
Chapter 3 Listening to Yourself and to Others

The Healing Project Book By Dennis Lantz CHAPTER 3  Listening to Yourself and to Others   I saw a quote on Facebook attributed to Cheryl Richardson. She said, “People start to heal the moment they are heard.”   The majority of our thoughts often go unheard, even if we are extremely vocal. Either we don’t articulate them, or we don’t share them. That, in essence is why I am a writer. Most of my thoughts and ideas are presented through writing. There are many means for communicating. Through art or music. Whenever you are passionate about a topic, you will find a way to convey it. There is power in listening… and there is satisfaction in being heard.   Healthy connections with others are bonds of the spirit. These connections can be verbal or non-verbal. Your soul doesn’t always have to speak to be heard.   When my health problems became worrisome and I recognized that I was growing older and wouldn’t be around forever, even as I regained my health, I suddenly wanted people to listen mor

Chapter 2 Purpose

The Healing Project Book By Dennis Lantz CHAPTER 2 Purpose This may seem contradictory. Purpose is the most important factor in your life. But some people worry too much about it. If you are like millions, perhaps billions, of people who do not know what your purpose is, you may spend unnecessary time dwelling on it. Contemplating your role in life can be beneficial, especially if you struggle with happiness, or if you can’t seem to get your life going in the way you would like. But it isn’t necessary. Just know that your purpose isn’t meant to be worried about… it is meant to be done. Not everyone’s purpose is to change the world. But some of you will. Every purpose is of equal importance to the individual. I’ve said that The Healing Project is a guide for personal transformation and a foundation for a life of fulfillment. It’s a method to strengthen connections with our families, friends, and communities by focusing on harmony rather than on division and differences. It’s a jou

Chapter 1 Begin with the Ending

The Healing Project Book By Dennis Lantz CHAPTER 1        Begin with the Ending Once upon a time, two decades prior to publishing my first novel, I was involved in a fiction writer’s discussion group. We would meet at local libraries or diners to talk about various facets of character, plot, scene, or story development. The group didn’t last long, unfortunately, but I was able to gain some important storytelling concepts. At the very first meeting, the managing author asked us, “What is the most important thing to know before beginning a novel?” The answer, according to him… was the ending. If we think of life as the ultimate mystery novel, we already know how it is going to end. We are all going to die. Unless you are taken up like Elijah in the Bible, every person born, including you and me, is terminal. It is our destiny to expire from this mortal existence. You may think that is a morbid statement. Or perhaps you find it frightening. But honesty is the foundation of the healing

THP Book Introduction

  By Dennis Lantz I had a dream, a few years back, when my physical health was in sudden decline, that I was standing in a long line of people waiting to see a healer. A stone castle stood in the distance, maybe two hundred yards away. Hundreds, maybe thousands of other people were ahead of me. All sought healing. Slowly, the mass of people disappeared inside the castle walls, mere specks from my perspective. I expected a long wait. The only person I recognized was my sister. We had made the journey together. She was the believer. I was more skeptical. All around us, fellow seekers discussed the healer. She was amazing, according to their pronouncements. She was real. She could cure all types of problems. I did not voice my skepticism out loud because it was not my place to discourage anyone from seeking health. But doubt lingered. Their faith, and even some of their stated beliefs seemed strange or even misguided. However, none struck me as potentially harmful. So, I remained silent