
Showing posts from September, 2018

Silence is OK

By Dennis Lantz Every moment of every day I strive to appreciate life. Small moments, like strolling barefoot through wet grass, witnessing the movement of smoky gray clouds or taking notice of a million beautiful details lift the spirits and bring us closer to the four cornerstones of happiness… love, joy, peace and purpose.  I haven’t posted anything for a few months, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working or productive. I put my agent search on hold for a very important reason. It is difficult to get an agent to look at a first novel when it is 145,000 words. That is simply too long. Their immediate thought is that the writer lacks the editing skills to cut the excess baggage from the story. Even if the writing is good – and I don’t doubt that mine is – production costs alone merit fewer words. And I am certain that even by editing it again, it would not be possible to get down to 80,000 and develop characters or keep the plot as written. But I have a plan.