
Showing posts from October, 2020

Questions and Answers

By Dennis Lantz I've had many people ask me questions about my books... and I enjoy talking about them. Because I live in a rural area with unreliable wifi connections, I can't do a Facebook live Q&A event. This is the closest I can come. (I answered the following questions as if I were responding to such a format.)   If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. Has any author ever published three ‘debut’ novels practically all at once? I don’t know. It’s definitely not common. It’s likely someone has self-published their first three novels at once. Or put out three children’s books or short stories or novellas. But having my first three novels come out within weeks of each other is quite exciting. I'm proud of it.  Many authors have published two or three novels at the same time, but they usually use pseudonyms for some of them. Publishers used to do only one book per author per year because they didn’t want to saturate the market or burden the rea

Review Mirror

By Dennis Lantz I almost always look at reviews before making on-line purchases. It’s not that I am interested in other people’s opinions… I just don’t want to waste my time or money on a faulty or unsatisfying product. Not all reviews are helpful or even believable, of course. Some are obviously posted by the manufacturer or by a paid source… and others seem to be written by disgruntled, unhappy people. Working in retail, I understand grumpy customers. Many of these are extremely willing to voice their opinion on many topics. I generally disregard reviews I think are obviously too good or too bad, though I tend to believe the worst ones more than the best. I read them all. Book reviews are a bit different. For me, prior to buying, the back or inside covers are more beneficial than the reviews. Then, after I have read the book, I check out the reviews to see if I agree or not. Not everyone is like me though. Reviews for my books have been slowly forthcoming. I appreciate th