. If it is clear I will come back up in the morning. That is what I will do. I don’t believe in the need to confine myself to a circle anyway.

Okay, I have doubts about what I just did. Am I giving in to my fears? There is something here that I must learn. I can make excuses; like my plastic bag for my sleeping bags and clothing had holes in it (it did and has more now because I caught it on the sap house doorway). I was not prepared for rain on my quest.

When I said I don’t believe I need to stay in my quest circle, I was not telling the truth. I actually do. What I should say is that at this moment, my quest has become a trial. It is the real thing, of course, I think that it would be easier to have a vision or get to the world of spirit by a one day, all out prayer fest. I just sit here, praying occasionally. I wasn’t ready for it in a spiritual sense. I should have been. I thought that I was. I am not quitting, but my doubts are high. I don’t blame Mark. This was something I needed to do.

At the same time I feel that I am supposed to stay here near the sap house tonight. I am not sure if that is just my rationalization for giving in to my fears or if it is something else.

Is it necessary to go on a quest with a circle? I don’t think so. I said I was weak and I am, but I have a growing courage. Perhaps I should have started with a few single day quests, but I didn’t. I pray for protection and guidance.

This is my spiritual journey. I am not as strong as some. I thought I would rehash past guilt or things I have done which I am not proud of, but nothing of that sort has even been on my mind.

I have decided to stay outside down here near the sweat lodge. I am not inside of a shelter, but I am within distance of cover should I need it. I had better go now for it is growing dark.

I found a nice crow feather as I was moving my gear and to me that is a sign that the spirit understands or is guiding me.

After hours of darkness, I walked down the path to the creek at the edge of the flat and sat for some time watching lightning bugs. They were all over. It hit me that I was not alone. Like the many lightning bugs, so are there people who think like me. I just need to send out my light in order that they might see me and I see them!

Gave thanks and went to bed.

I woke with a headache, I suppose from dehydration. I didn’t drink as much water as I should have yesterday. I will make up for that today. Overall health seems ok.

I have heard several squirrels this morning and seen at least two. They are definitely up and around.

I hope Mark doesn’t come to the sap house while I am here. I will be going back up to circle in a while. Not sure when, but I think I will leave my stuff here (sleeping things) and come back down tonight.

I can see my doubt and fears from yesterday in a new light. Objectively, or as close to that as one can get when looking at oneself. It is all a part of the quest.

Sun has just come up. Beautiful!

Guess I should have listened to the little “vision” I had about the clouds clearing up and sun coming out. It seems as if it is going to be a lovely day.

I watched a spider making a web on a tree in my circle. Amazing creatures with great eyesight, I guess and excellent balance.

I tried to meditate, but my arms kept going to sleep. Crows and chipmunks are making a great ruckus as are some other birds. A deer was snorting just down over the bank. I don’t know if she scented me or was worried about the extremely loud motorcycle that has been going up and down the road.

I keep thinking about my body and how long it can go without food. I think of some starving children who get so little that their bellies distend or people on hunger strikes going onto twenty-plus days. If I had some vitamins or minerals, I would not be quite as concerned.

How Christ or anyone ever went on forty day quests I have no idea. They must have given themselves over completely to the spirit. On that scale, I am ashamed. I have only been about forty-eight hours without food. Two days. But in my reckoning it is two days and two nights and I am on my third day.

Keep the faith, Dennis!

I am quite amazed that I have not given thought at all to some of my past transgressions or errors or even trials. The past seems to have faded away leaving nothing but the present (and a dim hope for a future.) I think it is wrong to stay here and think only about getting out, but I will not leave until at least tomorrow evening. I am beginning to think less and less about having a vision or even learning something of great importance. I really want to, but that desire is fading.

Marvin is shooting his rifle and it scared the shit out of me. Twice.

Forgot to mention another strange vision I had. I was not dreaming because I was not asleep, but I closed my eyes to meditate and a plant came to mind. It was False Solomon’s Seal. Like a close up video camera the flowers came more and more into focus until they were all that was showing. I did not feel compelled to find any. I do not know what it could have meant… surely it meant something because it was so vivid.

Marvin is still shooting.

On the way back I paused to look at wood sorrel, but decided against eating it. There have definitely been some physical reactions in my body. My arms tingle at times, and now, whenever I sit cross legged my legs go to sleep. Simple massage is not enough to get the feeling back. I need to exercise.


The sun seemed to move extremely eastwardly, looking to me even to be north east. Again I am in an unfamiliar location where it is difficult to get any bearings. But I always thought the sun rose in the east toward the south all year long.

First jug of water was gone at about 11 am on the third day. It is Friday, I believe. Of course, the time is just a guess.

Heard mourning dove…

I think I need to desire an outcome. I can sit and not eat, but I have to long for guidance. I chanted and meditated and sang my song and feel much better though nothing else came of it. I heard a hawk cry out in the distance twice.

It’s just about officially the start of the third day

I have been thinking about the phrase “worth dying for.” This quest is supposed to be worth dying for. Why can’t I get it out of my mind that I’d rather live for it? I had a little conversation with God. I said that I fully put my life into His hands. I just wish I knew what He wanted to do with it. Did He want me just to go to the world of spirit now, in death, to show my sincerity or did He want to use it in the land of the living? Even though I say I have given my life over to Him, (and the truth is that I have, for why else would I be out here after a lightning/ thunder storm still seeking guidance?) I feel that I am somehow still in control of it. I can choose now to stay or to go. I guess that I wish things were a little more certain.

Speaking of choice: There are two spiders on my sleeping bag. One is brown and the other is grayish/brown/black. I tapped my pen beside them and they reacted completely differently. The brown one stopped for a moment and then ran to the zipper of my bag, which blended a bit more with his coloring and then, after pausing there, he searched out a crinkle or crevasse in the bag in which to hide. The other spider immediately played dead, rolled up its legs and body into a crumpled ball. No doubt on dirt this little trick works great for him. He moved a bit later and I tapped near him again… and he played dead again. The second time for much longer… he is still there even as I write this – playing dead. Somehow I get the feeling that I can learn a lot about choice from these spiders.

I’m not sure exactly what that lesson is yet. When faced with something that is greater than I am, do I close up in order to stay safe? Perhaps close off my mind? Should I be like the first spider, unafraid, accepting potential threats, but facing them with action? That dead-playing spider would stick around all day near the same spot… every time he felt threatened he would stay still. The other had the wide world open to him.

I dropped my notebook down on my sleeping bag and it made a light thumping noise which caused a grouse to take off about twenty yards away from me.

Sang through my repertoire of songs – three Harry Chapin, Amazing Grace, the first verse of Rock of Ages… of course I know others, but those are special.

I feel a sense of peace that I hadn’t up to this point. I felt it after I gave thanks, just before singing. I will probably get afraid again, but right now I don’t feel it. The sun is shining overhead and I am finally going external. The sun sure does move slowly this time of year.

Someday I want to follow the creek to its beginning.

Two Spiders is an acceptable name, I suppose.

Saw a leaf hanging in the wind by an invisible web and was overcome with how much that leaf and I were alike. I know I am connected to the Creator through the world of spirit even though I cannot see it. I was also reminded that with close examination it is possible to see that strand. There can be other lessons. Hanging out in the open, like this quest. It was up off the ground where many are stranded (if looked at a different way.)

I went down to the sap house to see if Mark happened to leave a note.  I really wasn’t expecting a message, but there was one. He wrote, “Three days may be enough.” He wasn’t sure, but would know better tonight.  I agreed that three days was enough, said it might be wise to come out tomorrow night, That would be like four days and three nights. On the way back, just that brief uphill climb from the sap house to my circle got my heart pumping. I am running on energy reserves. I even felt pain in my chest. When I got here I sipped some water and was immediately fine.

A red squirrel just ran through the old A-frame. He didn’t see me, but I think sensed me or at least all my things. Cute little guy.

As I lay here writing the finishing touches on my last will and testament, a junco flew right at me. If I hadn’t moved it would have landed on me. It was less than a hand length away (inches) when it veered. I almost felt the brush of its wings. I wish I hadn’t moved… but it would have landed on my head. It walked around just across the circle from me. Searching for food, I guess. It flew away when I made no pretense of staying still. Then, something moved outside of the circle about fifteen feet away. It was behind ferns and a stump so I couldn’t tell what it was. I thought it was a grouse at first, but it moved and became a large gray squirrel, not the same one I had seen before unless it was the same as yesterday (or the day before???)

As I started to write the above, I thought I heard flute music. I jumped up and went down the trail and then realized that maybe Mark was trying to tell me he had finished the quest. I want to stay until at least tomorrow morning. I did not go further to find out where the music was coming from. Only heard a few notes… perhaps it was a bird. Many other birds are singing now. I am almost sure it was a flute though.

I feel real good now. Well, I did until I heard that thunder in the distance. From the look of the sky I would say it was probably a plane, not thunder. Strength is back somewhat and I haven’t felt hungry for some time.

Marvin has been shooting his muzzleloader all day. There is always plenty of time between single shots.

I wonder what a vision quest would be like in pure wilderness, without gunshots, airplanes (impossible?) or motor vehicles to disturb.

Something smells like clover or cucumbers. I hope it isn’t a copperhead. I have heard they smell like cucumbers. Not likely here though. Mosquitoes are out in droves.

Is it squirrels or birds making that series of squawking noises?

A bit hungry again, but still feel good.

The quest ended in a bizarre fashion. I was going down to the sap house near dusk to sleep there once again. I felt really good, like I’d accomplished all but a true vision. I could easily have gone another day, but was planning on going out around noon. I got to the sap house and found a note that Mark’s mother had called and wanted him to call her back. I thought about it for a while. I kept asking myself if I should go tell him or wait until morning. Had his sister had her baby? The note didn’t mention that and it would have… wouldn’t it? But it seemed urgent.

I decided that I had better tell him in case it was an emergency. With an empty stomach I walked to the hogan, past the circle where his things were… but he wasn’t there. I ate a spoon full of peanut butter because my chest burned and I thought it would give me mental nourishment at least. I had already decided that the quest was over. I hiked to house to see if he had been there… and he had not. 

My father was home from the hospital.

I beeped the horn several times and finally I saw Mark heading toward the bridge. I yelled and he came up to the house. He called his home, but nobody answered. We walked to hogan and got phone number of his sister. We walked back to the house and called his home again. This time he got one of his parents. His check book was overdrawn and there was a good chance he could have several bounced checks. Not a good end of the quest for him… and nothing like we expected.

We spent hours talking of our vision quests. We read our notes and it seemed to ease his mind to his monetary worries. We read our last will and testaments. There are a few things I need to add and change, but all in all it is okay. We decided that if we ever had a terminal disease or disabling handicap we would take the ultimate vision quest… as an attempt to heal or to become one with the world of the spirit. Death would be already near. Christ must somehow have given up life during his quests.

We ate at the house – hotdogs, sliced chicken sandwiches and drank lemonade (and orange juice for me.)

Then back down at the hogan again we opened a can of Chef Boy’Ardee dinosaurs in meat chunks and ate them cold from the can. Tasty little treat.

6/25 (written for 6/24 from notes written on that date) - We talked long last night about quests. Talked long, then woke and talked more of what we had experienced. It was raining outside and I was in no hurry to go out. Finally it stopped and we walked out, got wet anyway. I drove Mark home.

Until next time,

Read, Learn, Live

The Great Cycle continues... birth, death, decay... repeat.


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