
Showing posts from August, 2020

Illustrations for Zander’s Tale

 By Dennis Lantz Even when I started writing Zander’s Tale, I wanted there to be illustrations. But I wasn’t sure how to make it happen. My artistic talents were never sufficient for such an endeavor and have only declined in recent years. Publishers of some classic tales used ink drawings to give the stories a little more depth. I remember reading Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson and many others and staring at the illustrations with just as much interest as the words of the story. Because I couldn’t do the drawings, the only option was to find someone who could. I knew the right person, but I was hesitant to ask. Amy Evans has been a friend since high school. She is a gifted artist and portrait painter and I did not doubt that she could give my story that same visual energy I remembered from the classics.   But I was reluctant to ask her for three reasons. First, I wanted a lot of images. Then, by the time I figured out what scenes I wished

The Healing Project

By Dennis Lantz No matter how long I live, I intend to devote the rest of my life to the Healing Project. It’ll be both a physical and a spiritual journey. You are welcome to come along. In fact, you are specifically invited. What, you ask, is the Healing Project? The simple answer is that it is getting one’s body, mind and spirit to function at a better level and to bring to life all the dreams and goals that one has contemplated throughout the years. More importantly, as if that wasn’t enough, it is to help others do the same. People should dream big. It’s one of the best parts of being human. What we can imagine, we can achieve. My dreams have always been lofty, but I let my fear and excuses stifle the progress. The Healing Project is going to change that. When you are done reading this article, I hope you will have a better understanding of my intentions and that you are inspired to bring more happiness into your life… and the lives of those around you. My Healing Project may