
Showing posts from March, 2021

Pass it On: Be Kind

By Dennis Lantz Passing on information to future generations is part of the human experience. We hand down our words, stories, values, actions and deeds to those who come after us. As technology advances, so do our legacies. Anyone who has seen cycles of violence and despair worm their way from one generation to the next knows that bad choices are just as easily passed along as good. My goal is to focus on the good. The human endeavor is like building a mound with mixed sand and stone. Each generation continues the construction process and adds to the successes of those that came before. Sometimes we sink a little because we do not learn the lessons of the past, but generally we continue to climb higher. When I started MY HANDPRINT , I wanted to share the beautiful parts of life… and there are many. I hoped to perpetuate the love and kindness that I have been given. I longed to show that the light we seek is worthy of our time. Focus your attention on what can be and the circum