
Showing posts from September, 2021

Some Thoughts on Nostradamus and Prophecy

 By Dennis Lantz When it comes to prophecy, I have a pretty good bull---t meter. I’ve always been fascinated with the idea that one can predict the future. I don’t understand how it works… and I don’t even know if it is beneficial. Many interpreted prophecies amuse me. I’m not saying I disbelieve, but I will claim that much of it is nonsense. Biblical prophecy was the first encounter I had with prognostication. It seemed that much of the New Testament was written to show that Old Testament prophecy had already come true. To me, prophecies that have already been fulfilled are boring. I’m much more interested in things yet to come. While I realize that symbolism is the language of visions and dreams, I think that prophecies filled with vague utterances are a waste of time. Ambiguous references leave me skeptical. I like my prophets to have substance. I studied books about Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus and admit that I was often puzzled by the interpretations of the writers. Nos