Book Contract and Juggling the Life Puzzle

By Dennis Lantz

So many interesting puzzle pieces. I admired them separately… always intended to put them together someday… just never happened for whatever reason. Writing, creating board games, winemaking, political and social studies, personal and human history, primitive skills, woodworking, scientific experiments, archaeology, geology, gardening, nature… the pieces are everywhere. I’ve been working on it for years, but now I am happy to say that it’s coming together. The big picture is starting to take shape.

On the last day of March, I signed a contract with Basil E. Bacorn Publishing for three separate novels. If all goes as planned, there’s the likelihood of others later on. The first and second are tentatively scheduled to come out in September 2020 and the third in October 2020. Much work has to be done before then. Like starting a Facebook page … check. (Follow me here). I keep plugging away at all my projects. Juggling the puzzle. As the third book is the first of a planned trilogy, I have been writing too. And, of course, I am still going to work at my essential job. (I doubt I am the only one who thinks that such terminology misrepresents the truth. All jobs are essential to someone.)

If you read my earlier web posts, you will see that I wavered between trying for the traditional publishing market or the much more modern self-publishing world. In the end I made an easy decision and signed with an independent publishing company. That was best for me.   

I have mentioned all of the novels in these posts. The titles are tentative, but there’s a good chance they will remain.

Zander’s Tale: The Scepter of Destiny tells the story of a young chimpanzee who finds a scepter in an isolated cave. Everyone thinks it is magic and that he is a great wizard. He and a ragtag army, whose general eyes the scepter a bit too greedily, rebuild an abandoned city and conquer the jungle. He is declared king and soon emperor. But his power is … and his base is fragile. Quickly he loses it all. What he does after is far more meaningful to his fellow jungle inhabitants. It’s a story of adventure, learning and restitution. It ponders themes of liberty, freedom and independence.

The first chapter can be read here.

My second novel, The Spiders of Eden was the topic of another blog that can be read here. I have to warn my family that there are a few bad words scattered throughout. Not too many. It takes place in an authoritarian world and tyrannies don’t breed happiness.

Pine Street and the Mighty Mutation Circus is the first book of a trilogy. It tells the story of a young street kid who sneaks in to see a circus that is made up of mutated animals. He gets caught, but ends up joining the traveling company. And so begins a journey of discovery and growth.Unquestionably, he has chosen to befriend a losing team. The era of mutations is coming to an end and the circus faces many challenges. Government regulations, unruly protesters and threats from an unknown antagonist bring uneasiness and terror to a world that should be colorful and entertaining. In the midst of turmoil, the boy works hard, learns new skills and develops friendships. Soon he is struggling to save his new family. 

Some musings on the process of writing it can be found here

For the few who read the early version of PS and the MMC, which came in around 140,000 words, I must tell you that, while you may recognize some of the scenes, the plot is much changed.

Follow me on Facebook for updates. Soon there will be email newsletters and a website.

Check out Basil E. Bacorn Publishing for more offerings from Basil and his debut authors.

Until next time,

Read, Learn, Live.


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