
Showing posts from November, 2019


By Dennis Lantz My newest project is now finished. Tentatively called THE SPIDERS OF EDEN, it is a first-person science fiction thriller. In some ways it is my most personal writing yet. It combines my love of the outdoors, primitive survival, genetically modified animals and an underdog loner who fights against an evil establishment.  As I have written before, to say that I read a lot while growing up would be an understatement. I devoured westerns, fantasy and sci-fi like sugary desserts. My favorite authors during those years were Louis L’Amour and Orson Scott Card . Though different in many ways, there is a similarity in their thinking that resonates with me. Not only did L’Amour tell a good story, he painted pictures in the mind of landscapes, horses and mountains. By today’s standards his tales were formulaic and predictable. The hero always survived and his enemies were vanquished. The good guys won and always ended up with a good woman. They weren’t Hallmark roman