
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Library of Self-Reliance

By Dennis Lantz The Library of Self-Reliance is about creating connections and improving communities. Obviously it is about self-reliance, independence and learning new skills. But it is also about sharing information and supporting each other. Today, in this article, we will look at the psychology behind the LOSR, ponder the first steps and note the reasons for its establishment. Humans are social animals. We thrive when we are connected to others of like mind, spirit and emotion. We are simple in needs, but complex in desires and abilities. That we can experience the power of love, the depth of joy, the comfort of peace and the life-directing force of purpose makes us unique among species, but we aren’t the only ones worthy of life. All are worthy. Social norms swing like pendulums and basic ideas come and go in natural cycles. One generation will view the world a particular way… and just a few years later, the next generation will look at it differently. This decade we will fo