
Showing posts from July, 2023

Lora Ethelina Horton Zeller Schraeder

 By Dennis Lantz Last winter, during a cleaning session at the old farmhouse on Ghent, I came across a typed history from Lora Ethelina Horton Zeller Schraeder. In it, she tells stories about her life, as well as the lives of her parents and grandparents. I had never heard of her prior to finding her short autobiography. I still don’t know who she was. I hope some of my Horton friends can shed a light on her family connections. Horton was a common name on Ghent. In fact, they were the primary settlers in that region. I’m surprised it wasn’t called Horton Hill. After reading her story, I believe her grandfather’s home is now the Sensenig farm on the Ulster-North Rome Road, and that the Ghent school where she taught was at the corner of Shores Road and the Ulster-North Rome Road. (For the record, my father and several of my aunts and uncles went to this school… years later.) I don’t know why this journal was in my house. I found it in my mother’s belongings… so it likely had been giv