
Showing posts from April, 2021

Can We Fix the Trust Issues?

By Dennis Lantz Who do you trust? Have you lost faith in the fundamental institutions that make up our culture? Could a deterioration of trust cause our society’s collapse? Can we reverse the trend and save ourselves? I find myself contemplating these questions. If lack of trust is America’s most pressing problem, what is the solution?    The definition of trust: to believe in the reliability, ability, strength or truth of someone or something. That sounds vague, but really isn’t. Someone can be another person or yourself. Something can be many things, i.e. an institution, company, animal or idea. Intuitively we know what trust is and understand the value it has in our lives. Our world is becoming devoid of trust. We are bombarded with so much contradictory information that it is impossible not to be confused. The result is societal chaos. Destroying trust takes far less time and energy than building it. Unfortunately, we are in a position that we need to rebuild. Can we improv