
Showing posts from July, 2021

My Library Project

 By Dennis Lantz Libraries opened my eyes to different worlds. Their books cultivated my imagination, each one a key to some reality different than my own. They were my citadels and my refuge. They fed my soul. I spent hours scouring the back rooms, surveying each and every aisle. As I became older I discovered that the non-fiction sections were just as full of wonder as the fiction. So many books brought happiness to me and, now that I am a published author, I hope my stories bring the same joy and inspiration to others. Libraries are the perfect place for that to happen. My Library Project, which includes donations to several local libraries, has begun. My novels, Zander's Tale , The Spiders of Eden and Pine Street and the Mighty Mutation Circus can now be borrowed from the Spalding Memorial Library in Athens, Pennsylvania. A special thanks to library director, Tiffany Robbins. This is the first step. My ultimate goal is to get my books into every library in America…