
Showing posts from February, 2018

Tanner Z Landsight - Blame It On The Aliens

Even though some of the Tanner Z Landsight articles are about topics that were more relevant ten or fifteen years ago, I will post them anyway. Back then, climate change was still called global warming and everyone was certain that the end was near. Well, not everyone, but Al Gore and his cronies were.  Now more people believe it is real, but argue as to whether humans are causing it or if we can do anything about it that will actually make a difference. Tanner had his own ideas on the cause. Blame It On The Aliens by Tanner Z. Landsight 10/26/2005 A friend of mine tells the story something like this... "Aliens came to my home when I was very small and abducted me. I was taken to their home world, an odd place with strange creatures and even stranger customs. The worst part of it all... they left me here!" I happen to believe him. Of course, I have believed some funny things over the years. It is likely that myths and rumors have alwa

Tanner Z. Landsight - Financial Silliness Gene

Back in 2005, which only seems a few years ago, I had an alter-ego. This is another way of saying that someone else lived in my brain for a time. Luckily, Tanner Z. Landsight was harmless and even mildly funny.  He wrote quirky articles about life, politics, food, weather and other topics which were meant only to amuse. Sometimes he rambled and often went off on tangents that seemed to have nothing to do with the original topic. While I am diligently working on finishing MERIMAR’S MIGHTY MUTATIONS, I thought I would offer some of Tanner’s work for you to peruse. I don’t think he will mind. The Financial Silliness Gene Here’s an idea to ponder: If everyone who claims to be descended from a passenger on the Mayflower really is – then that ship must have carried thousands of very prolific breeders. My ancestors also came over on a ship – it was much easier than walking. Coincidentally, it was also named after a flower of sorts. It was called the Blander Thistle. I

Oops, Still Carving

By Dennis Lantz The story goes that someone asked the great Michelangelo how he had made his famous David statue so perfect. He replied that he simply removed all the stone that wasn’t David.  I am not comparing myself or my work to Michelangelo, nor am I implying that stories exist in some unseen form until they are revealed. But let’s say I found a wonderful chunk of stone and chiseled away at it for a time and I thought it was magnificent. I said it was finished. Then I realized it needed to be polished, chiseled some more, cleaned and polished again. I was wrong when I declared MERIMAR’S MIGHTY MUTATIONS finished. I was wrong to say it would be difficult to reduce the number of words. Now I am working diligently to remove the excess stone that is not the story. I cannot give an estimated completion time because it is not a speedy process. All I can tell you is that the finished product will be much better for the revision. Thanks to Christy for being supportive an